May 22, 2008
[COLOR=#red]First things first, check your emotions at the door. Critical decisions need not be made primarily based on emotion.

Seems like right after every mass shooting instead of focusing on the tragedy in and of itself, the talking heads start speaking about "gun control", and how all firearms need to be banned and how evil they are. So with that being said let's look at this issue from a more logical perspective. By the end of this writeup I highly doubt anybody will change their views, nevertheless both sides need to be heard.

There are roughly 200 million firearms that are LEGALLY privately owned by American citizens. This does not include weapons that are illegally obtained and sold on the criminal market. Those figures do not include weapons that are fully automatic, and or not compliant with the National Firearm Act (NFA). What does this mean? I'll explain below...

If somehow citizens were required to turn in their firearms because they are obligated to do so by law that means that criminals who are basically individuals who decided to make a career out of not obeying laws will still have their weapons which means the people who are the most likely to commit a potentially deadly or grave assault would still be armed. Criminals knowing that the good and law abiding citizens have more than likely turned in their firearms would be more likely to commit offenses now that the deterrent of self defense has been removed. How this makes America a safer place escapes me.

You are at home with your family enjoying the holiday season. An armed offender brazenly and violently breaks into your home. What do you do? You will not be able to call the police in time. Forget about getting a golf club or baseball bat...throwing a pair of DS Foamposite Ones will be just as futile. Here's the short do WHATEVER he says in order to preserve your life and your family. Your family has been violated and you the man and protector can only watch helplessly. I can almost GUARANTEE even the staunchest anti-gun person would use a firearm in defense if one were available. If not you are lying to yourself OR you are the perfect victim...akin to an unprotected flock of sheep amidst a pack of wolves.

"Assault" Rifles:
"There is no need for assault weapons with their multi-round "clips" and their evil features. They belong in war". This is a sentiment echoed by many. This is an example of sensationalism at its best. Yes true these firearms have capacities of 30 or more rounds in some cases. But that in and of itself is not what makes them is the intent of the shooter that makes any firearm deadly. A determined sicko can cause just as much havoc with a lower capacity handgun...evidenced by Cho at Virginia Tech who killed 30+ people with handguns that only had 10 round magazines. IF it's a defenseless soft target such as schools or malls it really doesn't matter what the shooter is using.

Soft Targets and What Really Needs To Be Done To Make America Safer:
I am all about stricter background checks. As a matter of fact two of my last three gun purchases required a longer background check than usual. I was not upset one bit, as a matter of fact I agree that there should be more in the way of background checks. I know I'm a law abiding citizen so there is nothing to hide...take two weeks if need be.

Now let's discuss soft targets. If you notice almost all the individuals that committed these mass killing have done so against soft targets. Soft targets are individuals,groups, or places that are likely not to be defended and offer little to no resistance. Example, an elementary school is a soft target...a police station is a hard target. Have you EVER heard of a shooter attacking a police station? The answer is no, and this is because the shooter know these places will be well defended and offer much in the way of resistance. This also shows that these shooters are disturbed but not stupid. They know what they can get away with.

To make America safer we must realize that we are in an era where we must be better defended and more resistant. We must have more protective resources in our schools and workplace. Criminals know the law, they just don't follow them...they know the places where concealed carry is prohibited and these are prime targets of opportunity. It's a different world and we must adjust...Similar to how we had to adjust with air travel after 9-11. Sure there are some inconveniences, but these are required for overall safety.

So indirectly I ask the legislation not to take my right/privilege to protect my family and my home based on the atrocities perpetrated by a relative few disturbed individuals. It's a knee-jerk emotional response that will not make our country safer. The Loughners, the Chos, and the Lanzas are not the face of law abiding citizens who own guns for defense, sport, and hunting. [/COLOR]
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if they take the guns
knife sales is going to rise!
guns dont kill people
dumb/crazy people with guns kill people
Just the opposite really, I saw it on FB and I agree that once you turn 21 you should get government issued firearms and everyone everywhere should walk the streets holding their guns aiming it at anyone they come across in the streets at all times.
Increase the bullet prices.
Chris Rock :smokin :lol:
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All in all, guns do more harm than good, point blank. That even dates back to when America was "founded". Guns+ idiots= hell on earth. Period.

People shouldn't even have access to an item with so much power that requires so little effort. It's literally a stop button for someones life.

Answer me this: would the world be a better or worse place had guns never been invented?

If people were able to be responsible, I'd have a different take on it, but firearms do no good.

When "the right to bear arms" was penned, I'm sure they didn't have today's sickos in mind.
Dont want a full gun "ban," but I want these damn ARs and AKs off the streets.

[COLOR=#red]They will not get them off the "streets". It will be about as successful as getting cocaine, crack, meth, ecstasy, heroine, GHB, and prostitutes "off the streets". Getting them out the hands of people who would never harm another person for no reason (read law abiding citizens) would have little to no effect on crime. Now people do need to secure their weapons. I can agree on that.[/COLOR]
Increase the bullet prices.

Increasing prices only hurts those who have less money and resources. If a criminal wants ammo, he'll steal it, if a rich guy wants some he'll reload his own, but the lower middle class family who has a gun to protect their home, he's the one you hurt. He now will not train with this firearm because it's to expensive making accidents even higher.
All in all, guns do more harm than good, point blank. That even dates back to when America was "founded". Guns+ idiots= hell on earth. Period.
People shouldn't even have access to an item with so much power that requires so little effort. It's literally a stop button for someones life.
Answer me this: would the world be a better or worse place had guns never been invented?
If people were able to be responsible, I'd have a different take on it, but firearms do no good.
When "the right to bear arms" was penned, I'm sure they didn't have today's sickos in mind.

[COLOR=#red]Would the world be a better place without illicit drugs? Yes of course. But reality is they are here, so what are we going to do about it. It's wishful thinking at this point to ponder about things that just aren't.[/COLOR]
If Cho had access to 10+ mag, wouldn't you bet your money that body count would surpass 30+? If the Newton shooter didn't get a hold of that AR-15 (readily available from a legal gun owner), don't you think some lives may have been spared ...or at least one? FYI, I'm not for a total fire arm ban. I do believe we need to take a deeper look at our culture and focus on those where 'unstability' runs deep.
I want assault rifles to be restricted to military only and I want it to be harder to get a gun. I don't think you should be able to walk into a gun show and walk out with a dozen guns in a hour, like you can now.
Increasing prices only hurts those who have less money and resources. If a criminal wants ammo, he'll steal it, if a rich guy wants some he'll reload his own, but the lower middle class family who has a gun to protect their home, he's the one you hurt. He now will not train with this firearm because it's to expensive making accidents even higher.

[COLOR=#red]Agreed, and even of there was an all out ban, you better believe that the Mexican border would be alive and well with gun smuggling back into the U.S....Just like the drugs. Basically the criminals are going to have their weapons regardless.[/COLOR]
Everyone having a gun isn't the solution, only a small percentage of people have the heart to shoot someone let alone kill them....
I know you're probably a decent guy btw, but it really makes you look like a scumbag making a thread like this with a title like this.
Why are people with guns always crying about their right to carry one? I don't get it....
Dont want a full gun "ban," but I want these damn ARs and AKs off the streets.

What is your reason for wanting to take AK's off the market? Please post something logical.
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Only in America do people live with the paranoia of what if, in regard to owning guns.

This is a violent society, one that is hell bent on revenge. It's not about solving problems, this society seems to be about escalating those problems, instead of resolving them.

Logic and reason is thrown out of the window, and your decision to want and then own a gun, is more emotional than anything else.

Yet you ask people to not to be emotional, while dealing with this topic in particular.

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Why would someone need an ak or ar? They're scary looking. I'm not a gun enthusiast, so when you respond, please post something logical.

No offense, EWD, but this is a dumb thread. Emotions are already running high and folks on this site in particular have drawn their line in the sand on this issue. No one is going to be willing to even attempt to see where the other person is coming from on this issue. You're going to have a lot of condescending responses (scary looking..."logical responses) amongst other things. This goes for ALL people whether you are pro-gun or not. Honestly I dont even know why I responded in this thread because the events of this weekend have 100% changed my POV regarding guns. I, too, have drawn my line in the sand and i really dont give a **** or care to entertain what you pro-gun people think about your 2nd amendment rights etc. Maybe when the dust settles I could offer a better argument and be willing to try to understand your POV, but for right now, I cant. Sorry, EWD. You're a good dude and I really dont mean any disrespect towards you.
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I want assault rifles to be restricted to military only and I want it to be harder to get a gun. I don't think you should be able to walk into a gun show and walk out with a dozen guns in a hour, like you can now.

I'm in the military and I do not want them in just our hands. In the 8 years since the sunset of the AWB there has been so much innovation from the private sector in terms of the AR/M4 platform. These innovations have made weapon system so much better and it has cost the tax payers $0 in terms of R&D. All they have to pay for is the actual items. I for one am grateful for that.
I'm in the military and I do not want them in just our hands. In the 8 years since the sunset of the AWB there has been so much innovation from the private sector in terms of the AR/M4 platform. These innovations have made weapon system so much better and it has cost the tax payers $0 in terms of R&D. All they have to pay for is the actual items. I for one am grateful for that.

You are so contradictory, dude. You made like a half dozen posts about how you military folk are soooo trustworthy and would never dream of firing on Americans and all this. Now you don't want the military to be the only ones with these weapons? I'm confused.
What I don't get is how this is a gun control issue?

The shooter in this case did not own the guns personally.

If you make guns harder to obtain legally, people will illegally squire them much like the shooter in the SHES.

All all this hoopla is gonna do is create a new market for gun manufacturers. People are screaming so loud that they are gonna start making smart guns.
( tracking devices, statistical information, user identification etc)

There was also another shooting at a movie theater that is less known about in light of sandy.

The shooter killed one person but was shot by an off duty security guard there, preventing him from killing more people.

People need to realize that when you ban a product, you are essentially handing it over to the elements of the underworld.

If your privacy, property has ever been violated and you demand that your leaders disarm you what do you expect to happen your life?

This really isn't about guns.

It's about the fact that you aren't safe anywhere and people are willing to step in your comfort zone wherever that may be. There are a faction of people who wish to make your world miserable and dark like they perceive the world.

Are you gonna give away control of your world to strangers with mal intent?
All in all, guns do more harm than good, point blank. That even dates back to when America was "founded". Guns+ idiots= hell on earth. Period.
People shouldn't even have access to an item with so much power that requires so little effort. It's literally a stop button for someones life.
Answer me this: would the world be a better or worse place had guns never been invented?
If people were able to be responsible, I'd have a different take on it, but firearms do no good.
When "the right to bear arms" was penned, I'm sure they didn't have today's sickos in mind.

[COLOR=#red]Would the world be a better place without illicit drugs? Yes of course. But reality is they are here, so what are we going to do about it. It's wishful thinking at this point to ponder about things that just aren't.[/COLOR]

I take that as a yes. And it's funny that you make a comparison to drugs. I was going to make the same analogy, but I thought it'd be a tad too extreme. I'm glad we're on the same page.
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