So the womens say that they don't like a-holes...

Ive been the nice guy at first...then turned into an a hole. why? because GIRLS MAKE you into one.

they dont appreciate what they have at first.

Girls don't make you into %!@*! If you had no balls before you guys' not being able to handle bad situations will only stop them from growing! Grow apair!
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

How old are they? They look super young.
Are those NTers?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

How old are they? They look super young.
Are those NTers?
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Girls don't make you into %!@*! If you had no balls before you guys' not being able to handle bad situations will only stop them from growing! Grow a pair!
LOL @ the "balls" comment, why do girls think their idea of emasculating men actually holds some sort of weight in an argument? Justlike the term "little boy"

Like girls can handle bad situations any better

Nobody wants to just be happy nowadays
.. All they want is the instant gratification of winning an argument or defeating another person's self esteemeven if it's for the shortest period of time
That most definitelygoes both ways word to ohsnaps88 , guys I'm looking straight at you when I say that. Plenty of you dudes out there will ruin your girlfriend's job andrelationship with her friends one week because you're mad, then go and try and get back together the next week on some "Let it snowwww" typesteez

Revenge is never free..
See? You're just proving my point. If you're a man, there should be nothing 'emasculating' about what I said. I AM talking about 'littleboys'...If the shoe don't fit, don't put it on. If you were talking !*%+ about skanks, I wouldn't get offended. That ain't me.

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Dylishis

How old are they? They look super young.
Are those NTers?
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Girls don't make you into %!@*! If you had no balls before you guys' not being able to handle bad situations will only stop them from growing! Grow a pair!
LOL @ the "balls" comment, why do girls think their idea of emasculating men actually holds some sort of weight in an argument? Just like the term "little boy"

Like girls can handle bad situations any better

Nobody wants to just be happy nowadays
.. All they want is the instant gratification of winning an argument or defeating another person's self esteem even if it's for the shortest period of time
That most definitely goes both ways word to ohsnaps88 , guys I'm looking straight at you when I say that. Plenty of you dudes out there will ruin your girlfriend's job and relationship with her friends one week because you're mad, then go and try and get back together the next week on some "Let it snowwww" type steez

Revenge is never free..
i wish some broad would do that to my car. She would most definitely receive a pipe bomb/molotov cocktail in ther bedroom window
Originally Posted by Dylishis

See? You're just proving my point. If you're a man, there should be nothing 'emasculating' about what I said. I AM talking about 'little boys'...If the shoe don't fit, don't put it on. If you were talking !*%+ about skanks, I wouldn't get offended. That ain't me.

There isn't, and not even the lamest most worthless dude out there will take offense to those tactics anymore. Girls are really under theimpression that works [since they swear men thing exactly like they do], yet the same girls who love using the "little boy" method only mess with"little boys"
[not you, please post pics BTW]
It seems like good looking women like a-holes more so. They're so used to every dude bending over backwards for them, that when an a-hole comes along theydont know what to do and are intrigued by them.

But seriously.. girls love jerks. I don't get it but hopefully someday will. Girls never admit it either

This girl speaks the truth.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

There isn't, and not even the lamest most worthless dude out there will take offense to those tactics anymore. Girls are really under the impression that works [since they swear men thing exactly like they do], yet the same girls who love using the "little boy" method only mess with "little boys"
This is all false.
And there is no "method", onlytruth.
Originally Posted by jb 11368

It seems like good looking women like a-holes more so. They're so used to every dude bending over backwards for them, that when an a-hole comes along they dont know what to do and are intrigued by them.

But seriously.. girls love jerks. I don't get it but hopefully someday will. Girls never admit it either
This girl speaks the truth.

This is true of hoodcakes with no self-esteem, but no... I hate girls that don't like nice guys and this is the biggest load of crap I'veever heard. Is that why so many of y'all are running around like you have no damn sense?
Good grief!
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

There isn't, and not even the lamest most worthless dude out there will take offense to those tactics anymore. Girls are really under the impression that works [since they swear men thing exactly like they do], yet the same girls who love using the "little boy" method only mess with "little boys"
This is all false.
And there is no "method", only truth.
he does bring up a good point tho. It is always the same girls that are always claiming that every dude they date is a "little boy" Itmakes sense that the majority of the time it isnt the guy thas being a "little boy" but the woman is acting like a "little girl"
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

There isn't, and not even the lamest most worthless dude out there will take offense to those tactics anymore. Girls are really under the impression that works [since they swear men thing exactly like they do], yet the same girls who love using the "little boy" method only mess with "little boys"
This is all false.
And there is no "method", only truth.
he does bring up a good point tho. It is always the same girls that are always claiming that every dude they date is a "little boy" It makes sense that the majority of the time it isnt the guy thas being a "little boy" but the woman is acting like a "little girl"
What girls are you applying this to though, and how are they acting like little girls?
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

There isn't, and not even the lamest most worthless dude out there will take offense to those tactics anymore. Girls are really under the impression that works [since they swear men thing exactly like they do], yet the same girls who love using the "little boy" method only mess with "little boys"
This is all false.
And there is no "method", only truth.
You mad


nt: whats an ahole though? I want a good definition..cuz some of you guys just sound super mad. One thing is seeing some chick with a corny dude and thinkinghe's a D bag, cool w/e I can kinda understand that.. And no, I'm not an ahole that saw this hitting close to home. I just want an honest definition ofahole dude in relationship terms.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

There isn't, and not even the lamest most worthless dude out there will take offense to those tactics anymore. Girls are really under the impression that works [since they swear men thing exactly like they do], yet the same girls who love using the "little boy" method only mess with "little boys"
This is all false.
And there is no "method", only truth.
he does bring up a good point tho. It is always the same girls that are always claiming that every dude they date is a "little boy" It makes sense that the majority of the time it isnt the guy thas being a "little boy" but the woman is acting like a "little girl"
What girls are you applying this to though, and how are they acting like little girls?
im speaking about the girls that claim every guy they date is a "little boy" They act like "little girls" because they blameall of their relationship problems on everybody but themselves. They have the atittude that they are holier than God himself, they refuse to accept that theymight be at fault for their relationship issues.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

There isn't, and not even the lamest most worthless dude out there will take offense to those tactics anymore. Girls are really under the impression that works [since they swear men thing exactly like they do], yet the same girls who love using the "little boy" method only mess with "little boys"
This is all false.
And there is no "method", only truth.
he does bring up a good point tho. It is always the same girls that are always claiming that every dude they date is a "little boy" It makes sense that the majority of the time it isnt the guy thas being a "little boy" but the woman is acting like a "little girl"
What girls are you applying this to though, and how are they acting like little girls?
im speaking about the girls that claim every guy they date is a "little boy" They act like "little girls" because they blame all of their relationship problems on everybody but themselves. They have the atittude that they are holier than God himself, they refuse to accept that they might be at fault for their relationship issues.
I can understand that ...with details. That's pretty vague. I could tell you how I feel that men are 'little boys' but saying thatwomen think they are holier than God, can be taken a lot of ways. What do you mean?

Personally, I don't think that I'm holier than God but things are what they are. Some guys just don't have what it takes. They're trying to bea part of a game they don't know the rules to. That's nothing for the next man to get offended over if he's about his business but some justdon't cut it and that's all. I don't waste my time with little boys but seeing as how I don't approach men, I get quite a few 'littleboys' trying to step to me and I don't have time for it when it proves to be not what I want. I know exactly what I want but sometimes, "men"prove to not be the furthest thing from that. I don't want a damn a hole, but I don't want some frilly insecure sissy either.
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