so niketalk family... I'm having a kid

Dec 28, 2002
just found out that my girl of 6 months is one month prego so I guess congrats to me. I never thought Id wanna have kids but now that it finally settled on me, I'm actually excited. I just hope it's a boy, but the things I did in life "god" will punish me with a girl haha. just thought of share it with you guys because it's basically on the hush right now so I haven't really told anyone yet an neither has she. does it get hard at any point? or easier? is y only questions I know once the baby's born it gets hard but I justean the 9 months leading into it.
congratulations man, and good luck, i'll keep you in my prayers fams
"my girl of 6 months"
"so I guess congrats to me"


Yeah man, don't worry at all raising kids is easy from start to finish. 18 years!

Blood test Blood test
you'll be calling her nothing more than BM or baby mamma in no time

congratulations though sir
Congrats and make sure that everything is right in your relationship, EVERYTHING. If not its 18+ years of child support and visitation rights.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

"my girl of 6 months"
"so I guess congrats to me"


Yeah man, don't worry at all raising kids is easy from start to finish. 18 years!

Blood test Blood test

<na it's deff my kid we were serious and only with each other
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by sage909

Congrats fam, ill say this. STOCK UP on diapers. Thats all I'm gonna say lol
+ Wet wipes.

Trust me.

and i wouldn't go TOO crazy on buying expensive baby like a week or two the kid will grow out of it. wait till its a little older lol
but never the less, congrats again. 
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

How old are you two?

me 25her 20I'm 100% happy an 10000% goin to be a dad and father I was raised right so I'm goin to make sure my kid is raised right as well. we are both from stand up close knit families. so calling her baby mamma is deff out. but I wasn't ready to be a father but now that I have to I'm diving In head first and doing it 100% right all the way
congrats man

just be prepared for the momma's mood swings in the next 8 months.
but having a kid seems amazing when the parents are ready.

Good luck
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