So My iPod Blew Up!!!!!!

did you have it plugged up to your computer during a storm or something?!?

was it directly connected to your modem?!?

because if it was.....then that means your house isnt properly grounded....

I left it charging on my laptop and when I came back to my room it was in flames
I ordered it off apples website so how the hell would it be fake

1st gen nano btw
If it literally was in flames as you say it was, cant you take this to the news and sue apple or something? Just wondering, I mean, having your ipod catch fireis pretty interesting news

Edit - 3,000 How did this happen?
you can GET PAID by issuing a lawsuit.... iPod aren't supposed to be blowing up like that. No way i'd settle for just a new ipod if i was you.
Originally Posted by N O R E A G A


i guess you guys dont remember the 1st NTer whose ipod exploded too.

Dude said he woke up in the middle of the night and saw a light or something and it was his ipod on fire...

I remember the thread, but I don't fully remember his story.
There was another guy on NT that this happened to. Wus good with this? You could be gettin paid...
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