So my GF broke up with me, How to get over it quick?

the only way to get over a girl is to get a new girl, you dont even have to @$%% her, just someone to take your mind off of her

also listen to the song break up by gucci mane

peep game by stack bundles
and i loved you by stack bundles
Mines was just forced to break up with me due to still living with the rents and them finding out I went to prison for sellin E a few years back
. I aint done yet though I'm goin back hard like 2 bottles of viagra. I say ifits worth it to you fight for it I'm goin 2.
Originally Posted by youngwill500

Originally Posted by awwsome

Just get focused,
Start working out
Copping new gear
Staying positive
Just live life fam, you'll get a new glow and will feel like thanking her for helping you improve yourself

Don't ever let ANY $@%%! take you out your zone.

The Realest
ive ever heard... thanks man
No problem fam,
Been there before....
start doing things for you. read, go see a movie, go to the gym, go out with friends..its gunna make it worse if you sit at home and dont do %%@!.
Green light on the

Other than that just get back into your zone
It won't affect you unless you keep on thinkin about it
Realize that it wasn't a waste of time if you had fun while doing it/ her. You could've been playin' cat and mouse with random breezies for thatyear and a half. Appreciate the fact that it ended when it did, so that you didnt waste unneccessary time with someone who wasn't all in with ya..

In essence, call up the honeys you had waitin in the wing for you.

Fap, spit game, wait, repeat....
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

the only way to get over a girl is to get a new girl, you dont even have to @$%% her, just someone to take your mind off of her

very very true, like dude said, you dont even need to smash, just find a girl to talk to and hang out with, it helps a lot
^^^ qft... you should never let a #*%+$ have that much control over you.... that's why you never cut off all your girl friends when you're in arelationship. never know when you might "need" them...
the people who r telling you to get over it obviously never had a GF, or a good GF. It's gonna take time tho homie, just chill with your boys and doyourself favor do not go looking for a NEW GF, let that come to u
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