So NT had my first Nightmare in forever....Vol I'm Shook

Apr 15, 2007
So Sunday night i had my first nightmare since i was probably 11 or 12.  23 now.
I had normal BS dreams then i kinda woke up looked around and went back to sleep at 630.
Let me preface this saying I think this was a dream.  I have had this "dream" before but never this intense.

So I was laying in bed and I heard footsteps rounding my bed.  Like some one was walking around my bed.  Back and forth.  The bed was shaking a little bit on each step like it was a heavy person.  Now i was dying to open my eyes but for some reason i couldn't.  I tried to move...but couldn't.  I laid there and tried extremely hard to move and all i could do was move my thumbs.  I was plotting on what to do in my head.  So i forced my eyes open and all i could see was a giant black circle over half my room then my eyes shut.

I then heard "it" whisper something but i couldn't make out what it was.

I was saying in my head "If i can move my feet i am going to jump out of bed and run for the door"  but agian i could only move my thumbs.

I felt the "thing" getting closer to me.  I could feel it leaning in toward my head.  Then when i sensed that it was right above me breathing.  It leaned into my ear and just started loudly whispering directly in my ear this super fast gibberish.  A language i didn't know.  It then just left.  I then without opening my eyes realized i could.  So i said in my head "i know i can move now" so i opened my eyes and got out of bed.

I was literally shaking.  It was 7:30 in the morning and i couldn't go back to sleep.  I think it scared me a lot because i knew no one was in the house it was just me.  I have had this dream before but usually its just the footsteps.  I have never had it actually say something. 

Feel free to share your own crazy nightmares or comment on mine.

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Had nightmare
a Being was circling my bed
I couldn't move or open my eyes and i had no clue why
Being leaned in and whispered loudly crazy gibberish in my ear
I was shook
So Sunday night i had my first nightmare since i was probably 11 or 12.  23 now.
I had normal BS dreams then i kinda woke up looked around and went back to sleep at 630.
Let me preface this saying I think this was a dream.  I have had this "dream" before but never this intense.

So I was laying in bed and I heard footsteps rounding my bed.  Like some one was walking around my bed.  Back and forth.  The bed was shaking a little bit on each step like it was a heavy person.  Now i was dying to open my eyes but for some reason i couldn't.  I tried to move...but couldn't.  I laid there and tried extremely hard to move and all i could do was move my thumbs.  I was plotting on what to do in my head.  So i forced my eyes open and all i could see was a giant black circle over half my room then my eyes shut.

I then heard "it" whisper something but i couldn't make out what it was.

I was saying in my head "If i can move my feet i am going to jump out of bed and run for the door"  but agian i could only move my thumbs.

I felt the "thing" getting closer to me.  I could feel it leaning in toward my head.  Then when i sensed that it was right above me breathing.  It leaned into my ear and just started loudly whispering directly in my ear this super fast gibberish.  A language i didn't know.  It then just left.  I then without opening my eyes realized i could.  So i said in my head "i know i can move now" so i opened my eyes and got out of bed.

I was literally shaking.  It was 7:30 in the morning and i couldn't go back to sleep.  I think it scared me a lot because i knew no one was in the house it was just me.  I have had this dream before but usually its just the footsteps.  I have never had it actually say something. 

Feel free to share your own crazy nightmares or comment on mine.

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Had nightmare
a Being was circling my bed
I couldn't move or open my eyes and i had no clue why
Being leaned in and whispered loudly crazy gibberish in my ear
I was shook
i was gonna make fun of you.... but then your nightmare is truly scary. especially if your alone.
haven't had a nightmare recently but my first nightmare was getting stabbed by a ninja sword
i was gonna make fun of you.... but then your nightmare is truly scary. especially if your alone.
haven't had a nightmare recently but my first nightmare was getting stabbed by a ninja sword
Yeah I never have nightmares and I actually don't scare too easily i usually wake up going eh just a dream whatever.

But for some reason it was so realistic that i woke up going "please tell me that didn't really happen" and couldn't really tell if it was real or not.

edit: Yeah same, i tried yelling and couldn't.  I could breath loudly but couldn't yell. I was like loudly breathing then decided to stop because i didn't want it to hear me since no one was home no body was there to yell for anyway.
Ive had a similar dream, where im in my bed and i see someone infront of me and i wanna scream but nothing comes out and i could only move my toes. I woke up, in a cold sweat smh. Not cool.
Ive had a similar dream, where im in my bed and i see someone infront of me and i wanna scream but nothing comes out and i could only move my toes. I woke up, in a cold sweat smh. Not cool.
Yeah I never have nightmares and I actually don't scare too easily i usually wake up going eh just a dream whatever.

But for some reason it was so realistic that i woke up going "please tell me that didn't really happen" and couldn't really tell if it was real or not.

edit: Yeah same, i tried yelling and couldn't.  I could breath loudly but couldn't yell. I was like loudly breathing then decided to stop because i didn't want it to hear me since no one was home no body was there to yell for anyway.

nah but i had my first nightmare in years last week. involved my bro getting murked, getting taken hostage in a warehouse with a bunch of ppl by some mob, but then breaking free by doing some straight up G @+%%. @+%% felt so real until i got stabbed and didnt feel anything then proceeded to cutting dudes throat.

ur nightmares crazy though cuz its recourring and id be terrified if it continued to get progressively worse each time.

nah but i had my first nightmare in years last week. involved my bro getting murked, getting taken hostage in a warehouse with a bunch of ppl by some mob, but then breaking free by doing some straight up G @+%%. @+%% felt so real until i got stabbed and didnt feel anything then proceeded to cutting dudes throat.

ur nightmares crazy though cuz its recourring and id be terrified if it continued to get progressively worse each time.
,if you weren't able to move but you were aware, that could be sleep paralysis. Get it checked out before it can get you
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,if you weren't able to move but you were aware, that could be sleep paralysis. Get it checked out before it can get you
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yea sounds like sleep paralysis but yours seems a lot worse then when i had mine. Yours seems almost like it was a demon or some sort of spirit messing with you.
yea sounds like sleep paralysis but yours seems a lot worse then when i had mine. Yours seems almost like it was a demon or some sort of spirit messing with you.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

sounds like sleep paralysis.....were u taking a nap or was this regular sleeping at nite? 

It was a nights sleep But i was up at 630 looking around then passed out from about 630 to 7 thats when it happened.

DC- thats why it shook me I don't know if i believe in that kind of stuff.  So i was torn between sleep paralysis (4th kind style) and was it real.  Some people think all the Alien visitor stuff is BS and everyone just has sleep paralysis but when it happens to you really makes you question if it was real or not.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

sounds like sleep paralysis.....were u taking a nap or was this regular sleeping at nite? 

It was a nights sleep But i was up at 630 looking around then passed out from about 630 to 7 thats when it happened.

DC- thats why it shook me I don't know if i believe in that kind of stuff.  So i was torn between sleep paralysis (4th kind style) and was it real.  Some people think all the Alien visitor stuff is BS and everyone just has sleep paralysis but when it happens to you really makes you question if it was real or not.
No disrespect but I think it is semi-arrogant to think only physical things are allowed access to this world. I know we are taught it is "supernatural" but I used to be like that but then common sense kicked in (not saying you don't have it.) I believe in the physical and spiritual realms. I do.

So yea, when it happens to you, you want someone to listen to you and not dismiss what you have to say.

Spirits are real man. ALl aren't harmful though, so don't have a negative opinion on them.
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