so what's your opinion on the new NBA JAM? (Actual gameplay footage from e3)

Looks intresting.. Don't think it's enough to make me pull the trigger on the Wii again, prob burn it and play it on my friends wii.
vince carter"s head
I like it, specially having actual pictures of the player's faces.

I'll pass on it though.
2k and Live are already arcade enough as it is
What we need is a sim basketball game
Hopefully some company will step up
Pure awesomeness. but if theres no online then it a no buy.

Nintendo are a bunch of douches for not pushing the wii's internet capabilities. Yea i like playing with my friends but they can't always be here in my living room.
$29.99 should be the price on this....a little too kiddy for me. like ninjahood said, the Showtime NBA on NBC was sick. I had it on Dreamcast.
dope i will def be copping hope it comes to more systems than the wii though
it seems like it would be more fun on a solid controller such as xbox or ps3
Originally Posted by Mister916

I would buy it if I had a Wii.

Me too, game looks really fun.

Dwight +!!*#+$ on Shaq all throughout that video.
Originally Posted by DanteCoolKid

dope i will def be copping hope it comes to more systems than the wii though
it seems like it would be more fun on a solid controller such as xbox or ps3

    Yea thats my complaint with alot of wii games, the remote+nunchuck is pretty cool and all, but i think wii rely and uses this concept far too often. I hope they allow the option of remote and/or classic controller.
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