So Jay-Z may have made $50 million from Ace of Spades...

I dont know about y'all but i drink dark liquor.  A couple  bottles of henn for the boys and a couple magnum bottles of goose and champagne for the females.  I really really don't care what champagne taste like but i do care that when im in vegas I wanna see the 10 waitresses that come out with sparklers and lights with a couple nice looking bottles that light up half the club...  Thats the only thing we order champagne for.  If your ever at a big club folks are poppin pink/yellow/gold/big/bright bottles so people can see what there ordering not what it taste like.  Ace of spades looks real crackin with a whole bunch of sparklers above everyones head at tao or surrender.... just sayin.
Originally Posted by SneakerFr

, y nas lookin like that in the pic tho?

Cause dude is being soned.
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ


Profiting off crappy champagne is a win in my books, ATGDJUQJDNU6784endnxjn8nwdh8.
Armand de Brignac may be overpriced like a lot of other champagne, but it's far from crappy. 
It's actually highly ranked in blind taste-testing. 

Profiting a lot for drinking/endorsing good tasting champagne is an even bigger win.
Originally Posted by SEND ONE


Yall gonna seriously act like Jay boycotting Cristal was some marketing plan. The fact of the matter is that after years of free promotion, Cristal turned around and thanked him by saying we don't want you buying our product, it isn't intended for ppl like you. Who in theyre right mind would continue to plug something like that. If anything yall should be giving props to the ppl at AoS for picking up on that and using Jay as a tool to work that situation in their favor.
What u talkin bout boss? AoS didn't even know Jay was promotin em at first so it's not like they saw the void and snuck in. They were oblivious to rap music and it's marketing according to an article I read when they started to gain notoriety. The Cristal boycott left a void, not sayin it was a marketing ploy because the years between the boycott and the AoS "campaign" After the company realized they were getting publicity, they figured they'd seal the deal in ink.
The same can be said w/ the Tommy Hilfiger boycott and evolution of some of the favorite urban brands of yesteryear e.g. Iceberg, FUBU, etc.
Originally Posted by justbleezy

Put me anywhere on God's green earth, I'll triple my worth

Spoiler [+]
sometime dude REALLY looks like a camel 
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by SEND ONE


Yall gonna seriously act like Jay boycotting Cristal was some marketing plan. The fact of the matter is that after years of free promotion, Cristal turned around and thanked him by saying we don't want you buying our product, it isn't intended for ppl like you. Who in theyre right mind would continue to plug something like that. If anything yall should be giving props to the ppl at AoS for picking up on that and using Jay as a tool to work that situation in their favor.
What u talkin bout boss? AoS didn't even know Jay was promotin em at first so it's not like they saw the void and snuck in. They were oblivious to rap music and it's marketing according to an article I read when they started to gain notoriety. The Cristal boycott left a void, not sayin it was a marketing ploy because the years between the boycott and the AoS "campaign" After the company realized they were getting publicity, they figured they'd seal the deal in ink.
The same can be said w/ the Tommy Hilfiger boycott and evolution of some of the favorite urban brands of yesteryear e.g. Iceberg, FUBU, etc.
And that's exactly why they deserve more credit.  Sure they would've gotten a few more free years of Jay pushing their product,  but who's to say he wouldn't have moved on to the next fluorescent colored drink that came along the way most rappers do.  They were smart enough to realize the marketing power Jay has and they locked him down.  Like I said,  they took advantage of that situation and it worked out beautifully for both parties. 

Since day one rappers have been blowing companies up who's ceo's want nothing to do with us even though we've put millions into their bottom lines. Props to Jay for getting his. 

BTW Iceberg isnt an urban brand.  At least not originally it wasn't.
Where the @$*% are they drinking this?

I'm in a club all the time from high end to low low and I don't see this +%$% ANYWHERE.

I'ma be in like 10 different clubs in Miami over the next week. If I don't see this +%$%, I'm calling ducktales.

And did I read that right where they say IF Jay splits it with the 2 other entities?

Who's to say he has an equal share for what is ultimately some product placement and marketing.

Like someone said, don't believe the HYPE.

And I'm not sure that $13 includes overhead. Which would make the real profit much lower.

Jay still about his business. Revenue from MULTIPLE streams. That's what's up.
CEO mind, that marketing plan was ME!

can't even be mad
like dude said up there...people in that demographic are buying it for the wow factor not for the taste or enjoyment or history and prestige of the wont get served it at a dinner party and have everyone talk about the fine notes of cinnamon and nutmeg and the aroma they get from it

and yes that price is pretty much what they pay...i read an article somewhere where it said its a version of champagne that they sold for $20ish - just rebottled and yea you might have to include more marketing budget but thats what giving away free bottles to stars? you'll never see an ace of spades commercial during the superbowl or something

its marketed to the bottle poppers that wanna put on a show...


But perhaps the biggest star of the night was the world’s largest bottle of Champagne, a 30-liter vessel of Armand de Brignac that sold for a whopping $100,000 to one high rolling guest. UFC announcer Bruce Buffer took to the mic and interrupted the dance party to announce the purchase to the club, which erupted in excitement. The XS team delivered the 80-plus bottle to the table while on-lookers stared and snapped photos in amazement. The bottle arrived at XS on New Year’s Eve and the team put a challenge up to its guests, saying the buyer would get to perform the countdown to midnight, but the bottle sold in celebration of the new year, kicking the nightclub off to an excessive start in 2011 indeed.
Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by joeykadesh

You serious?
Dead serious. He is marketable like Justin Bieber people will eat up anything they attach to themselves. Does that make them business savy and good business men? no. Look at how well Jay-Z ran Def Jam....
Ok check it..If Jay came from a rich background and was born into fame like Paris Hilton I would understand your argument..But the fact that he came from NOTHING and made his name an household name that can sell products is pretty
to me..I mean come on, you gotta give props where props are due. On top of that Armadale had jay-z's name behind it and that failed..miserably....His name helps, I would admit..but thats not the main factor that sells the product.

Justin Bieber can do the same thing whats the difference? Does Bieber have some business sense? no he is just marketable there is a big difference between being marketable and actually having business sense. What is his portfolio, what investments does he takes, what business has he ran succesfully?
it's pointless to argue but for you to say he is or isn't a good business man with no type of background is silly-

the fact is he is consistently on top of the forbes list and is rapidly approaching 1 billion - he's doing something right - i dont know Jay-z to say he is great at this or that, maybe he has a great team behind him...BUT you cant say is just marketability because from early on they woulda sold themselves out to whatever label wanted to sign them and market them...instead from day one they had the hustler spirit and grind and became bosses not workers (i.e. Nas)

any business man will tell you that not EVERY product will be a smash try things, adjust then try again...if your gonna count his failures then count how many failed Microsoft products come out or how apple failed with the tablet the 1st time around...again the argument is just silly
Originally Posted by Kingtre

it's pointless to argue but for you to say he is or isn't a good business man with no type of background is silly-

the fact is he is consistently on top of the forbes list and is rapidly approaching 1 billion - he's doing something right - i dont know Jay-z to say he is great at this or that, maybe he has a great team behind him...BUT you cant say is just marketability because from early on they woulda sold themselves out to whatever label wanted to sign them and market them...instead from day one they had the hustler spirit and grind and became bosses not workers (i.e. Nas)

any business man will tell you that not EVERY product will be a smash try things, adjust then try again...if your gonna count his failures then count how many failed Microsoft products come out or how apple failed with the tablet the 1st time around...again the argument is just silly
Tiger woods makes more than Jay-Z so is he a better business person? No both of these guys are entertainers and are MARKETABLE and get endorsements the average business man isnt making most of his money off endorsements. You can say the same thing about Micheal Jordan another person who made millions just for being marketable (which came from being the best ball player).
no your still missing the point-  you cant really compare him or someone like 50 cent to athletes like that-

endorsements and actually taking precentages of these products and companies or having a hand in the inner workings of the business are two different things-
Originally Posted by Kingtre

no your still missing the point-  you cant really compare him or someone like 50 cent to athletes like that-

endorsements and actually taking precentages of these products and companies or having a hand in the inner workings of the business are two different things-

Where in the article does it say he has an inner working in the business? What is he role in Armand de Brignac?
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Dead serious. He is marketable like Justin Bieber people will eat up anything they attach to themselves. Does that make them business savy and good business men? no. Look at how well Jay-Z ran Def Jam....
Ok check it..If Jay came from a rich background and was born into fame like Paris Hilton I would understand your argument..But the fact that he came from NOTHING and made his name an household name that can sell products is pretty
to me..I mean come on, you gotta give props where props are due. On top of that Armadale had jay-z's name behind it and that failed..miserably....His name helps, I would admit..but thats not the main factor that sells the product.

Justin Bieber can do the same thing whats the difference? Does Bieber have some business sense? no he is just marketable there is a big difference between being marketable and actually having business sense. What is his portfolio, what investments does he takes, what business has he ran succesfully?
Ok I tried, but you clearly have no sense, sir. Good day to you...

P.S. whats your obsession with the beibs?
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Dead serious. He is marketable like Justin Bieber people will eat up anything they attach to themselves. Does that make them business savy and good business men? no. Look at how well Jay-Z ran Def Jam....
Ok check it..If Jay came from a rich background and was born into fame like Paris Hilton I would understand your argument..But the fact that he came from NOTHING and made his name an household name that can sell products is pretty
to me..I mean come on, you gotta give props where props are due. On top of that Armadale had jay-z's name behind it and that failed..miserably....His name helps, I would admit..but thats not the main factor that sells the product.

Justin Bieber can do the same thing whats the difference? Does Bieber have some business sense? no he is just marketable there is a big difference between being marketable and actually having business sense. What is his portfolio, what investments does he takes, what business has he ran succesfully?

Gotta agree with usain on this one. To say that his name isn't the main factor in selling his products is just rediculous. Jay does not stay behind the scenes in his business ventures. He wants everyone to know that he's tied to a project. And that works for him.

But like usain said. Beiber could do the exact same thing, if not better. Because people will always buy @%$+ that has a reputable name attached to it.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Kingtre

no your still missing the point-  you cant really compare him or someone like 50 cent to athletes like that-

endorsements and actually taking precentages of these products and companies or having a hand in the inner workings of the business are two different things-

Where in the article does it say he has an inner working in the business? What is he role in Armand de Brignac?

They just don't get it. They literally think Jay is sitting in on meetings and pitching his ideas on marketing a product. Or he's in the lab trying to make a better champagne
 The honest truth is guys with their MBA don't want to listen to a rapper's business plans. They just need a face for their product. That's it.
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by Kingtre

no your still missing the point-  you cant really compare him or someone like 50 cent to athletes like that-

endorsements and actually taking precentages of these products and companies or having a hand in the inner workings of the business are two different things-

Where in the article does it say he has an inner working in the business? What is he role in Armand de Brignac?

They just don't get it. They literally think Jay is sitting in on meetings and pitching his ideas on marketing a product. Or he's in the lab trying to make a better champagne
 The honest truth is guys with their MBA don't want to listen to a rapper's business plans. They just need a face for their product. That's it.
i guess people just see things differently...i would bet money that if he is as involved as this article states then he absolutely has sat in on marketing meetings and/or had his people there...its not like he is just going to some studio and taking pictures with a bottle to be placed in the source magazine and then getting a check-  dudes these days are about profit shares and its much bigger than an endorsement check - and i was speaking on his dealings as a whole and not just with ace of spades...have they ever even came out and officially said he is a part of it? aside from him popping bottles and rapping about it ive never seen anythign official but thats another issue

in the lab making champagne? obviously not...thats not where his value lies -

at the guys with the mbas that weren't selling a damn thing with their run of the mill champagne until that "rapper" and his business plan came into the picture

again its kinda silly to argue because its mostly speculation BUT to downplay his role is just as dumb as overplaying it - it can be argued all day but in the end one side is much more factual and the other is well...not...

and i kinda glossed over the beiber talk but i'd bet he doesn't know 75% of the stuff his name/face is attached to and doesn't care...he gets his checks and is content...
bout to change my major to business...if you can make this kind of money doing small moves like this....

EDIT---dude below me is right Jay z is a tool....but he still rich tho
People put way too much stock into someone who doesnt even have a high school diploma, you could have all the streetsmarts you want, that corporate world got no respect/admiration for Jay-z....they respect that Negro money he brings to their product.
Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by SEND ONE


Yall gonna seriously act like Jay boycotting Cristal was some marketing plan. The fact of the matter is that after years of free promotion, Cristal turned around and thanked him by saying we don't want you buying our product, it isn't intended for ppl like you. Who in theyre right mind would continue to plug something like that. If anything yall should be giving props to the ppl at AoS for picking up on that and using Jay as a tool to work that situation in their favor.
What u talkin bout boss? AoS didn't even know Jay was promotin em at first so it's not like they saw the void and snuck in. They were oblivious to rap music and it's marketing according to an article I read when they started to gain notoriety. The Cristal boycott left a void, not sayin it was a marketing ploy because the years between the boycott and the AoS "campaign" After the company realized they were getting publicity, they figured they'd seal the deal in ink.
The same can be said w/ the Tommy Hilfiger boycott and evolution of some of the favorite urban brands of yesteryear e.g. Iceberg, FUBU, etc.
And that's exactly why they deserve more credit.  Sure they would've gotten a few more free years of Jay pushing their product,  but who's to say he wouldn't have moved on to the next fluorescent colored drink that came along the way most rappers do.  They were smart enough to realize the marketing power Jay has and they locked him down.  Like I said,  they took advantage of that situation and it worked out beautifully for both parties. 

Since day one rappers have been blowing companies up who's ceo's want nothing to do with us even though we've put millions into their bottom lines. Props to Jay for getting his. 

BTW Iceberg isnt an urban brand.  At least not originally it wasn't.

Ok, I see what u sayin now and I agree, they def were smart to seal the deal in ink. Both parties win and we as the consumers don't.lolAnd yea I kno Iceberg wasn't an urban line, just using it as a reference.
Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

lol @ the corporate world has no respect for jay-z

this is another one of THOSE threads, eh?

i guess so- i thought it was gonna be a lil business talk and comparison of ownership vs endorsement but i guess its gonna turn into another who has more bugattis thread - oh well
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

lol @ the corporate world has no respect for jay-z

this is another one of THOSE threads, eh?

i guess so- i thought it was gonna be a lil business talk and comparison of ownership vs endorsement but i guess its gonna turn into another who has more bugattis thread - oh well

IF justin beiber could make jay-z money, business-wise, he would

that goes for 100% of human beings on this planet.

many sheltered NT dudes think they have knowledge....

saying jay-z's business successes are just an extention of his rap career is stupid.

Mike Jordan is a better example of that, but at the end of the day, he made business decisions which are reflected in his success as a business man...

for example, the "your shoe needs more white" deal....and the whole Jordan Brand as a branding apart from Nike.....which have nothing to do with how well he plays basketball...

Jay-z has diversified his income.....he's getting paid from things we don't even know about...far beyond the arena of 'rap" or "popularity"

like i said, if justin beiber could pull in millions of dollars worth of income OUTSIDE of singing, he WOULD


"man, i could be making 7 more million dollars than i make now, but you know what, im good."


typical NT logic.....

ANYBODY could do it....


as far as his involvement with this compnay;

was he sitting in on CEO meetings? doubtful

look, he was endorsing (for free) and purchasing crystal...dude made funny comments, he said "fine, im on to this." but THIS time, instead of just free endorsement, he invested in the company he was about to endorse....making himself more money.

regardless of his "involvement"....that's a business move. "i made crystal millions upon millions of dollars for free......not this time"

so whatever role he has, it certainly isn't "poster child endorsement", because, how many actual ADS do we see featuring Jay-Z? zero. at least, I'VE never seen one.

drake is endorsed by sprite. he's their poster child. he simply collects a check for being mentioned with the brand. He has absolutely no stake in sprite, one way or another. he simply gets paid to have his face involved...

that is not the same as jay's involvement with ace of spades....if you think it is, you're losing at intellegence.
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