So People In Japan Attend Concerts That Feature Digital Performers?

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

At least with this kind of concert, you know what to expect. No weak *** performance by some egotistical artist. And no delays--barring "technical" difficulties, of course, 
If you've ever watched/indulged in "cartoons", then you shouldn't have an issue with this. It's the same thing, just in a different setting.
1. But isn't that part of the rush from a real concert? Not knowing what to expect?

2. Watching cartoons doesn't involve purchasing a ticket though. Same concept but different financial obligation. I see your point though, semi-partially.

Toy Story, Lion King, etc etc


Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ So we can consider watching a screen (movie) the same as seeing a live performance? I thought that was the main difference here.

You are right--it is the main difference.

But realize that at the center of all of this is the "entertainment" aspect and value. In fact, for me, the "entertainment" aspect is what is to be cherished, and not whether said entertainment was delivered by a live performer, or a non-live one.

Does it really matter whether you saw the Lion King performed live on broadway, or on t.v/movies? Is one more entertaining than the other?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ So we can consider watching a screen (movie) the same as seeing a live performance? I thought that was the main difference here.

Imagine the possibilities of a live holographic performance. I'm thre. Endless possibilities. They could perform in Dubai, a swamp, space.. Anywhere they want to create. It's dope.
I think you all are missing my angle. I am just noting the difference in this type of entertainment. Yes it is still entertainment, I am not arguing that point at all. I am simply noting that it is different, something I have not seen before. Nothing further.

ATL, I don't feel it is dope. I wouldn't waste my hard earned Americans on a Holographic performance. I was raised in an era where humans performed for other humans when in person. Maybe if I was born in 2055, but I would rather remain closed minded when it comes to this new type of entertainment. LOL
The new performers will be the nerds behind the computer screen. I meant in the modern way: Nerd=cool "NOW"

Seems like the culture is always about technology and comics. Like watching a musical anime.
Originally Posted by scshift

This kind of stuff is going to become more and more common. Machines/technology taking the place of humans.

UAVs and recon drones are already being employed in war situations. Defense contractors are working on robotic soldiers. And just look at the evolution of technology. In WWII we had some very barebones planes. Now, we have rocket-powered jets with laser-guided missiles.

In Japan they have human-lookalikes that are robots. Just look up "uncanny valley".

In a couple hundred years, don't be surprised if people watch NBA games where the players aren't real, countries use robotic armies to fight over land and humans don't even need to drive themselves anymore.
germany had rocket powered jets and laser guided missiles back in WW2
I don't think I could enjoy a concert like that, there's no connection between the fans and the artist.  I like it when artists switch up the lyrics to include the city they're performing in, freestyle a verse, or have the fans shout out parts of the song/sing the chorus.  Not to mention, you can't replicate the atmosphere when an artist is feeding off the energy of the crowd and the crowd is just hype as %#!*
"She" sold out the Nokia Theater (next to Staples) in LA in a matter of minutes. Easily could've sold out multiple nights.

[h3]So, actually... People In Japan America Attend Concerts That Feature Digital Performers[/h3]
Hey, if people enjoy this, then by all means. It may be a little different, but I guess apparently many people are into this sort of entertainment. Pretty cool concept if you ask me
my friends went to a gorillaz concert and said it was pretty cool
and its not like watching a dj spin is all too exciting 
It's essentially the same thing as a concert with electronic music. I'm sure most people don't feel the energy of the concert based on the 1/4th inch of the DJ's hat bobbing up and down. It's the music, the lights, and the general atmosphere.
And, in a live concert setting, - most individuals cannot actually see the performer to really feel connected with him or her - Not like you can see him/her smile laugh see sweat dripping down his face/her face - Most will vibe the music, and of course watch the HUGE Screen that is tele-prompting the performance.....Otherwise it's binoculars for you. 

Essentially this is the same thing. Using the concerts overall atmosphere to get you going, while being presented a visual medium that you can connect with.

.....I'm not asian - And I do not watch anime - Most people who disagree with this are saying this because of the subject matter of the song itself.  But I bet if it was a 3D JayZ/Eminem/Lupe people would be like
 technology and hip hop =
I like that song.
Thanks for sharing OP.

I would not pay to see someone that's not real, it pretty much defeats the purpose of seeing them live.

After reading the posts in this thread, I've changed my mind.
Some of you guys brought up some good points, so I'd go just for the atmosphere rather than to see the artist in real life.
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