So my Roommate thought he could take a shot of Everclear...

^shots fired
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by SalviBoy7

Is this a little bit or significantly stronger then 151? I had 3 shots of 151 one night and was still conscious. I want to see how this compares.
It's pretty similar when dealing with the 151 proof of Everclear..but that's 75% alcohol

Everclear also comes in 95% alcohol..that's a different level
Thanks. Now I have an idea of what I'll be getting myself into if I ever take a shot.
the warning on the back says it may make you go blind

we used to make jungle juice with it like champs but taking shots of it is dumbbbbb
For people who have never had it, there's no reason you should ever want to voluntarily take a shot of this stuff. SMH at people saying its not that bad straight up. It's disgusting. Mix it with some gatorade and you're good, though 
Everclear in a jungle juice concoction 
. Nearly everyone was plastered, within the first hour of the party.
But downing it in shots... 
We were doing shots of this at my senior beach week down at OBX. We had a buddy that was 21 that bought it at an ABC store down at MP 3/4. 

It was around the evening when the sun was on its way down. So while the hamburgers and #%* were still grilling, we decided it would be fun 

to crack it open. We started off with everyone taking turns having a shot of it. Too my surprise most the girls were downing it better then half the dudes, 

but they were skeezers so most of us just brushed it off saying they had worst in their mouth to keep or egos intact. By round 2 of shots only 5 of us 

were still going. 

Since most of us have been drinking the whole day the first 2 shouts didn't phase us. Round 3 comes around and its only me, a skeezer, and

 our 21yr old bud. Thats where it all went downhill. I wake up in this TMNT puddle in a kayak, fully geared, holding a crab, and my boys like 

5 yards away holding a fishing reel that was tied to my wrist. Beer cans everywhere, we had scrapes and scratches all over, it was just a massacre. 

We ditch everything and ran back to the beach house, and everyones sitting there a bunch of worry wart types. Saying how they thought we were 

lost at sea, and contemplating on calling the navy or something(idiots). We start putting together the pieces, and everyone tells of what they remember 

and supposedly it goes like this:

-Me and a couple people went walking on the shore a few hours after dinner to try to ruffle up some new flings to bring back to the house. 

-Unfortunately the only people up were me, my bud, Ashley (bless her sober heart for walking with us to make sure we were safe), this dumb skeezer 

and a bunch of crabs on the shore. 

-The dumb skeezer got the vice grip by one of the kinglers and brutally stomped on it. Killing it.

-Being highly emotional and under the influence in addition with our hate for that girl anyway, me and my buddy convince this girl that she just ruined a young crabs life.

-She starts crying and saying how she was sorry, and some other outlandish things.

eh i'll finish it later, I gotta go before I miss the Dilemma showing.
My friend Will tried to take a shot of Everclear and failed. Then he tried to do it again later on that night. He got it down the second time, but he said that his lungs felt like they were on fire.
bro i drank a tea cup full of everclear one time, back in my prime ( the bad old days) and sat through and entire house party, house fight, went home peed on some thorn bushes, fell over into the thorn bushes, and my own pee and the concrete, still have the scar to this day and that was in 08 or 07..
Never had Everclear before so I don't know how bad it is...had 151...that %!+% go down and you feel normal for about .5 seconds
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