
some of you "Socialist" should actually read about da scandavanians broad tax.


Scandinavian countries tend to levy top personal income tax rates on (upper) middle-class earners, not just high-income taxpayers. For example, in Denmark the top statutory personal income tax rate of 55.9 percent applies to all income over 1.3 times the average income. From the American perspective, this means that all income over $65,000 (1.3 times the average U.S. income of about $50,000) would be taxed at 55.9 percent.

Norway and Sweden have similarly flat income tax systems. Norway’s top personal tax rate of 38.4 percent applies to all income over 1.6 times the average Norwegian income. Sweden’s top personal tax rate of 57.1 percent applies to all income over 1.5 times the average national income.

In comparison, the United States levies its top personal income tax rate of 43.7 percent (federal and state combined) at 9.3 times the average U.S. income (around $500,000). Thus, a comparatively smaller share of taxpayers faces the top rate.

aka ish never working in America.

This information if factually incorrect. One, the top corporate rate from a federal perspective is 37%. Depending on the level of passive income individuals could be subject to a 3.8% NIIT on investment income in excess of $250k. The 37% rate starts at $612K for 2020 which means that people who make $10T a year, pay close to the same in tax as someone who makes $300K a year and pays tax at a 35% rate. Not to mention that income in excess of $138K in not subject to payroll taxes of 7.65% for SS and FICA. That means from a federal perspective that someone who makes $10T a year can effectively be paying income tax at 37.000000001057% combined with FICA and SS versus a couple who both make $138K a year for a combined $276K and would pay federal tax of approximately 28% (after factoring in the progressive tax rates) + the full FICA and SS tax of 7.65% for a total of 35.65%. Tell me in what world does it make sense that a couple someone making $276K year should be paying effectively the same federal tax rate as someone making $10T a year. When you can answer that you can talk about the federal tax code.

That is not a tax code that is progressive enough.
for someone who opposes it you sure got big thread lauding its purported benefits :lol:
it is called, lack of comprehension, but it is cool ...

sounds about right.

Your ethnicity has nothing to do with your race. You can and are a black latino. If not you'd be a native Indian.

Also you didn't address social and economy injustice. Getting more money is not progression if debt is being accumulated along the way.
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newsflash socialist, you're not entitled to other people's money especially when you're not da one making it.
once again, u dunno anything about me other than what ive disclosed... your premise is on wet napkin footing...
Bruh ... socialism was all good when your peeps were receiving public assistance, but is not good when you're making a few bucks?

And stop trying to imply that all of the sudden belong with the elite. Unless you hit the lotto, I seriously doubt hustling vintage snapbacks with ThurderChunk made you wealthy.
newsflash socialist, you're not entitled to other people's money especially when you're not da one making it.

newsflash "capitalist", the largest corporations in the world have gotten rich on handouts from the US government which were funded by US taxpayer dollars. Amazon is a conglomerate largely due to the use of the US infrastructure (roads, postal service) disproportionately more than any other corporation in the US, walmart has largely gotten by due to paying workers below substandard wages to live on and as a result, the US government has had to subsidize much of their workforce through Welfare and SNAP benefits.

The US economy is currently a "socialist" structure. We have just decided at some point that the benefits of US dollars should go to corporate subsidies and military spending. That government takeover of the defense industry is the very definition of socialism but you dont want to hear that.
this is da best you got? Sponge bob? :lol: ya socialism masochist are going to be relegated to da dustbin of history for da next hundred years again...

Folks who want affordable health care and education will be relegated to the dustbin? Wut.

Why do the alt-right always assume that people who advocate for CERTAIN tailored socialist policies want to turn this bish into North Korea? 🤷‍♂️
this is da best you got? Sponge bob? :lol: ya socialism masochist are going to be relegated to da dustbin of history for da next hundred years again...

You could have just responded that you have no idea how the hell the tax code works or where current US tax dollars go to.


If you are cool with this, but not helping people who actually pay the tax dollars then I dont know what to tell you
we're da only economy not in a recession right now...

by all means, fly around and catch a pandemic overseas.

Real business spending has declined each of the last three quarters despite the fact that we injected $1T into businesses, but continue
doesn't bother me, everyone is moving up.

"everyone" :lol:

we did that, guess what companies did? they left.

all companies can't and aren't willing to leave the US
corporate taxes should be going up as the economy/profits grows and yet they are almost entirely flat

compare individual/payroll taxes to corporate taxes since the GOP tax cut
the former are up by more than 3%; corporate taxes less than 1%
that's called "corporate tax cuts not paying for themselves"
corporations CAN and should be shouldering a larger tax burden
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