So my GF broke up with me, How to get over it quick?

Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

I swear this same thread has been made 5 times in the last week or 2.

I kept thinking this was the same thread being bumped until I saw the date ofthe original post
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

the people who r telling you to get over it obviously never had a GF, or a good GF. It's gonna take time tho homie, just chill with your boys and do yourself favor do not go looking for a NEW GF, let that come to u
I feel for you OP. IMO, there ain't no quick fix. Let that #*%$ burn out and pray about it. Write down your feelings and read them back to yourselfeveryday. At least that way you'll hold yourself accountable for how you ACTUALLY feel instead of reacting to the loneliness and running back to shorty.
Cut her completely out of your life, don't talk to her, don't be friends with her, forget about her.
Originally Posted by Nike Hoops21

Cut her completely out of your life, don't talk to her, don't be friends with her, forget about her.


Cut off her FB her cell, home, change your number, and move if you have to.
Wait in her bushes word to Plies

Once she sees you pop up with annoying sounds word to NT's new ads she'll realize she made a mistake

Thank Me Later
burn one down

watch movies
listen to music
play ball with friends
oh yea...meat new women
try to smash anything withing a 50 ft radius of included
i kno it's rough man but u dnt got to tell all of NT. The best thing to do is keep busy. I used school and partying to not worry about girls
im goin through the same thing fam. all you can do is stay busy and if its meant to be, yall will cross paths again. so start looking for new vag to play within the meantime
I'm going through the same thing but I'm more success then the other nt'ers who's been making these threads

but seriously dead ALL contact...i deleted her off facebook...i don't respond to her calls/texts...n I don't txt her at all....i aint gonna lie this%$*$ was hard at first but I feel sooo much better now...n it doesn't hurt that this chick who has been liking me for a while is around so I chill w/ her nstuff....sorta wished I wouldve pursued her 2 years ago but I kne I wasn't ready for her cause she really has her %$*$ together...but now is the perfecttime n she just got out a situation so things are
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Just get over it.

Put together a solid team of 5 females or just start smashing random chicks on the reg.

Relation+*#%! for the loss.

i co-sign! keep it movin
Originally Posted by bjamez20

best way to get over someone is to get under someone

Def. co-sign this cause i am currently going thru the same thing. Just smash a few here and there and just live your life you'll be good
give it time. you can't force yourself to get over someone, it'll take a while. The amount of time is different for everyone. Just remember everyonegoes through it at some point, it's not just you. Keep your chin up, take this time to improve yourself, and AFTER you've dealt with your pain, look updistractions (have fun, meet girls). The worst thing you can do is get distracted and not deal with your feelings, cause when the distraction is over,you're back at square one. And stay away from the ex. Out of sight, out of mind.
Dog life is way to short to be all twisted over a female. Enjoy your young age and go on a smashing crusade

also where are the pics? And 1 year and 4 months......I KNOW FOR A FACT you have some form of nudez.....PM those this way.
-The Juice
drink, party and find other grils. that was recipe, after a 2 and ahalf year relatinship ended.
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