So who's keeping up with Snooki's IG? Vol. Obama Not Bad gif

there arent many times where i'd say a chick looks better when she loses good thickness...

but... to me she didnt have good thickness...

i approve. i'd receive the yambs, no hesitation.

I always liked Snookers but I like the show a lot as well. If she didn't have the attitude she has, I am sure people would think she is even hotter.

Snooki isn't a 7?! But I totalllyyyyy forgot, all ya is getting SI model type punani huh?

FOH. Stop fronting. If she was in front of you, I bet my entire life ya'll dudes saying she's ugly, etc would be eyeing hard body. Dudes stunt on a forum so hard haha

I would smash Snooki with the power of the Hulks smash while possessing the almighty strength of Thors Hammer.

Wait. You want to have sex with me?
i do
hypocrite. You're as fake as this broad's mammaries.
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