So you get a girls number at the club/party and..

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Ive had more success gettin the number and txtin her to give her my number. Call within a day or two.
I feel all you dudes giving ur number and expecting her to call to weed out the serious and non serious girls isnt a good idea.
Some chick might be genuinely interested but might feel shes not supposed to make the first move or maybe shes just scared like some of these dudes on NT. Her givin u her number is showing interest enough.

And you guys only talkin to girls throgh txt are hilarious. Only the most thorough of jumps react to that.
I hope you're not serious.....
A chick giving you her number doesn't mean ANYTHING. These chicks give out their number to anyone, even dudes they have zero interest in, trust me. They enjoy having that feeling of a dude hitting them up and sweating them, it's nothing but an ego boost to them. With chicks it's all about attention man. She'll sit there, give dudes her number, and when they hit her up she'll look at her phone like "Ugh, look at all these thirst buckets blowing up my phone!"
It makes no sense, but that's women for you.
That's why you have to flip the script on them man,  make them holla at YOU. We not sweating these pros man
glad to know someone man

then she'l prolly make a twitter status like "look at this thristy n___ tryna get at me ewww can u say #thristymuch" with a screenshot of the convo too.
when you get #, let her know you're gon hit her up
2 days: CALL with plans in mind (hey-- let's grab lunch on saturday at 2...)

she won't pick up--but if you left message, she'll text back "sounds good.. where?"

go to lunch

after lunch, "let's do it again-- this time it's on you to pick"...

works all the time.

don't text her until she texts you-- you need to make the call first-- and make it brief.
Just try to take it as far as it can go that night. Go to club or lounge or whatever and scope out the whole night. Dance with as many girls as possible, leave good impressions through your brief connections (while dancing). Then at the end of the night when everyone is leaving pick your favorite or whoever was feeling you the most and link up after. Ask "where's the after function is at?" That's what I usually ask, go back to her and her crew's spot or next kick it and profit. Do this method every single weekend. Usually ends with a smash or intimate encounters haha
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