So Is India Like One Huge Party?

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Dirtylicious wrote:
you must also believe that we can clone dinosaurs from DNA found in amber encapsulated mosquitos too.

While I do realize this topic was stupid (I wasn't being serious hence the "like" in the title), thank you for bumping this thread 17 hours later with that worthless reply. Have a good day.
Dirty got owned.







I've def thought about that too. And i wonder if japan plays poppy techno music in the streets and if they all dress in flashy clothes like in tokyo drift.Also if japanese girls stalk you like in the ring and the grudge.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you must also believe that we can clone dinosaurs from DNA found in amber encapsulated mosquitos too.

While I do realize this topic was stupid (I wasn't being serious hence the "like" in the title), thank you for bumping this thread 17 hours later with that worthless reply. Have a good day.

1. considering that I have 100 topics on my page one (as opposed to your 20)... I don't notice the time
2. so you admit to making a frivilous and stupid topic just to get some lulz at the expense of the culture and movie industry of an entire nation andethnicity? it.
1. considering that I have 100 topics on my page one (as opposed to your 20)... I don't notice the time
2. so you admit to making a frivilous and stupid topic just to get some lulz at the expense of the culture and movie industry of an entire nation and ethnicity? it.
so you bump his page again, huh

and dont fool yourself, if you werent a mod you probably wouldnt have the replys you get
who cares if I bump his post again?...I"m replying to something he wrote
is'nt that the point of the forum?

and really... you act like I care about what people think of me on here.
immature kids and trolls consider my reply "worthless?"....get loss on my end here.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

who cares if I bump his post again?...I"m replying to something he wrote
is'nt that the point of the forum?

and really... you act like I care about what people think of me on here.
immature kids and trolls consider my reply "worthless?"....get loss on my end here.

Soo let me get this straight. You can care less what people think about you, yet when they use a gif against on something you say, that is clearly NOT againstany rules here on NIKETALK, you send them to BANNED CAMP
There's an insurrection brewing on the U.S.S. Niketalk. The crew is turning on the captain. Mutiny aplenty in this thread.
Dudes need to let Dirty live. What started as an innocent shot in the dark at humor has degenerated into a back-and-forth squabble.

And FWIW, Indian people can throw down when it's time to party. My favorite times to actually club in your average major city are dancehall / bhangranights. Indian and Middle-Eastern women are the truth!
Originally Posted by nesto0o0o

1. considering that I have 100 topics on my page one (as opposed to your 20)... I don't notice the time
2. so you admit to making a frivilous and stupid topic just to get some lulz at the expense of the culture and movie industry of an entire nation and ethnicity? it.
so you bump his page again, huh

and dont fool yourself, if you werent a mod you probably wouldnt have the replys you get

you gonna get banned duke
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