
Meanwhile...back at the ranch,


blows my mind. rich and wealthy folks have convinced average Americans that our specific brand of capitalism truly benefits them.

Stockholm Syndrome is crazy.

“Socialism for the rich and brutal capitalism for the poor”
“Socialism is a generational Rorschach test: Boomers think of Soviet gulags and bad shoes, millennials think of Swedish health care and free education.”
you would likely stand to benefit much more from “socialism” than the current capitalistic system we have now


im good social engineering & telling me what i need and what i dont ergo....


emphasis on da last 2.

socialism kill industry.

imagine Bernie Sanders telling Nike "his moral compass leads him to punitively punish Nike for pumping out more footwear because no one person needs that many sneakers" or "proctor & gamble quit making so many deodorants"

im all da way good on it.

im good social engineering & telling me what i need and what i dont ergo....


emphasis on da last 2.

socialism kill industry.

imagine Bernie Sanders telling Nike "his moral compass leads him to punitively punish Nike for pumping out more footwear because no one person needs that many sneakers" or "proctor & gamble quit making so many deodorants"

im all da way good on it.

I work for a company who is headquartered in a "socialist" country and they seem to be alive and well. No one is telling corporations what they can and cannot produce.
willing to bet those same older folks would appreciate certain models of socialized medicine

you mean da one with low reimbursement rates for Doctors, long wait times, and telling you whether you deserve a pace maker at a older age because "its cost alot and you've lived long enough"...

nah man...ya don't get it.
I work for a company who is headquartered in a "socialist" country and they seem to be alive and well. No one is telling corporations what they can and cannot produce

capitalism creates abundancy

Socialism creates scarcity.

im actually looking forward to this Captialism VS Socialism general election referendum.
like Trump isn't also a socialist
the tariff/farm bailout is basically 1970s Latin American socialism
more importantly, Trump tries to pick winners or losers in the economy - except he does it on a whim and/or for personal political benefit, which makes it dumb, corrupt socialism
it is when you can't pay for it and it tanks you're economy.

reply to me when you get hard concrete numbers on Bernie Sanders Medicare for all plan compounded with green New deal and compounded with eliminating student loan debt and compounded with free college....

then see how much is da entire US economy...

there's a reason socialist want to take away your guns, because once they figure out that they have to essentially confiscate private property and wealth to pay for da soaring rhetoric & platitudes they want to be able to do it with a public that isn't armed to defend their property.
Do you legally own *a gun?
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not exactly a stellar example...

this is an opinion piece by a vet that echoes what I’ve heard about VA hospitals from family members who have served. Good read.

I’m not arguing anymore points, ima just post links cuz I’m off now and have time :smile:

my hope is that I can provide info for people willing to soak it up.
impossible in NYC... I would if i could.
And yet you love the place. It’s bordering a police state w/ all of its surveillance, and not to mention its arguably the most take a lot and give place in America. New York has already taken your guns and is stripping you of rights day by day. Even the parking is bullocks and robbery towards the common person. NY is the face of the rich get richer, and poor get poorer.
I may not have a economics major degree but socialism/Communism ain't foreign to accountant a Cuban refugee.

son terrified of Bernie Sanders.
Do you know how money is made in a capitalist system? By exploiting relative scarcity.

when you go to da store, its fully stocked with any and every flavor of w/e is at your disposal...

Socialism is da anthesis of that type of prosperity.

capitalism makes technology and innovation get cheaper and more attainable, to da point that if you watch a old episode of MTV cribs, 99% of ya can afford da amenities and luxuries that were once exclusively for da well to do, i.e. giant flat screens, high tech gizmos with video/music, cars of that era, etc.
I may not have a economics major degree but socialism/Communism ain't foreign to accountant a Cuban refugee.

son terrified of Bernie Sanders.
Meanwhile, Scandinavians ain't squeezing themselves at the doors of USCIS.
protectionism ≠ Socialism.

food is important. the problem isn't that Trump is trying to help farmers stay in business
the problem is that he put up idiotic tariffs that hurt them and is trying to paper over that damage with direct subsidies
he could and should have just dropped the tariffs
free-market conservatives should be in the streets in protest over both Trump’s tariffs and the socialism of his bribe to farmers
it's a violation of conservative free-market principles but the same hypocrites who howled socialist at Obama haven’t said a peep about Trump
when you go to da store, its fully stocked with any and every flavor of w/e is at your disposal...
And do you know how that store comes to exist in a neighborhood? After it has identified scarcity and determined that profit can be driven from that demand.

Do you know why the end game of any capitalist enterprise is monopoly? Because it through the control of resources, aka regulation of scarcity, that profit is maximized.

You've been wearing all these diamonds and you don't seem to know how DeBeers came to be. Reason why they couldn't even sell their **** in the US (long before lab diamonds became a thing) is because of their monopolistic business model. At one point, that was too much for this country.
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