Socially awkward moments. Volume 2

during one of my first days at school, i was leaving a 2nd floor class and wanted to head out of the main exit on the first floor. i usually took one specific route to and from class because of my lack of familiarity with the school but today, i decided to take an alternate route for some reason. i ended up lost on the 2nd floor but found a door at the end of the hallway i was walking so i walked to the door, past a bunch of girls sitting outside a class. when i was walking by, it was like some slow motion %#*$ where they were all staring and smiling at me.. swag was on a hundred thousand trillion.. then i get to the door and it's a fire exit. so i turned back around and walked right back past the same girls again as quick as possible and i swear i heard one of them let out a little laugh. FML
Something happened to me this morning.

I was eating breakfast and one of my homies from Chicago was sitting by himself so I joined him, and we got to talking about random crap.

Then one of my girlfriend's friends came to sit down next to my friend. The table had two chairs on either side, and I was one side by myself while they were on the other. The dude from Chicago is introverted in a scary, business sort of way, and the girl is introverted in a "I don't know how to contribute to conversation, so I'll just sit quietly unless spoken to" sort of way. She's weird.

Anyways, I introduced them to each other as soon as the girl sat down. They said hi, I started talking about school, and these ninjas started taking turns talking to me. I'd say something to my friend, he'd reply. I'd say something to the girl, she'd reply. But they never actually talked to each other, or acknowledged that the other was there.

I was like

Ate breakfast with a friend.
A friend of my girl's joins us.
Neither of them acknowledged each other, so I had to have two separate conversations at the same table.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by targiu23

During winter time I always get a bad cough. This causes me to cough excessively in class during, what seems to be the most quiet moments in class. I be tryinng to hold it in, or suppress little coughs into one hard cough.

Once in class during lecture, i was holding it back and tried swallowing spit to cure the itchiness in my throat and choked to the point where i could not breath regular. My eyes began turning red and tearing up. I could not help but cough uncontrollably. People started turning around, so I make a quick exit out of class to get water and dry my face off. Mind you this is like my 5th time leaving class. I get out and see my ex that broke up with me because she was depressed and tried to commit suicide. This is my first time seeing her in about a month. So she looks up at me all puzzled and lost. I was so embarrassed from the class situation and her seeing me like that, I half smile and say "Look who decided she wanted to live". Her face was priceless.

Now since the new semester began a couple of weeks ago, I see her everyday. I just act like i do not see her when passing.

thats messed up dude


thats like, HBO sitcom humor right there.


I could see Larry David saying that on an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Freshman year in highschool, we had to do situps for a "fit contest" it's my turn to lay down and do them and the dude holding down my legs tells me midway through, "Yo, your thing's out man" me trying to find a way to pull up my boxers and shorts so nobody could see.  Boxers FTL
Freshman year in college, I was a at frat party in a basement  and my shirt got caught on a water heater and ending up flipping this switch so all this hot water starting spraying out.  I dipped so fast without getting wet but the girls next to me got soaked.

I was with a girl a few years ago, she was a virgin.  One night we were both faded so I made a move to try to smash.  I ate the kitty for a few minutes and I figure she'll return the favor and then she starts to do this horrible handjob.  I told old girl to suck it or not word to Cam and she declined.  I just rolled over and went to sleep.  pretty awkward.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

-The most common one I have is the damn guy in the urinal who always wants to hold a conversation while I'm tryna piss.

- when someone you know sees you coming out of the toilet stall knowing you just took a dump

- the elevator ride with a co-worker you're not really fond of
- driving past someone you know on the bus stop and making eye contact with them
I do this too often
- when I was younger seeing my teachers outside of school was always awkward
- the "who farted?" awkward silence around people you don't know. You know for a fact that they can smell it too but you don't wanna be the first to say something
Originally Posted by Cali2Memphis

i was in 6th grade and these 8th graders were talkin about music...

8th grader 1# :yo homie u heard that 400 degreez yet
8th grader 2# : naw but i heard that  juvenile dude is tight 
*interupts happily* Me: yea man that GINUWINE cd is tight dude...
its like the whole school yard went quiet and both 8 graders went just like...

pretty much this is what i get for being nosy
Originally Posted by 757bred

My office has 9 floors in the building.  One day I had to take a dump really bad, so I ran to the bathroom on my floor.  I saw the janitor in there changing paper towels and stuff. We're kinda cool and chit chat from time to time, so I gave him a head nod and played it off by going to the urinal.  I didn't want him to know that I was about to burn another hole in the ozone layer.  I then ran to the 7th floor and blew that bathroom up.  As I was leaving the stall to go wash my hands, guess who walked in?  The custodian to fill up the paper towels in there.  He looked confused for a second, took a deep breath, and then his eyes lit up.  He didn't say anything, but the look he gave me said "What you did there, I smell it".
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

, this !$@# happens to me all the time at church. The older dudes see me and come at me with their hand at a tilt like they wanna dap, then switch at the last second and give me an official handshake. At this point, I'm committed to the dap and it just ends up being a disgusting mess in the house of God.

Another one I seem to do a LOT: Whenever I'm walking somewhere like the mall or something and I realize I'm going the wrong way. You can't just turn around and go where you need to go, you have to go in some store and act like you're shopping or make some exasperated gesture to let everyone know you %!++*$ up.
Originally Posted by Upper PDX

might have been posted already but...

when youre walkin in a store and you see someone you know, you say your whats up and good byes. then continue your shoppin then you run into them again.

do you say whats up again or just put your head down and dip
If it's a dude "Alright/aiight man/bro/boy"

If it's a girl "you following me?"

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Ive caught myself saying "thanks, you too" many times.

So now I use "Appreciate it"


Yessir," 'Preciate it" is my go to phrase

I get out and see my ex that broke up with me because she was depressedand tried to commit suicide. This is my first time seeing her in abouta month. So she looks up at me all puzzled and lost. I was soembarrassed from the class situation and her seeing me like that, Ihalf smile and say "Look who decided she wanted to live". Her face waspriceless.
That's some Larry David type %@%#.
I hate when you see someone you know in the distance walking the opposite direction from you and when they get closer and closer I don't know if I should make eye contact yet or just pretend to be looking all around until you are just about to pass them AND THEN u make the eye contact. If I make the eye contact to early sometimes I do an strange smile for miles until we pass and then say hi
Originally Posted by Killmatic07

Freshman year in highschool, we had to do situps for a "fit contest" it's my turn to lay down and do them and the dude holding down my legs tells me midway through, "Yo, your thing's out man" me trying to find a way to pull up my boxers and shorts so nobody could see.  Boxers FTL
Freshman year in college, I was a at frat party in a basement  and my shirt got caught on a water heater and ending up flipping this switch so all this hot water starting spraying out.  I dipped so fast without getting wet but the girls next to me got soaked.

I was with a girl a few years ago, she was a virgin.  One night we were both faded so I made a move to try to smash.  I ate the kitty for a few minutes and I figure she'll return the favor and then she starts to do this horrible handjob.  I told old girl to suck it or not word to Cam and she declined.  I just rolled over and went to sleep.  pretty awkward.
shoulda taken advantage of the wet t contest

and knockin right out... and imma just say she probably was not a V... (but try gettin a terrible domejob....
I wearin this shirt that said "I Used to Love H.E.R." and was walkin down the street and this random kid comes up to me
kid: Hey nice shirt! I used to love her.
me: yup
kid:Jay Sean right?

awkard silence
when i was 16 playing football with friends at the park. I threw the football to on of my friends and it slipped and hit this ****** girl. She started crying and I went to say sorry. After saying sorry about five time, I tried to take the football back. She was holding it and wouldn't let go. A group of 18 year olds were playing basketball next to us and started chasing us because they thought we were trying to steal the football from the girl and chased us for a long minute.
I'm in high school, so when its between periods and you see your boy walking the other direction, you try to give a quick dap or pound... but it's a huge crowd walking with you so you gotta do it while moving, so when you miss you try to do it really really quick again just to get some contact but people are moving too fast and you miss again and everyone sees you.
Originally Posted by guccikiller

when the other person is walking the same path towards you, you end up meeting in one spot stepping left and right at the same time figuring out who should go first

akwardly line dancing left to right haha

 every time this happens, i end up doing that cross-over dribble jus to break the awkwardness 
- Falling asleep in one of my lectures.. Had a good nap going until my homeboy woke me up and told me I was snoring loudly.. lol
- How about leaving class in a hurry and forgetting to zip up the bookbag.. Having all of you stuff falling everywhere.
- I was in High school and saw this chick from behind and she was
.. I tap her on the shoulder to spit some game.. She turned around and her eyes cocked like a pistol.. Had to play it like I thought she was somebody else
Originally Posted by FeedTheEgo1982

- Falling asleep in one of my lectures.. Had a good nap going until my homeboy woke me up and told me I was snoring loudly.. lol
- How about leaving class in a hurry and forgetting to zip up the bookbag.. Having all of you stuff falling everywhere.
- I was in High school and saw this chick from behind and she was
.. I tap her on the shoulder to spit some game.. She turned around and her eyes cocked like a pistol.. Had to play it like I thought she was somebody else


That's another socially awkward thing. You're always supposed to look people in the eye when you talk to them, but how do you it to a cocked eyed person? I just look at the ground or if it's from a far distance I'm like is this #*!%* lookin at me?
Me and a few of my people were chilling when one of my boys blurts out, "I finally know how it feels to have sex with a girl for a long time, I never knew how you guys did it. I love eating the box now too." I put the blunt out and got out of the car.
Originally Posted by kherrylobrien

Originally Posted by guccikiller

when the other person is walking the same path towards you, you end up meeting in one spot stepping left and right at the same time figuring out who should go first

akwardly line dancing left to right haha

 every time this happens, i end up doing that cross-over dribble jus to break the awkwardness 
gotta try that
how about being late to a class
you walk down a long hallway and the door is open so the whole class stares at you until you make it to the and sit down
Worst Awkard Moments In my LIFE :

I was 14 or 15 can't remember but I was chilling at my mom's shop picking her up from work one day & shes still busy with some customers. Some I'm seating there chillin & chatting with this cutie next to me that happens to be like 17 or so. She was saying that her & her sister was looking at apartments today & was planning to move somewhere near there. So I hit her with the "Ah really I was looking at apartments with my homie too, we tryna move out soon!" Blah blah blah and she is like how old are you? So I hit her with, "I'm 18" and she saids what year?! Right now I'm mad confuse! Can't think fast enough on my feet so I blurted out 1982!! Chick says, "My sister is born in 1982 and shes 21
 " .. It was dead silence, so I said back "Aw thats weird..
 " haha .. she just turned around and stop talking to me for the next 15 mins or so until my mom was ready & I just walked out! Looking back ..
.. she literally turned around and just stop talking to me!

I was around the same age and my closest homie is like a brother to me & part of the fam. He has a key to the house and everything. So one night, it was hot as hell, mind u I live in TX so the heat here is no joke, but I decided to sleep in the nude. My door to my room is locked & all, but he has a key to my room too. And he usually calls first before he comes over & lets me know, so I'm sleeping and wake up the next morning to find homie laying on my floor in my room. So I'm like "whats up bro, when u come in?" .. dude replys like in the middle of the night.. So I'm in my bed nude and can't get up, he reaches over and grabs my boxers and shorts on the ground next to him & says to put some clothes on.. I'm like huh?! he said he walked in last night & tried to wake me up & found me in the nude & found it awkard so he just covered me & slept on the floor.. haha.. I just looked stupid but we ended up laughing about it all the time..

I'm 22 now and yea I still do dumb awkard things... haha.. I always get the awkard, hey how are u, good & u, good & u..
romedadude wrote:

Last year , I'm sittin in the back of this boring health class, the professor just goin on and on about nothin. I'm noddin off due to boredom and my ears are stopped because I was sick. So as I'm sleep a fart seeps out and I wake up, like damn did I fart (my hearing wasn't too good)? So I nod back off and fart again, this time it was louder. I knew I had farted. The WHOLE class looks back at me. There was no way to play it off. To make matters worse I had this shirt on:


I actually laughed out loud
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

-when you see someone you know in a large store like wal-mart, and you speak to them, and then later on you see each other in another section of the store, you give kind of a blank stare/half smile type thing.

This right here is classic
. But, it usually happens to me in the mall. It's like, "Hey...nice to see you...again..." 
Originally Posted by Souljaman22

Originally Posted by kherrylobrien

Originally Posted by guccikiller

when the other person is walking the same path towards you, you end up meeting in one spot stepping left and right at the same time figuring out who should go first

akwardly line dancing left to right haha

 every time this happens, i end up doing that cross-over dribble jus to break the awkwardness 
gotta try that
how about being late to a class
you walk down a long hallway and the door is open so the whole class stares at you until you make it to the and sit down

Yeah, but I would do that on purpose if I just bought a fresh fit.
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