Some cool bits on Phil Jackson's new book comparing Jordan to Bryant

He says Jordan is a better leader and is better at defense than Kobe. Hasn't this already been established?

The article says nothing about offensive skills, of which Phil has already asserted that Kobe possesses more of than Jordan.

yea where and when was this said?
He says Jordan is a better leader and is better at defense than Kobe. Hasn't this already been established?

The article says nothing about offensive skills, of which Phil has already asserted that Kobe possesses more of than Jordan.

What about the part of the game where Bryant captivated fans by scoring 81 points against Toronto and 62 in three quarters against Dallas?

Jackson noted the "pronounced" difference in their accuracy, Jordan shooting almost 50% — an "extraordinary figure" — while Bryant had been at 45%.

"Michael was more likely to break through his attackers with power and strength, while Kobe often tries to finesse his way through mass pileups," Jackson wrote. "Michael was stronger, with bigger shoulders and a sturdier frame. He also had large hands that allowed him to control the ball better and make subtle fakes.

"Jordan was also more naturally inclined to let the game come to him and not overplay his hand, whereas Kobe tends to force the action, especially when the game isn't going his way. When his shot is off, Kobe will pound away relentlessly until his luck turns. Michael, on the other hand, would shift his attention to defense or passing or setting screens to help the team win the game."

He says Kobe has better basketball skills than Jordan overall, but there are some things that Jordan did better.
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Only thing Kobe ever did better than Jordan was shoot the 3 ball more effectively.

Now, I agree with that. I will say Kobe is a better shooter than Mike. Granted. But, better scorer and overall player? There's no disputing Mike wins that argument.
and has better handles than Mike

Hey Kobe stan! :lol:

"Handles" weren't their focal point. When Mike was younger he would go off (check that Bird playoff clip) but even then it wasn't often. He was so fundamentally sound and knew how to apply it to get by his man, he didn't need all that. For that matter, neither did Kobe. He had that high crossover he emulated from AI but that was it, his handle wasn't that crazy, so let's put that aspect in perspective.
I don't see anything in his quotes that are particularly damning to Kobe

I agree. Everyone knows MJ was a better defender and forced fewer shots than Kobe. And everyone knows that Kobe was reserved when he first came into the league and took a long time to learn how to be a good teammate and leader, something he's really only refined over the last 5+ years.

There's really nothing incendiary here; Kobe has said numerous times he consulted MJ on a lot of these matters so its obvious he knew he had room to improve and thought MJ could help him do that.

I know everybody's instinct is to take these excerpts and use them to support whatever their preconceived opinion about Kobe was, but lets be better than that.
He's Phil. He coached both guys. You can't question him at all. He's right obviously. Kobe as a raw high school kid had to learn the hard way and his skills aren't as polished as Mike's. He was the youngest guy on the team, so it was hard for him to be considered a leader at first but Michael came in and he demanded that respect. Phil is the perfect coach for Kobe. He grew up and matured the right way under Phil. We already know Jordan is greater than Kobe but they're both super competitive. Kobe is the closest one to MJ and when I say that, he's still light years behind Mike. I think a coach like Phil is a blessing to Kobe. He would be another disgruntled superstar under another coach not a hall of famer if he did not have Phil. Coaches like Riles and Phil are the only ones who can tame a young, talented and arrogant Kobe.
So Phil is saying that Kobe is a down graded version of Michael Jordan? >D
phil is so overrated. always had the best players, what does he know >D

i kid :lol:
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Thought I was going to have to reduce you to nothing more than just an awesome avatar, like CP.

I keeeeed.
Hey Kobe stan! :lol:

"Handles" weren't their focal point. When Mike was younger he would go off (check that Bird playoff clip) but even then it wasn't often. He was so fundamentally sound and knew how to apply it to get by his man, he didn't need all that. For that matter, neither did Kobe. He had that high crossover he emulated from AI but that was it, his handle wasn't that crazy, so let's put that aspect in perspective.

What are you talking about? That is one of the only things Kobe did better than Michael. Spin moves, crossovers, behind the back, etc. All of those are essential to Kobe's game because like phil said, Kobe uses his agility and finesse rather than power to get through defenses. He had to raise his skill to make up for what he lacks when compared to Jordan like big hands and athleticism. Not that his skill level was able to raise him to Jordan's level.

Phil has mentioned that Jordan was better for a long time though. It is obvious to him and it is obvious to anyone.
What are you talking about? That is one of the only things Kobe did better than Michael. Spin moves, crossovers, behind the back, etc. All of those are essential to Kobe's game because like phil said, Kobe uses his agility and finesse rather than power to get through defenses. He had to raise his skill to make up for what he lacks when compared to Jordan like big hands and athleticism. Not that his skill level was able to raise him to Jordan's level.

Phil has mentioned that Jordan was better for a long time though. It is obvious to him and it is obvious to anyone.
This. Jordan's god given athleticism gave him many advantages over Kobe. Kobe compensated  through better handling, and arguably, better footwork (although MJ was a better post player, Kobe had incredible footwork.) But still, MJ and his athleticism > Kobe and his ball handling/footwork skills. 

In the end I think Phil points out the biggest differences between the two, MJ let the game come to him and Kobe forced it. 
This is all common knowledge if you're an avid basketball fan.

yea but every once and a while kobe haters need something to feel good about themselves and put down the so called kobe "stans" stan is a lame term in itself used frequently by the eminem "stan" :lol: the irony
Kobe would probably agree with most of what Phil said.

Not like he is throwing Kobe under the bus
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