You are so contradictory, dude. You made like a half dozen posts about how you military folk are soooo trustworthy and would never dream of firing on Americans and all this. Now you don't want the military to be the only ones with these weapons? I'm confused.

You're taking my posts out of context. Like I said in my other post 90% of current military commanders would give no such orders to fire on Americans. Probably around 75% of enlisted folks would not follow these orders. This does not mean that we would not try and be replaced by people who would follow such orders. Modern day Brownshirts per say.

Why would someone need an ak or ar? They're scary looking. I'm not a gun enthusiast, so when you respond, please post something logical.

Because it is a great weapon. It's accurate, reliable, lightweight, ergonomic and modular. What more could you want of a firearm?
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As a gun owner, you should never pull your gun out if you don't plan on using it.
Dont want a full gun "ban," but I want these damn ARs and AKs off the streets.
Why because they're scary looking?

Whats the difference between these two rifles?


Both are semi-auto, the bottom one fires a larger caliber round and both have been used in wars. But you only want one banned why?
nobody likes the machine gun funk.

I say you only allow the manufacture of a blunderbuss and a musket, this will guarantee that only people who are about that life get into gunfights.
Why would someone need an ak or ar? They're scary looking. I'm not a gun enthusiast, so when you respond, please post something logical.
No offense, EWD, but this is a dumb thread. Emotions are already running high and folks on this site in particular have drawn their line in the sand on this issue. No one is going to be willing to even attempt to see where the other person is coming from on this issue. You're going to have a lot of condescending responses (scary looking..."logical responses) amongst other things. This goes for ALL people whether you are pro-gun or not. Honestly I dont even know why I responded in this thread because the events of this weekend have 100% changed my POV regarding guns. I, too, have drawn my line in the sand and i really dont give a **** or care to entertain what you pro-gun people think about your 2nd amendment rights etc. Maybe when the dust settles I could offer a better argument and be willing to try to understand your POV, but for right now, I cant. Sorry, EWD. You're a good dude and I really dont mean any disrespect towards you.

[COLOR=#red]No offense taken, you are a good dude yourself. If you was one of my "dudes" and you had an opinion different from mine on matters like this it wouldn't cause any strain on my behalf. At the end of the day I want a safer America, but unfortunately I don't feel a weapon ban would accomplish it.[/COLOR]
A gun ban,now, only because a certain demographic now feels like it's coming to close to home for their comfort.I guess it was,alright when it only affect's other's and not them,personaly or anyone they knew.Remember certain people saying "I would of never thought","I'm shocked that it happened here","It doesn't happen here in our community",well as of lately that has not been the case because some people forget that violence doesn't care about race,financial status's, nor your belief's,it has it's own will,plan and purpose,it just need's a living human being to accomplish it.
We all know that guns and violence has been around for along time and I won't even act like our government,local and federal hasn't tried to stop some certain people from owning,possessing and using gun's.Normally we target felon's,crack dealer's,criminal's,occasionally famous rapper's,send them to prison,make money off of them and wait for them to return.Their all pretty much taken care of,now their not the problem,but now one want's to come out and say,who and what is(white male's,legal gun owner's) because if it's said it might cause a unfavorible reaction.

Hey,Obama is shedding tear's,sitting at the round table with the other Dicki-doolittles talking about gun law's,kissing *** and all of that jazz.While in other news,another person is killed in Chiraq Illilinois where the murder rate is the highest in the nation.

Please,pardon my sarcasm....but we can't stop the chickens from coming home to roost.
Why are people with guns always crying about their right to carry one? I don't get it....

Because we are the ones that abide by the guns laws. We are the ones who have taken safety courses, practice on a regular basis, and respect firearms for what they are.

We are not the ones shooting up malls, schools, street corners etc. We are not pulling brazen home invasions, car jackings, armed robberies or just plain cold blooded murder.

Changing gun laws to make them stricter does not affect the criminals who have obtained and will continue to obtain them illegally on the black market.
“As with guns, some auto deaths are caused by people who break laws or behave irresponsibly. But we don’t shrug and say, “Cars don’t kill people, drunks do.” Instead, we have required seat belts, air bags, child seats and crash safety standards. We have introduced limited licenses for young drivers and tried to curb the use of mobile phones while driving. All this has reduced America’s traffic fatality rate per mile driven by nearly 90 percent since the 1950s. Some of you are alive today because of those auto safety regulations. And if we don’t treat guns in the same serious way, some of you and some of your children will die because of our failure.”

this quote summarizes my argument for gun control, it needs stricter regulations. The 2nd amendment is outdated.
americans dont want any rights

they already willing walk through x ray machines and get strip searched in order to get on a plane

bend over and take it
So to all you pro-gun guys, how can we reduce gun violence? All I'm hearing is more or less **** it, and **** happens. There is an obvious issue that needs to be addressed and if it isn't gun control, what do you suggest?
“As with guns, some auto deaths are caused by people who break laws or behave irresponsibly. But we don’t shrug and say, “Cars don’t kill people, drunks do.” Instead, we have required seat belts, air bags, child seats and crash safety standards. We have introduced limited licenses for young drivers and tried to curb the use of mobile phones while driving. All this has reduced America’s traffic fatality rate per mile driven by nearly 90 percent since the 1950s. Some of you are alive today because of those auto safety regulations. And if we don’t treat guns in the same serious way, some of you and some of your children will die because of our failure.”

this quote summarizes my argument for gun control, it needs stricter regulations. The 2nd amendment is outdated.

Very good post. The fact of the matter is that people like EWD, they sit around hoping someone tries to break into their house so they can have some Scarface type of shootout like "say hello to my little friend", with the rocket launcher in all. It's what people like him sit around and dream about. They buy a complete arsenal of weapons and just dream about the chance to have a shootout with some criminal.
I don't understand why Americans are soo anti gun laws.. Look at Canada and their stern gun laws.. Only benefits can come from these laws.
"Guns don't kill people, people kill people" ... Everyone says this.. But, put a gun in someones hand and their ability/likelihood of killing someone skyrockets exponentially. 
I want assault rifles to be restricted to military only and I want it to be harder to get a gun. I don't think you should be able to walk into a gun show and walk out with a dozen guns in a hour, like you can now.

Very good post. The fact of the matter is that people like EWD, they sit around hoping someone tries to break into their house so they can have some Scarface type of shootout like "say hello to my little friend", with the rocket launcher in all. It's what people like him sit around and dream about. They buy a complete arsenal of weapons and just dream about the chance to have a shootout with some criminal.

I csn picture this :smh:
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So let me get this straight guys.

Ur gonna sit up in a $100k+ , $70k worth of cars and appliances and whatever else you got

With your family ( Wife and kids for example)

Knowing that criminals use guns to get what they want

And forsake protecting ur family because some other person in the world (not you) made a bad decision with weapons?

What does that say about your decision making as an individual? As a protector of your family? As a property owner?

Look guys.

it's too late. guns already exist. You have to find a way to co exist, or petition your government to wage a war on guns. Yet another never ending war like the one on terror, drugs, gangs etc.

I'm pretty sure they'll have no qualm about it since it will create jobs and stimulate the economy :rolleyes
So to all you pro-gun guys, how can we reduce gun violence? All I'm hearing is more or less **** it, and **** happens. There is an obvious issue that needs to be addressed and if it isn't gun control, what do you suggest?
gun violence is like any other crime. It's a byproduct of the environment. If a criminal is "skilled" they do "white" collar crime. If they are unskilled they do "blue" collar crime. To "land my plane" so to speak a  person who feels they can defend themselves with their fists will do just that. A person who doesn't will use a gun. Guns were created by people too ***** to thump. If you wanna get rid of "gun" violence create an atmosphere were soft dudes don't feel threatened.
“As with guns, some auto deaths are caused by people who break laws or behave irresponsibly. But we don’t shrug and say, “Cars don’t kill people, drunks do.” Instead, we have required seat belts, air bags, child seats and crash safety standards. We have introduced limited licenses for young drivers and tried to curb the use of mobile phones while driving. All this has reduced America’s traffic fatality rate per mile driven by nearly 90 percent since the 1950s. Some of you are alive today because of those auto safety regulations. And if we don’t treat guns in the same serious way, some of you and some of your children will die because of our failure.”
this quote summarizes my argument for gun control, it needs stricter regulations. The 2nd amendment is outdated.

Gun ownership is a right, driving isn't. But to entertain you do you believe that we should limit all cars to 80mph? I mean any faster than that the only point is to break the law. What about alcohol, should we ban that too. The only point of alcohol is to inebriate you and it also contributes to a large majority of traffic crashes among other things. Would you be ok with these "common sense" measures?

Very good post. The fact of the matter is that people like EWD, they sit around hoping someone tries to break into their house so they can have some Scarface type of shootout like "say hello to my little friend", with the rocket launcher in all. It's what people like him sit around and dream about. They buy a complete arsenal of weapons and just dream about the chance to have a shootout with some criminal.

No gun owner is wanting someone to break into their house and have a firefight. But believe me if it came down to it I'd be prepared. Would you?
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I don't agree with the discontinuing of selling firearms to the public. It's in the Amendment for Americans having the right to bear arms. Violence is apart of this world, like it or not. Banning guns won't do a damn thing.

So how do I go about obtaining a gun license? I am a civilian with no Criminal Justice training.
So let me get this straight guys.

Ur gonna sit up in a $100k+ , $70k worth of cars and appliances and whatever else you got

With your family ( Wife and kids for example)

Knowing that criminals use guns to get what they want

And forsake protecting ur family because some other person in the world (not you) made a bad decision with weapons?

What does that say about your decision making as an individual? As a protector of your family? As a property owner?

Look guys.

it's too late. guns already exist. You have to find a way to co exist, or petition your government to wage a war on guns. Yet another never ending war like the one on terror, drugs, gangs etc.

I'm pretty sure they'll have no qualm about it since it will create jobs and stimulate the economy
stop your making too much sense.

da perp killed his own mom, 20 kids, and 6 laws would have prevented this.
I own a gun, and personally, I hope that I never have to fire it at a living person.

For those of you who think that every gun owner is "looking forward" to using it are dead wrong. You guys are nothing more than scared, ignorant individuals. Normal, sane gun owners, will NEVER shoot up a school. They will never disrespect the power and responsibility that comes with owning a weapon that can take someone's life just by the pull of a trigger.

What you should be worried about are the criminals of the world and those who suffer from mental issues. The former is tough to regulate, but I think performing more strict psych evaluations for gun purchases is a good idea. A gun ban is probably the dumbest solution out there right now. I bet criminals are just licking their chops at the idea of a gun ban so they can start profiting off that stuff.
More American paranoia. 

I've got nice things, so people are out to get me.

I'll tell you when people will be all for gun control. It will be when more minorities own legal firearms than the real Americans in this country.

That Second Amendment will be eliminated with the quickness.
I own a gun, and personally, I hope that I never have to fire it at a living person.
For those of you who think that every gun owner is "looking forward" to using it are dead wrong. You guys are nothing more than scared, ignorant individuals. Normal, sane gun owners, will NEVER shoot up a school. They will never disrespect the power and responsibility that comes with owning a weapon that can take someone's life just by the pull of a trigger.
What you should be worried about are the criminals of the world and those who suffer from mental issues. The former is tough to regulate, but I think performing more strict psych evaluations for gun purchases is a good idea. A gun ban is probably the dumbest solution out there right now. I bet criminals are just licking their chops at the idea of a gun ban so they can start profiting off that stuff.
The same can be said about gun owners, you know.

You may be afraid to get your *** kicked, straight up man to man.
Very good post. The fact of the matter is that people like EWD, they sit around hoping someone tries to break into their house so they can have some Scarface type of shootout like "say hello to my little friend", with the rocket launcher in all. It's what people like him sit around and dream about. They buy a complete arsenal of weapons and just dream about the chance to have a shootout with some criminal.

[COLOR=#red]Cyguy610, actually I hope to never use my weapon against another human. I love people man. Though I will say that I supremely dislike people who live to harm others. Hey you don't have to make assumptions about me, you could ask me bro, I'm a reasonable guy. I'm not even upset about your statement. If there is anything you want to know specifically about me and firearms I'd be happy to answer.[/COLOR]
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More American paranoia. 

I've got nice things, so people are out to get me.

I'll tell you when people will be all for gun control. It will be when more minorities own legal firearms than the real Americans in this country.

That Second Amendment will be eliminated with the quickness.

Let it happen. At least then everybody will quit holding their breath about the real issue and how bigots really feel.

This was an attack on smalltown perfect little white christmas america.

Honestly the country is reacting as if unicorn blood has been spilled.

Somehow their blood is worth more than all the little brown babies blood that gets spilled daily and more voluminous.

You think the world would cry about the girls killed by walking over landmines, the baby soldiers trained to kill or be killed. No.

They don't matter to you all because the 3rd world is not the same as your commercialized, sit on the couch with your technology and comment on how to fix the ills of the world inbetween episodes of your favorite dvr'd shows.

And you guys wonder why the rest of the world looks at the US with disgust.
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