So You Have 30 Minutes.

Originally Posted by GucciMane

Originally Posted by Dank Roofus

rape and shoot people

and make sure i take a cucumber, so when teh cataclysmic wave of ultraluminescent death comes my way, it'll look like this one dude had a gigantic %#+% etched into the wall, word to pompeii. Then the horny aliens would be like, "oh *!%# i wanna see dis" and they'll scan my dna and ressurect me, then i'll be some neo-jesus with extra cum ready for interspecies breeding heralding the age of magnetic.


Originally Posted by Dank Roofus

rape and shoot people

and make sure i take a cucumber, so when teh cataclysmic wave of ultraluminescent death comes my way, it'll look like this one dude had a gigantic %#+% etched into the wall, word to pompeii. Then the horny aliens would be like, "oh *!%# i wanna see dis" and they'll scan my dna and ressurect me, then i'll be some neo-jesus with extra cum ready for interspecies breeding heralding the age of magnetic.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

30 min?

pray to everything and everybody.

jesus, allah, yahweh, satan, zeus and buddah.

one of them gotta be right!
gonna smash and time it so that when 30 mins is up, i should be dead right after the climax........

and a fat blunt
Originally Posted by RocSole

Originally Posted by GucciMane

Originally Posted by Dank Roofus

rape and shoot people

and make sure i take a cucumber, so when teh cataclysmic wave of ultraluminescent death comes my way, it'll look like this one dude had a gigantic %#+% etched into the wall, word to pompeii. Then the horny aliens would be like, "oh *!%# i wanna see dis" and they'll scan my dna and ressurect me, then i'll be some neo-jesus with extra cum ready for interspecies breeding heralding the age of magnetic.




Honestly....I'd probably smash every chick I always wanted to smash in middle school-high school...

I'd just walk up to em and tell them their family is in danger come quick....
LMAO @ that will i am reply.

i'd smoke a sherm stick and go out like the incredible hulk
Originally Posted by Dank Roofus

rape and shoot people

and make sure i take a cucumber, so when teh cataclysmic wave of ultraluminescent death comes my way, it'll look like this one dude had a gigantic %#+% etched into the wall, word to pompeii. Then the horny aliens would be like, "oh *!%# i wanna see dis" and they'll scan my dna and ressurect me, then i'll be some neo-jesus with extra cum ready for interspecies breeding heralding the age of magnetic.

It is best when read with microsoft sam, the voice used in windows XP's text to talk feature.

With only 30 minutes to go I would not have time to get my hands on a bunch of snortable or smokeable opiates so I would probably take a whole bottle of xanax and if I could call them on the phone and/or if they were with me, I would tell them how much I love them and then I would hold hands and enter a state of meditation, enhanced by my xanax I could die as fearlessly as possible.

If you want to keep a clear head but not be affraid of death, a drug similar to xanax, ativan, would be ideal. I was given that when I was diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease (time and medicine have removed the fatal diagnosis by now) and when I took it I felt very little sedative effects but had absolutely no fear. It was not a drug that would make you act different then how you normally would but you have the deepest inner peace imaginable.

If I had more time I would probably have some magic mushrooms because when you are on those you do not fear death either and in fact you will probably be having a quasi religious experience and would be like the original Buddha, ecstatic with death imminent.
OP, +%++ is wrong with you?

As for me, I would spend the time with my girl/family and make calls to people who are important to me.
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