So My iPod Blew Up!!!!!!

Yea if they are gonna give u a new one just like that u can get a lot more outta this.
1. Mmm Fried Apples.

2. Now it's an Lpod.

3. What if this was a plot by Apple to force people to buy new devices after a certain number of years, in hopes that no one would conctact them. Similar to amail in rebate.
Damn, at least now you have a story to tell people
Actually this has been happening to a lot of people.

My local news channel did a report about how Apple is trying to cover this up.
#*+# a new Lpod, you shouldve let your house burn down with it and then called your lawyer on your Lphone
lol u left it charging on a hot 100 degree day.

smart one. ur lucky ur house didnt engulf in flames
Iv heard of this happening before, people leaving their ipods charging in their whips and the jawn just explodes....
doubt you can file a lawsuit since you're house didnt burn down. But that still sucks, atleast you're getting a replacement
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