Socially Awkward Habits That You Do, Post Them.

- I pull my phone out and pretend to text when I'm around people I don't know, or if I have nothing to contribute to a conversation.
- I hate going to the movies when its crowded and the person I'm with has managed to pick a seat in the middle area and I have to squeeze through people sitting down. I once got nervous and fell on some guy's date. He had a poker face the entire movie.
- I feel weird whenever I'm shopping alone for clothes. Like everyones watching me or something.
- If a train car is packed from rush hour, I'll purposely miss it and wait for the next one to come until I find one with some breathing room.
•Every time I get outta bed or the shower I have to step with my right foot that also goes when I hop in the shower, if I don't I feel mad weird.
•When I check my mail I get paranoid thinking I dropped something and I check like four times, when I get in my car I lean over to check again.
•When I go online I HAVE to visit this is 50 first then NT, Va$htie blog and finally Netflix in that order.
•When people in public for example in the train or bus are laughing I tend to think they're making fun of me.
•I pretend I'm performing at a concert in the shower
come at me bros.
•I eat my cereal in a cup.
•when I go to sleep I have to turn to my right side first.
•when I lock my door I pull on the door four times to check.
•I do everything in even numbers, makes me feel better
I think I have border line OCD FTW!
•When ever I'm in a drive through or about to order something I start my sentence with "yes" or "uhh" I hate that
Originally Posted by SC415

I always crack my back in class.
I can't pee in the urinal if someone is besides me. Ill go use the toilet instead lol.


I cannot for the life of me....Piss when someone else is in the urinal next to me or just in the bathroom in general. I kinda have to

wait until the bathroom is empty...
..sometimes I can piss if I have to go really really bad...but other than that..Na...ain't happening 

-I tend to smell the air that women leave behind as they walk past me to see what they smell like 

-I play music really loud at the crib so people can hear how nasty a beat is 

-Look at my phone or pretend I'm texting in a awkward situation or walking into class or on campus 

-I ALWAYS ALWAYS chew gum...I cannot think of how bad it would be if simping on a girl and I got that Dovahkiin/Skyrim/Dragonrend breath 


-My hands are constantly cold and I have no clue why, like it doesn't bother me, but If I shake anybody's hands or @#*, they always say something

-Bare feet creep me out. I don't even like going barefooted in the house. I usually wear socks.
Originally Posted by keepitgully

thread resurrection. 
- I have a shy bladder and cannot pee to save my life if someone goes to the urinal next to me. I just stand there awkwardly not peeing.

- I set my tv to volume 6, sleep timer for 2 hours, and on the disney channel every night. ( Disney because they'll never do me wrong in playing any scary commercials incase I happen to wake up randomly in the middle of the night.

- I hate small talk. When I run into people I know i already feel the awkwardness in the air. I get really hot and just sort of mumble nonsense.

- Also, when I run into people im not too cool with, its hard for my to look them in the eyes when they try to make small talk.

- I go hard when I use my Nerf mini basketball hoop at the house. Counting down the shot clock, doing crazy dunks, pretend like im getting fouled..etc.
this. if there's someone in the bathroom when i have to pee, i go to the stall and sit and pretend like im doing a #2. i sit close to the restroom at work so when it comes close to my break when i have to go, i moniter whos going in and out and when i know its empty, then i go. crazy bladder shy.
-If i see an older person (usually 40+) I'll give them an downwards head nod, if i see a person around the same age as me I'll give them a upwards head nod
Originally Posted by FlacoBey

-If i see an older person (usually 40+) I'll give them an downwards head nod, if i see a person around the same age as me I'll give them a upwards head nod

 i just realized i do the same thing.  i also eat way too fast its completely unneccesary.
Originally Posted by igotthatfire247

I think I have a few (will try to post later), but first that comes to mind is:

If someone's chewing something loud and crunchy, I have to leave the room so I don't hear them. Otherwise ...
- I always eat the least appealing thing on a plate first and get it out the way so I can enjoy the good thing
- Always have my music at like half volume on Trains to stay prepared for the worst
- When playing FIFA or 2K12 I always pretend this is a real telecast
- Also pull the funniest faces ever when playing xbox alone - without even realising
I talk to myself, when I'm alone (guess it isn't socially awkward, but I do it in my car sometimes)

I sometimes say "huh?" even though I heard you loud and clear, its just a natural reaction.

Whenever I poop in public, its always a diligent process. I rip off the initial tissue, and put it in the toilet, lift the toilet seat, and flush the toilet, lay the protective coverings over the seat, and put the inner flap in the toilet.

I dig in my nose, a lot.

I look at myself in the mirror, whenever I see one.

I smile like a little school girl when someone is complimenting me. If I wasn't so dark, I'm pretty sure I'd blush

I always wipe my forehead in fear that its oily.
I put on concerts in my car and have often caught people laughing at me from their cars.
at me

I catch myself talking to myself a lot, like running conversations I plan on having with people or ones I've already had.
And I thought I was only one who pretended to text to avoid people, seems like everybody does it
-I'm super paranoid about my appearance in public, I'm always wondering if there's something wrong with my fit so every time I walk by something reflective I have to turn and look and see that I look okay.
-If someone laughs and I haven't done anything I think they're laughing at me
-I hate running into people that I know, but am not close with. The small talk kills me because I have no idea what to talk about, but if its a good friend then I'm cool
@*! is wrong with you guys????

But one thing I do is if I try to talk to a girl and she blows me off, I'll continue the conversation with the nearest stranger. If she's real mean with it I'll tell the stranger how this girl just shytted on me. Usually gets a laugh outta them. Not me.
- I bite the sides of my mouth
- If I say hi to someone and I feel like it came off awkward, I will literally re-enact the situation, with the wave/head nod and everything when I'm by myself so it doesn't come off so awkward next time (yeah I know this sounds crazy)
- I talk faster than I think sometimes, so I end up stuttering/mumbling (doesn't happen often though)
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

- If I say hi to someone and I feel like it came off awkward, I will literally re-enact the situation, with the wave/head nod and everything when I'm by myself so it doesn't come off so awkward next time (yeah I know this sounds crazy)
- I talk faster than I think sometimes, so I end up stuttering/mumbling (doesn't happen often though)

Gotdamn, that's me.
I always put my volume on my tv at a multiple of 5

I've never used a urinal before.

If I touch something with one hand, I have to touch it with the other hand on the same spot with the same pressure.

I don't like letting people use my iPod touch. I always think they're checking my email.

I'm always adjusting my hair when wearing a newera or beanie.

When I wear high-top shoes, like my Supra Tk's, I'm constantly tucking my pants into them.

When I'm standing next to someone I don't like, I pretend to look through my email on my iPod just to avoid them.

I always wipe the seat before dropping one.

I spin my pen when I'm bored in class.

yeah all I can think of at the moment.
Idk if u call them socialy akward....

I Lock my car door twice or 3 times.

I dont like to buy fast food or junk food, im fit and in shape. But i dont liek to look like im a junk food eater.

I dont smoke or drink unless females are around.
I constantly reach for a hand shake when a girl is leaning in for hug...makes for an awkward moment
If I'm talking with someone I don't really wanna be talking too, I'll rub my beard and neck like a damn ****** the entire time.
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