So who's keeping up with Snooki's IG? Vol. Obama Not Bad gif

Her antics on that show make her an automatic turn off regardless of how thin she is now.

Her Chilean roots show in those pictures.
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I would tap that no problem
Her antics on that show make her an automatic turn off regardless of how thin she is now.

Her Chilean roots show in those pictures.s.


Yeah I definitely noticed that too.

You can see it in the pictures posted and even moreso now that she's thinner.
never thought she was ugly, she was just slightly chubby on the show. Chick been attractive imo.

Its funny all these dudes in here hating on her, when I'm sure some of yall look like EGBIDJVKNJVDIVOVDNVDE BUAHDOO.

I mean seriously to the guy who called her a lower tier human being, what is up with you? Thats insulting
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I don't see how yall are calling her ugly, but then again, I said Anna Hathaway was weak as hell too. So this might be a minority version of that.
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