So the womens say that they don't like a-holes...

Apr 25, 2008
But who's the last a-hole you met that didn't have a woman? I mean a real detestable d-bag...
I know bammas with girls and they aint +$!#!@%@.... i think....
Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

^ On point, it really baffles me sometimes.
it's true. like there's exceptions, but i mean on average it's true
Well after reviewing this post, it seems that this isn't about "women" liking *%#+@!$#, its about "girls" liking them. Big differenceas age and maturity is concerned...
Originally Posted by geminifly

Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

they want to marry a nice guy, but they want to %+%! an a hole
nah, they wanna marry him too...

Pretty much.

They say nice guys finish last: WRONG, they don't finish at all.

Anything a girl says do the Opposite.

I want a polite guy = Be rude as hell
Money doesn't mean anything = Better make atleast 100 g's
I like sensitive guys = You better not even shed a tear over onions

Originally Posted by kaleidAsc0pe

Well after reviewing this post, it seems that this isn't about "women" liking *%#+@!$#, its about "girls" liking them. Big difference as age and maturity is concerned...

Normal men want "girls" not a "woman" that has been ran through a million times.
lol@ womens

But seriously.. girls love jerks. I don't get it but hopefully someday will. Girls never admit it either
Originally Posted by gino is best

Originally Posted by kaleidAsc0pe

Well after reviewing this post, it seems that this isn't about "women" liking *%#+@!$#, its about "girls" liking them. Big difference as age and maturity is concerned...

Normal men want "girls" not a "woman" that has been ran through a million times.

Well if you're considered normal, let me tell my women friends with morals to watch out for your kind....
Originally Posted by kaleidAsc0pe

Well after reviewing this post, it seems that this isn't about "women" liking *%#+@!$#, its about "girls" liking them. Big difference as age and maturity is concerned...
Bull *%@@. Maybe if the age line b/w girls and women was 65.
Very true, I played that role in my last relationship, one of those girls EVERYBODY wanted to get with. Thing is with that you can't really expect therelationship to last too long.
Originally Posted by airmaxes

Very true, I played that role in my last relationship, one of those girls EVERYBODY wanted to get with. Thing is with that you can't really expect the relationship to last too long.
Well you could be like me, be nice, stay stuck in the friendzone, and have no relationships. Thank God for streaming porn.
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