Socially Awkward Habits That You Do, Post Them.

Volume in the car is on an even number or 7, 11, or 15...the only odd numbers allowed
I insert myself into random conversations when people don't know what they are talking about
When I go into a retail store I sometimes ask if they are having a bad day just so they can be nice to me
When someone walks behind me while I'm on a computer I collapse all the windows...I got tired of explaining NT
If I check my phone and someone else pulls out their phone I won't put my phone away until they put theirs away but if they put theirs on a table I will put mines in my lap
Originally Posted by Sid Nasty

sometimes when im out in public and im super bored, i think of the worst possible thing i could do that would just shock everyone. example, if im out in a crowded mall i wonder what would happen if i just pushed some little kid down the stairs as hard as i could.

Mines is usually clothes-lining an unsuspecting victim
I talk using alot of Seinfeld x Anime refs... the people dont usually connect and i look like a dweeb.
bad for first impressions
Originally Posted by GTEK


- Sometimes I take trips to the bathroom just to quickly glance in the mirror,
If someones in there I will atleast wash my hands.

i do the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate people who eat soup. period. unless you are conscious about you slurping i will walk by you and make the same sound LOUD AS HELL

between the non-bj slurping and the spoon-2-teeth clank i want to grab a gun a shoot indiscriminately.

with that being said i constantly crack me back and knuckles and am sure i peev people just as much. lol....
Originally Posted by GMSboy1

-When I greet someone, if they don't respond, whether its  because they didn't hear me or just don't want to talk I'll continue the conversation anyway.
Me: Hey, sup?
Person: (walks on by)
Me: Me? Nothin' much...same ol', same ol'
I always crack my back in class.
I can't pee in the urinal if someone is besides me. Ill go use the toilet instead lol.
Originally Posted by tecca nena

If I pass a Phallic object like a pole I have to tap my index and thumbs together on either hand the instance my body is aligned with the object 90 degrees from my forward facing body. When Im in a car my fingers go crazy!

I am constantly checking out people's jeans to see how worn out they are and if the fades and marks on them are authentic or predistressed... as a result there are instances when Im checking out a dudes lap fade and then I look up and dude is mean mugging me for staring at his crotch... lol

When there is an awkward silence i start talking about random @$#@ just to end it. It makes me visibly uncomfortable
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

-When I greet someone, if they don't respond, whether its  because they didn't hear me or just don't want to talk I'll continue the conversation anyway.
Me: Hey, sup?
Person: (walks on by)
Me: Me? Nothin' much...same ol', same ol'

u too?!? wow...thought i was the only one! i do this occasionally
-I say wat's up to people i do not really know, but rarely say wats up to friends
-When my hair grows to long for waves I have to brush it for 30min before i go out, even if i am wearing a hat.
-When i eat i heve to be watchin something
-When talking to somebody, I never drop eye contact, until they do then I realize i think i made them uncomfortable.
-When somebody greets me with a handshake and I avoid their hand for fear of germs. Most times though they catch me off guard and i shake it and -immediately go wash my hands.
-Before i leave for school everday i have to drink a whole water bottle, even if i am not thirsty.
-I have to throw water on my face before every class i go to. It makes me feel rejuvenated.
I can't sleep if my room is dirty
I vacuum my entire house like 4 times a week
I have to wash my hands before I eat anything
I pick up salt and pepper shakers in restraunts with a napkin for fear of germs
I try to wash my hands after shaking someones hand or daps (or hand sanitizer)
I always feel like everyone Is watching me when I'm out of the house
lol @ fear of germs being all over the shaker, but not on the salt youre putting on your food
I only look at a girls @%#, if i am positively sure no one will catch me looking/staring at it.

I don't like small talk, if you are not a close friend, ill just say hi and i'm in a hurry to class/work.

I crack my neck,fingers,knuckles, back,lower back, and shoulders. whenever i feel like it :/

Whenever some is relating a story/talking, i make face/smh/nod in agreement/ do hand movements..(i was called out on it, lol)..and i stare right into your eyes, ive been told that is intimidating; i try not to.
For example, you are telling me a story and i will react to the story as it goes, surprised look-->angry look-->smh-->move hands in disbelief( all that stuff, i cant control it)

I always think i am walking like a huntchback, so i constantly correct my posture. How? i post up next to a wall and pretend im texting...smh.

I will not say hi to you, unless you are a close friend; if not, ill wait 1-3seconds for a hi, and ill keep moving.

I unconsciously, give a mean face to people( its how my face is, my indifferent face is a grill/mean face, i cant do anything about it ). In consequence, i always try to have a grin on.

I hate when a girl talks about sports(anywhere), i dont know if its being rude or sexist, but i dont believe she is into it as i am. I believe she is pretending she likes to talk about it, just to make conversation, i usually end it or walk away.

I have some more, but they are habits i try to keep to myself.
I find my self fake texting a lot when I'm around people i dont like
I hate being in large crowds.
Im paranoid someones looking over my shoulder looking at my post(Im at school)
i talk to myself tryna figure somethin oug

i have that (dat mass) lipbite while im busy working

i have to set my alarm time at an odd number

i walk lookin down

i love to see the reflection of my shoes off an glass object while i'm walking

the reason because ^^ mainly to check to see if any stain gets on my shoes

i say dat mass outloud
hopefully nobody's around

i jerk to get energized
(it works)

i used to count every object i see on the road til i arrive at my destination.

i still count syllables after every word said in a song

looking in somebody's eyes while talking to em bothers me. i have to look away.

i look @ feet (white girls feet preferably)
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

When there is an awkward silence i start talking about random @$#@ just to end it. It makes me visibly uncomfortable

I do that too
, I usually end up repeating something really obvious that was said a while ago, or ask questions about something really obvious. I'm notorious for doing that with my friends.
If im going to eat and watch television, I HAVE TO find something I like watching on tv before I even take one bite of my food, I can spend at least 20 minutes channel surfing with my food right in front of me even if im starving!
Whenever I wash my hands I dry them on my hair. Even at a public restroom, I wait for everyone to leave so I can use my hair as a "towel" rather than using the actual thing. lulz.
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

I can't sleep if my room is dirty
I vacuum my entire house like 4 times a week
I have to wash my hands before I eat anything
I try to wash my hands after shaking someones hand or daps (or hand sanitizer)
All the above. I stay with the hand sanitizer/washing my hands. I've seen people leave straight out the rest room without washing their hands too often.
-when i go into stores i have a bad habit of staring down employees.
-usually when im in a large crowd im deep in thought and usually  miss alot of whats being said
-mug attractive girls ( i feel it gives me an advantage)
-scroll through all channels twice when i find something good
When I walk casually, I dont walk straight and drift like crazy. I always bump into the person next to me. Idk why... uneven legs? lol
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by GTEK


- Sometimes I take trips to the bathroom just to quickly glance in the mirror,
If someones in there I will atleast wash my hands.

i do the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!

sadly i do this as well. Vanity

which is odd because i wouldnt consider myself "Universally" attractive.
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