So what should i expect from jury duty tomorrow?

i had it. but it was a higher court. i think it was a federal case..but they ask everyone questions like have u been selected before, know any lawyers inpractice, been a victim to a crime....some other ones i forgot. then they use those answers to select 12 jurors.. they also ask who "really cant make itfor personal reasons" thats where the BS really should start to get outta it..but then if ur selected its like a 3 week case or more....but i got paid100$ each day i was i made A quick 500bucks in a week. my story at least.. in Cali
boring or an interesting, depends if they put you on a case also depends on the judge and the severity of the case at hand. But bring something to read becausethey don't allow phones to have the withing the courtroom
(you have to put it on silent or vibrate but if the ringer goes off it they have the right to take your phone) you usaully will get it back but just make sureyou keep yourself occupied because it can get very boring.

Hope that gave a little insight, hopefully someone else can also share
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