So who posts drunk on NT?

Jun 16, 2007
Right now i'm drunk off courvoisier and posting on NT.

This isn't the only time i've been drunk on NT.

I just wanna know how many of y'all been in my position and posted on NT.

Right now i'm drunk off courvoisier and posting on NT.

This isn't the only time i've been drunk on NT.

I just wanna know how many of y'all been in my position and posted on NT.

i try and stay off the computer when i'm wasted. i be sayin $#%@ i regret all the time
Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

Right now i'm drunk off courvoisier and posting on NT.

This isn't the only time i've been drunk on NT.

I just wanna know how many of y'all been in my position and posted on NT.

No spelling errors, impressive.
Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

Right now i'm drunk off courvoisier and posting on NT.

This isn't the only time i've been drunk on NT.

I just wanna know how many of y'all been in my position and posted on NT.

No spelling errors, impressive.
I have a couple times. Knowing how to proofread and spell while drunk = winning. PWD is not recommended for those with no self control though.
I have a couple times. Knowing how to proofread and spell while drunk = winning. PWD is not recommended for those with no self control though.
Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

i try and stay off the computer when i'm wasted. i be sayin $#%@ i regret all the time
qft...the few times i have got on the computer drunk i was wildin out. i might go back & look at my fb messages from the night before & just be like damn i was trippin hard

Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

i try and stay off the computer when i'm wasted. i be sayin $#%@ i regret all the time
qft...the few times i have got on the computer drunk i was wildin out. i might go back & look at my fb messages from the night before & just be like damn i was trippin hard

Eh I do it only cuz I always head to my laptop/NT before I pass out
Eh I do it only cuz I always head to my laptop/NT before I pass out
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