So.. THIS is what its like Vol. WISDOM TEETH REMOVAL.

I had all four of mine taken out at once in high school. They pulled them out on friday and i was good on monday

yep did all 4 at once in HS. Cried real tears the night the meds wore off. Was fine by morning, except it was a BEE tryin to eat all the foods I liked. Was back to normal in about a week
my wisdoms are growing in fine but i see vids and they be funny as hell

i kinda wanna get mine pulled out just to see my reaction after :lol:
Different experience for everyone.  I had all 4 o' them removed in one sitting. No way in hell would I come back a 2nd time.  Food/eating was the most annoying thing for me.  Lost like 10 lbs when it was all fully healed. 
ITT: sissified tweety birds.

i was awake during my wisdom teeth removal. heard all the cracks and the pulls and all that.

You know what I did afterwards?

I went to Dairy Queen like a man.

This. Dude was literally using my chest to push off for leverage... Next day I was eating steak n potatoes.

U b aight b. Man up n quit pokin around with ur tongue. Don't want dry socket

And don't smoke
i have not been to the dentist in years, last time i ever seen a dentist was when this tour bus type thing pulled up in my elementary school and they provided dental work to all the hood kids..and before that they took out all my front teeth cuz they were rotten cuz i ate alot of candy when i was really little..
I woke up in the middle of mine when the oral surgeon was crushing my tooth, I could hear it loudly and feel it softly...

Pain tolerance and discomfort varies with the individual post-surgery. Best advice is to follow all the doctor's specific and numerous instructions.

I had all four removed at one time last summer, wasn't knocked out for the procedure. Trusted my surgeon.

Felt uncomfortable for maybe 36 to 48 hours.

They say only soft foods for the first two to three days. Rest, relax. Try to take at least a day off from work. No smoking. Use the gauze to soak up the blood.
I knocked out for like 14 hours after, didn't get put to sleep, all 4 removed, didn't swell up, pills for days, hated every bit of it :lol:

Spit blood the entire first day, washed my mouth with saltwater every time I ate (only first 2 days) and then everything was smooth :smokin
had some terrible experiences at the dentist... Dude's been plotting on my wisdom teeth for like 3 years but as long as i'm not in constant pain they're staying in.
My wisdom tooth is starting to come out on the bottom and it hurts like a MF. Need to get that ish removed. I was fortunate enough to have all four :smh:
I got my feeling back about 6 hours after surgery, I remember when my dentist(or whatever you call the dude who does the surgery) was telling me in rare cases a nerve can get hit and that numbness in your lip and chin can be lasting, wish you well OP, I was eating normal in a week or so, just be sure to use that syringe after every meal.
aside from my face being kinda swoll I had no issues with getting mine removed

dem pills were funny tho
I can't see how some of you guys weren't in pain after surgery, that was the worst pain I ever felt in my life! I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth (badly impacted) removed at the same time, the procedure was like 4 hours long. I was up during the whole surgery , just very doped up so I felt no pain during the surgery but all I remember was hearing the doctor break my teeth in other for him to pull it out. I also remember him just pushing down on my jaw with his right hand and pulling out one of my wisdom teeth that was so tightly compacted in my gums with his dental instrument in his left hand cause he couldn't seem to pull the tooth out properly.

I remember after surgery when I stood up I nearly passed out although I wasn't in any pain then. My brother drove me home and when I got home thats when the pain kicked in, that was hell, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I spat up so much blood for those past few days. One of the worst parts of this whole experience is not being able to go to sleep. I slept 3-4 hours a night during the whole experience about a week) cause I couldn't sleep. Every time I laid my head down I would have a terrible pain in my head that would eventually reach my jaw that prevented me to sleep, therefore I slept on a couch for 2 weeks sitting up so I could prevent the pain from becoming worse. Although I had so much pain I didn't have much swelling. I also remember taking oxycontin for the pain (which helped ALOT) and I've never been so high in my life although it made me throw up, I swear I was in my room staring at my wall in complete darkness for 5 hours straight just smiling. My jaw and bottom lip occasionally gets numb every once in a while but the worst after-math is that I think the Doc knocked my jaw out of wack, haven't really noticed till recently , every time I open my mouth wide it feels like my jaw will leave its joint, I might get it checked out but if I have to go through all that pain again I'd rather just live in hope that my jaw bone won't pop. 
I got my feeling back about 6 hours after surgery, I remember when my dentist(or whatever you call the dude who does the surgery) was telling me in rare cases a nerve can get hit and that numbness in your lip and chin can be lasting, wish you well OP, I was eating normal in a week or so, just be sure to use that syringe after every meal.
This is definitely true. I was shook before the surgery after he told me this.
i'm pretty sure something is wrong if your mouth is still numb.

this. got all 4 taken out some months ago. feeling came back in less than 20 hrs. pain stopped after a day. bleeding continued for a few hours after surgery. 2 days tho? chill dunn. call ur doctor.

now i feel fine.

im 24 btw and 2 of my lower teeth were impacted (laying down) so my lower gums needed to be cut open.

after the first day or so its not bad. the worst thing is the cost of the procedure. **** aint cheap. momadukes held me down tho :pimp:
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My bottom wisdom tooth is coming in.
Woke up the other day and my jaw was killing me.
Hopefully I don't have to have them removed.
I was expecting the worst when I had mine removed. Only needed 2 out, but I told them to take all 4. The first day I couldn't feel a thing. The next day, I took a vicodin and I was good. Besides the bleeding, I guess I was lucky.
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