So the womens say that they don't like a-holes...

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


= you!
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

There isn't, and not even the lamest most worthless dude out there will take offense to those tactics anymore. Girls are really under the impression that works [since they swear men thing exactly like they do], yet the same girls who love using the "little boy" method only mess with "little boys"
This is all false.
And there is no "method", only truth.
he does bring up a good point tho. It is always the same girls that are always claiming that every dude they date is a "little boy" It makes sense that the majority of the time it isnt the guy thas being a "little boy" but the woman is acting like a "little girl"
What girls are you applying this to though, and how are they acting like little girls?
im speaking about the girls that claim every guy they date is a "little boy" They act like "little girls" because they blame all of their relationship problems on everybody but themselves. They have the atittude that they are holier than God himself, they refuse to accept that they might be at fault for their relationship issues.
I can understand that ...with details. That's pretty vague. I could tell you how I feel that men are 'little boys' but saying that women think they are holier than God, can be taken a lot of ways. What do you mean?

Personally, I don't think that I'm holier than God but things are what they are. Some guys just don't have what it takes. They're trying to be a part of a game they don't know the rules to. That's nothing for the next man to get offended over if he's about his business but some just don't cut it and that's all. I don't waste my time with little boys but seeing as how I don't approach men, I get quite a few 'little boys' trying to step to me and I don't have time for it when it proves to be not what I want. I know exactly what I want but sometimes, "men" prove to not be the furthest thing from that. I don't want a damn a hole, but I don't want some frilly insecure sissy either.
i mean that these same women will never admit that they might be a part of the problem in all of their relationships that fail. That they canteven fathom the idea that they might have some culpability in the relationhsip's issues.

that second bolded part is somehting that i have always disliked about the majority of women. I could be wrong about this, but to me that statement comesacross as im too good to be approaching men, so i wont do it because its beneath me. Now i dont know if that is what you meant, but thas is my personalopiionwhen i hear girls saying that. Not to mention i've never understood it. WHat happens if you see a guy that you find extremely attractive, you wouldn'tapproach him & would just hope that he approaches you. I'll never understand that.

the third bolded point is pretty much something all guys should strive to be. The problem is that alot of guys start off as being real nice & realgentleman like towards women. But they they get taken advantage of by greedy +%!#@*/sluts/gold-diggers, so they adopt the attitude of !+#% being a nice guy,that didnt get me anywhere, so lets try being an **!!#%#. And for some reason they get more results when acting like an **!!#%#, so they dont feel the need tofind more of a balance between the two
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

There isn't, and not even the lamest most worthless dude out there will take offense to those tactics anymore. Girls are really under the impression that works [since they swear men thing exactly like they do], yet the same girls who love using the "little boy" method only mess with "little boys"
This is all false.
And there is no "method", only truth.
he does bring up a good point tho. It is always the same girls that are always claiming that every dude they date is a "little boy" It makes sense that the majority of the time it isnt the guy thas being a "little boy" but the woman is acting like a "little girl"
What girls are you applying this to though, and how are they acting like little girls?
im speaking about the girls that claim every guy they date is a "little boy" They act like "little girls" because they blame all of their relationship problems on everybody but themselves. They have the atittude that they are holier than God himself, they refuse to accept that they might be at fault for their relationship issues.
I can understand that ...with details. That's pretty vague. I could tell you how I feel that men are 'little boys' but saying that women think they are holier than God, can be taken a lot of ways. What do you mean?

Personally, I don't think that I'm holier than God but things are what they are. Some guys just don't have what it takes. They're trying to be a part of a game they don't know the rules to. That's nothing for the next man to get offended over if he's about his business but some just don't cut it and that's all. I don't waste my time with little boys but seeing as how I don't approach men, I get quite a few 'little boys' trying to step to me and I don't have time for it when it proves to be not what I want. I know exactly what I want but sometimes, "men" prove to not be the furthest thing from that. I don't want a damn a hole, but I don't want some frilly insecure sissy either.
i mean that these same women will never admit that they might be a part of the problem in all of their relationships that fail. That they cant even fathom the idea that they might have some culpability in the relationhsip's issues.

that second bolded part is somehting that i have always disliked about the majority of women. I could be wrong about this, but to me that statement comes across as im too good to be approaching men, so i wont do it because its beneath me. Now i dont know if that is what you meant, but thas is my personalopiion when i hear girls saying that. Not to mention i've never understood it. WHat happens if you see a guy that you find extremely attractive, you wouldn't approach him & would just hope that he approaches you. I'll never understand that.

the third bolded point is pretty much something all guys should strive to be. The problem is that alot of guys start off as being real nice & real gentleman like towards women. But they they get taken advantage of by greedy +%!#@*/sluts/gold-diggers, so they adopt the attitude of !+#% being a nice guy, that didnt get me anywhere, so lets try being an **!!#%#. And for some reason they get more results when acting like an **!!#%#, so they dont feel the need to find more of a balance between the two
Okay. I'll reply to this and then I'm gone!

1) I'm not that type of person. I can always admit when/if I have issues! That's one thing I can say about myself.
So, as far as I'mconcerned...nope.

2) It has nothing to do with being beneath me, that's not where I'm coming from. It's how I was raised and I personally believe in this, sothat's just what it is. I've never had problems getting guys before and not all of them have been 'little boys' so, it works for the most part.If there's a guy I think is hot, if he doesn't come to me...then whatever. I'll flirt but if I throw it at him and he don't catch...oh well.
I'm not that vulnerable when it comes to guys, so I'm not laying myself out for anybody. I haven't found the one that made me lose my %!%%enough to compromise my personal values ... when or if that happens, I'll let ya know. I mean, everything that glitters isn't gold. Just because Ithink a guy is hot, doesn't mean he's for me. That's not conceited, I just don't get down like that. A lot of girls do though.

3) That's all well and good but if you're gonna walk around with baggage, you can't get mad when your back breaks. That has nothing to do with me.I don't deal with a holes. There is no place for them in my life. A part of maturing is picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and moving on with life.If you're gonna let certain things to enter your psyche and destroy you, that's just weakness on your part (not you personally, but in general). Imean, if that's what it is, I should be one of those gold digger skankbags. Apparently, that's what guys go for, right? No. That's not me.That's not what I am. I can only be me and hope that I find the one that complements me one day. It's trial and error but that's okay. I'mready for it. Too young to get discouraged but I'm not gonna turn a blind eye and act like stuff ain't what it is.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

You do not have to be an A-Hole to get a chick, just don't give them everything they want. You have to make her want you. If she is the main thing going on in her world, that will not turn her on. You can be nice and respectful, just have other priorities. Turn down opportunities to be with her because you have to study, write a book, rake leaves, volunteer at the community center, ANYTHING. That will make her want you. She will start to question herself and she will try to make her want you more. After that you have her. Then use your kindness and respectfulness in the opportunities she gets to see you.
Real Talk.

Yes, I just met this gorgeous girl who is dating numerous guys but at the end of the night she made it clear who she leaving with and who she really wants tobe with. You got to give them the sense of missing you it works wonders for me they like it when their man of interest is a challenging one, keep in mind Idon't do it purposely the kid just stays busy for real. They now their pretty but that does not mean you have to treat them any different....not all butsome pretty women out there have some sirius self-esteem issues where the big women at?

Through my personal experiances with women I had set standards for myself in what I prefer(peep the avy personality wise
). I'm in no way a jerk, I just learned not to ever expect anything whendating, therefore I'm never dissapointed just BE let it happen if it was meant for it to. And I also never pursue a relationship I'm just open to anyopportunity that's present.
$%%+ this post took off. I just made this posts off females convos iconsistently hear. Not saying you wont get girls unless you're an ahole, just i always here the "girl he did what...", even with married women.

Classy Freshman wrote:
You do not have to be an A-Hole to get a chick, just don't give them everything they want. You have to make her want you. If she is the main thing going onin her world, that will not turn her on. You can be nice and respectful, just have other priorities. Turn down opportunities to be with her because you have tostudy, write a book, rake leaves, volunteer at the community center, ANYTHING. That will make her want you. She will start to question herself and she will tryto make her want you more. After that you have her. Then use your kindness and respectfulness in the opportunities she gets to see you.

based off your posts, you fall in that a hole category though. Youthink having a girl move to a new city to be closer to you then alienate her while you have a ginormous house is kosher?
Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

You do not have to be an A-Hole to get a chick, just don't give them everything they want. You have to make her want you. If she is the main thing going on in her world, that will not turn her on. You can be nice and respectful, just have other priorities. Turn down opportunities to be with her because you have to study, write a book, rake leaves, volunteer at the community center, ANYTHING. That will make her want you. She will start to question herself and she will try to make her want you more. After that you have her. Then use your kindness and respectfulness in the opportunities she gets to see you.
Real Talk.

Yes, I just met this gorgeous girl who is dating numerous guys but at the end of the night she made it clear who she leaving with and who she really wants to be with. You got to give them the sense of missing you it works wonders for me they like it when their man of interest is a challenging one, keep in mind I don't do it purposely the kid just stays busy for real. They now their pretty but that does not mean you have to treat them any different....not all but some pretty women out there have some sirius self-esteem issues where the big women at?

Through my personal experiances with women I had set standards for myself in what I prefer(peep the avy personality wise
). I'm in no way a jerk, I just learned not to ever expect anything when dating, therefore I'm never dissapointed just BE let it happen if it was meant for it to. And I also never pursue a relationship I'm just open to any opportunity that's present.
your dead on bro some girl im talking to always talking about how she wanna lose weight an all that an how she feels unhappy with her familysituation an im thinking this girl is gorgeous she must be outta her mind
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