Mar 4, 2012
OK so i hate all this bashing about resellers and how they make money and they ruin it for other SNEAKERHEADS ETC ETC... me personally i have no problem with resellers when i was younger RESELLERS was the only way i could get a pair of older kicks that i couldnt afford until i came up with the funds sometimes it took months i was broke no money at all so i apperciated that i could get the shoe LATER LATER LATER even if i payed WAY MORE THAN RETAIL...THAT FEELING U GET WHEN U FINALLY GET THE PAIR OF KICKS U WANTED FOR SO LONG WAS CRAZY.... I DONT HAVE THAT PROBLEM NOW

SO HERES THE DEAL....I HOOK UP ALL MY HOMIES AND THEY FRIENDS I DONT CHARGE THEM ANYTHING now heres the good part alot of these people i hook up hook me up one of my friends flew me to hawii,chile,la, he added me and my connect to his family and friend list or something not to sure,i get hookups at nordstrom, bestbuy and target well target i get giftcards ,one has a detail shop and does the whole hookup on my lac for free, chic i know lets me use 200 of her foodstamps:smokin, i get free pizzas deleiverd to my job whenever i want, i get deeply discounted rooms at any marriot.... sometime i end up with about 300 bucks but man i give it to my neice now i aint gona lie ive sold some shoes before BUT ONLY AFTER I HAD WORN THEM AND WAS READY TO BUST OUT WITH MY FRESH PAIR but who hasnt sold a pair of kicks FORREAL WHO HASNT ......NOW WAT AM I CONSIDERD???? I posted a pic and the first reply WAS THIS NEW MEMBER CAN GET ALL THESE.... FOLLOWED BY RESELLER LOL.. I WISH I COULD REMEMBER MY PASSWORD TO MY OLD SIG NAME I AINT NEW TO THIS.... SO AM I A RESELLER... I TYPED IT SLOPPY BUT THIS AINT ENGLISH CLASS....
Someone call the grammar police asap! :tongue:.....seriously though, are you buying multiple pairs just to turn around and make a big gain? Do you expect anything in return when you hook these people up? If so, then you're basically trading them for goods and yeah, I'd consider that reselling. The problem most people have with resellers is what they charge...if you're receiving back something of around the same monetary value then I don't see anything wrong with it.
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^^^ lol dude in the kd thread got pissed cuz i have four kds locked up for 2moro and assumed im reselling... i guess aint no point to it lol LOCK IT UP
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So are saying that if NT can hook you up with anything you will hook them up with a pair of kicks? If that's what you're doing PM me. Want some Concords
BEEZY ANOTHER SMARTAZZ NTER/..^^^^ i like to network, nters never return favors
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