So 'Ye and Kim K are dating... for real.

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

I can make it look good! If you just give me that chance.

Kim - “He was getting out of the car and his belt got pulled by this hook on the car door and he was trying to pull it up quicker ..and his belt was really heavy. It was a wardrobe malfunction,
[h3]NEWS[/h3][h2]Kris Humphries Wants To Take It To Trial![/h2]
05.06.12 | 0 Comments

It’s about to get even nastier between ex-couple Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, as the NBA star continues to press for a divorce trial rather than an out of court settlement, is exclusively reporting.

During a brief hearing Friday morning the reality star’s lawyer accused Humphries of attempting to prolong the proceedings for publicity, but Humphries is telling his friends that he isn’t intimidated by Kardashian or her lawyer, Laura Wasser, and simply wants the truth to come out about their marriage.
As previously reported, Team Humphries plans on grilling Kardashian about what happened to the $325k white Ferrari the former couple was given as a wedding gift by a wealthy Malaysian businessman, amongst other subjects.

The hearing Friday was held to determine if Humphries’ Minnesota based attorney, Lee Hutton, could formally represent Humphries in the state of California. During the proceedings Wasser alleged that Humphries was only interested in publicity and that is why he is refusing to settle out of court.

“That is absolutely ridiculous,
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Just turrible

Amber's swag >>>>>> this doofus


Wiz + Amber >> KimYe

KimYe's income >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wiz + Amber

lol at kim attempting to wear Js.
honestly, kim an ye was prolly messin around when we had jokes of them workin in the studio together
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