Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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^yeah once I started reading that I couldn't stop. And it seems to me that dude was legit nothing he said could really be debunked. What leads me to believe he's legit was his emphasis on working on ones self. The main objective always ends up on the subject of self mastery when studying the occult.
The most interesting part of that Insider discussion


What advice do you have for raising a child on earth?


I have no children nor will I have one.

The first thing a baby does when born is cry.

It does so because the Soul is conscious of what it has been born into and is in a state of disbelief

(you are more conscious of what you are and where you are during/right after birth than you are


The Soul makes the body cry because it is the first time it came to this physical realm (although

this is a very limited number) or because it realises it has returned through reincarnation, after

failing in the former life (which is a vast majority).

The Soul itself is not the one crying (it is unfamiliar with these functions in it´s original state) yet

the impulses it gives makes the body cry.

It cries "without a reason" for days, weeks, months, untill the consciousness has lost it´s power,

be it through natural processes or the influence of parents and these days even medication...

That is when the human is truly born, after they forget who they are, where they are, some forget

faster than others.

This crying is different to the crying that follows after the first few months, one can even hear it.

Comfort them during this crucial period of consciousness and make it known that the One has

gifted them with a chance to return back to the place they belong.

This will have an impact which will influence them for the rest of their lives, subconsciously.

The time of birth was determined (as is the time of passing on), together with the enviroment,

parents, circumstances of birth, health, etc...nothing is a coincidence.

But during puberty they get cut loose from certain strings and they will be fully responsible for

their actions, having the free will to lead the life they want, they determine the quality of it....they

can even determine the way they pass on ("death") by the choices they make but cannot change

the time of passing on.

Just a few areas of their lives will be influenced by the tools that the parents have given them.

Most of the child´s life will be based on free will, which will have very little to nothing to do with

parents, you are only important in the first 5-6 years of the child´s life so that is where you can do

most good.

Use your intuition (not instinct, 2 different matters).

When becoming a parent you are rewarded with qualities (which concern raising children) which

where not available before, listen to them.

Every child is different, respond differently but make them aware there is more than they

experience, that there is a Good Source where everything/everybody flows out of for a reason and

1 day they will return after realising their task here on Earth.

Do not tell this all at once but over years and do not tell more than this.

If done the right way they will start looking for it on their own for the rest of life, which is their


If you present it to them in an obvious way (like religious people do), you will achieve the


Musical instruments were passed on in a different era for a reason and it was not just to listen to

other people playing them.

Education: 1 method of manipulation (I have listed the others).

They will be manipulated, but after puberty they have an important opportunity to undo it.

They will also get opportunities during the rest of their lives.

You cannot stop the manipulation, neither instigate an awakening, that is up to the child and how

it responds to the tools provided to it.....the Mind of the Universe following Divine Law is always

penetrating your child so it is being provided with the chance to awake every moment.

It is up to him/her.
^Devine Law is Natural Law.

The laws that everything in this realm are bound by. These laws were put in place by the infinite expanding consciousness. Most refer to this force as "god".

Notice that insider refused to call the most high by that name.

These Laws are immutable and work with absolution in the same way the law of gravity is absolute. They are "hermetically sealed"

Devine Law = Natural Law = 7 hermetic principles.

Remember when we touched on the 8th principle

Wether or not one is privy to Devine Law is irrelevant, it's in place and it's working either for or against you depending on your understanding of it and wether or not u decide to live in accordance with it.

The laws of man are In DIRECT OPPOSITION of Devine Law. The ones that are not are simply redundant as Devine Law is already enforcing them
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The most interesting part of that Insider discussion


What advice do you have for raising a child on earth?


I have no children nor will I have one.

The first thing a baby does when born is cry.

It does so because the Soul is conscious of what it has been born into and is in a state of disbelief

(you are more conscious of what you are and where you are during/right after birth than you are


The Soul makes the body cry because it is the first time it came to this physical realm (although

this is a very limited number) or because it realises it has returned through reincarnation, after

failing in the former life (which is a vast majority).

The Soul itself is not the one crying (it is unfamiliar with these functions in it´s original state) yet

the impulses it gives makes the body cry.

It cries "without a reason" for days, weeks, months, untill the consciousness has lost it´s power,

be it through natural processes or the influence of parents and these days even medication...

That is when the human is truly born, after they forget who they are, where they are, some forget

faster than others.

This crying is different to the crying that follows after the first few months, one can even hear it.

Comfort them during this crucial period of consciousness and make it known that the One has

gifted them with a chance to return back to the place they belong.

This will have an impact which will influence them for the rest of their lives, subconsciously.

The time of birth was determined (as is the time of passing on), together with the enviroment,

parents, circumstances of birth, health, etc...nothing is a coincidence.

But during puberty they get cut loose from certain strings and they will be fully responsible for

their actions, having the free will to lead the life they want, they determine the quality of it....they

can even determine the way they pass on ("death") by the choices they make but cannot change

the time of passing on.

Just a few areas of their lives will be influenced by the tools that the parents have given them.

Most of the child´s life will be based on free will, which will have very little to nothing to do with

parents, you are only important in the first 5-6 years of the child´s life so that is where you can do

most good.

Use your intuition (not instinct, 2 different matters).

When becoming a parent you are rewarded with qualities (which concern raising children) which

where not available before, listen to them.

Every child is different, respond differently but make them aware there is more than they

experience, that there is a Good Source where everything/everybody flows out of for a reason and

1 day they will return after realising their task here on Earth.

Do not tell this all at once but over years and do not tell more than this.

If done the right way they will start looking for it on their own for the rest of life, which is their


If you present it to them in an obvious way (like religious people do), you will achieve the


Musical instruments were passed on in a different era for a reason and it was not just to listen to

other people playing them.

Education: 1 method of manipulation (I have listed the others).

They will be manipulated, but after puberty they have an important opportunity to undo it.

They will also get opportunities during the rest of their lives.

You cannot stop the manipulation, neither instigate an awakening, that is up to the child and how

it responds to the tools provided to it.....the Mind of the Universe following Divine Law is always

penetrating your child so it is being provided with the chance to awake every moment.

It is up to him/her.

The children part has always stuck with me for some reason.

Its obvious this person is VERY INTELLIGENT.
NOT like people we meet everyday.
But it doesnt mean he is an "elite family insider"
With knowledge of that sort, how you not be an "elite family" member.
Anyone ever heard of this?

It's complete ******** and a perversion of the REAL Law of attraction and how it works. This book embodies a self serving approach to say the least encouraging you to ask for worldly possessions cars, money, new home etc.

IMO the book is new age propaganda pushed by satanist, not saying the author is a satanist but the ones responsible for this type of ideology are for sure
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Anyone ever heard of this?

It's complete ******** and a perversion of the REAL Law of attraction and how it works. This book embodies a self serving approach to say the least encouraging you to ask for worldly possessions cars, money, new home etc.

IMO the book is new age propaganda pushed by satanist, not saying the author is a satanist but the ones responsible for this type of ideology are for sure

Qft man. Check out the alchemist. It's a narrative but it'll give you a better idea of how this thing is supposed to work
^Devine Law is Natural Law.

The laws that everything in this realm are bound by. These laws were put in place by the infinite expanding consciousness. Most refer to this force as "god".

Wether or not one is privy to Devine Law is irrelevant, it's in place and it's working either for or against you depending on your understanding of it and wether or not u decide to live in accordance with it.

The laws of man are In DIRECT OPPOSITION of Devine Law. The ones that are not are simply redundant as Devine Law is already enforcing them
So essentially stuff we can't see that rule/govern/control the physical world we live in? Sorry if I have no idea what you are trying to say that is why I am asking. Is there any video you recommend for me to learn more?
Question about the Mason stuff. Is it safe to assume anyone making a boat load of money is a Mason? Specifically NBA players and/or athletes? Is it true that you HAVE to be part of those circles to be allowed to make all of that money?

Most nba players arent masons. Shaq becoming a mason was one of the biggest slaps in the face to people who did the work. It took me 5 years to get my 32nd degree. Password grips signs and token to remember and this dude comes in on a random Saturday and he to wear the master mason apron .
So essentially stuff we can't see that rule/govern/control the physical world we live in? Sorry if I have no idea what you are trying to say that is why I am asking. Is there any video you recommend for me to learn more?

And when uve got some time on your hands he has an 8 hr seminar on natural law (truly mind blowing) So blaze up and enjoy...if ur into that sort of thing.
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Qft man. Check out the alchemist. It's a narrative but it'll give you a better idea of how this thing is supposed to work

Thanks for this and every other piece of info you and everyone else has posted, especially in the last bunch of pages.

You would recommend the Alchemist? Any other books I should be interested in (any of these subjects)? I have always been interested in "conspiracy theories" but wasn't sure where to start to find new or deeper information. Thanks to all you guys, it is isn't really that easy to bring these topics up at work or at a party without everyone getting all bent out of shape.
Anyone ever heard of this?

It's complete ******** and a perversion of the REAL Law of attraction and how it works. This book embodies a self serving approach to say the least encouraging you to ask for worldly possessions cars, money, new home etc.

IMO the book is new age propaganda pushed by satanist, not saying the author is a satanist but the ones responsible for this type of ideology are for sure

While I agree with your assertion that this book does focus on concentrating mental energies towards generally materialistic endeavors, this book really served as a starting point for some, including myself, to becoming consciously aware of the real power of the mind. I think that The Secret, like any other resource, contains jewels and it is up to the reader to separate the wheat from the chaff.

On a similarly related note, I sometimes find myself struggling internally with the acquisition of material goods. Like I know that a lot of it is here to distract us from finding the truth but yet and still I find myself drawn to certain material objects. I'd be interested in hearing other peoples' opinions, especially since we are on a forum dedicated to material goods.
I think that's like the 4th time the Elite Insider has been posted
and me posting it was probably 2 of them. last time it was posted someone pm'd me my thoughts on it. I'll post it in the spoiler
Well I guess you can say I believe him? Or better for me to say what/who is saying he isn't telling the truth? The best lies ever have sprinkled truths into it, I've learned this in my life. Say if he's is just another user on a forum talking, the people asking and communicating with him have some background knowledge onto the basic subject matter at hand. On page 9 1st question is "Who is using Icke or better question is why?" already that blew over my head, if you know tell me, but it furthers my amazement of legitimacy because its 2 "higher" people than me talking to each other as if its common sense or reliving old memories. its like listening in on your dad's conversation with an old friend of his about the 1982 conference playoffs, that happened before you were born, when you were 4 and still didn't know all the rules and players... you just have to believe them. because it sounds and feels credible.

and going with the basketball thing it shows that they are smart. the users and the Insider himself. the use of words used show clear higher education at minimum. they have a measure of certainty in their words, Insider rarely uses the words "maybe" "perhaps" etc. etc. On page 4 there's the question "why don't the elite lead?" and he goes "a fish in the ocean can't see that birds are flying in the sky." mind blown already lol but that answer can be interpreted in so many ways each one basically leading to a similar answer of separatism between our world and his. Everyone's view of the world is altered to their own.I've smoked trees before and gotten "high". how do I know if my "high" was the same as yours? its the knowledge I've learned that across my time and apparently common sense getting "high" should feel like X,Y and Z. If I question the blue sky or these letters arranged used to describe the sky known as "blue" I look like an insane person. questioning what's common is unheard of. to him I'm following in order as the rest of us

Insider talks about the Divine One the majority of the time. another thing people HATE in this world is knowing their small. Your boss hates being reminded that he has a boss. living life and the government controls you, Obama controls the Government(for the most part lol just say its fact for now), nations help each other, who controls that? UN? illuminati? those dudes don't exist blah blah blah. the simple man will go "whatever I don't care, God is above all".......... wait your telling me there's someone above MY god?.... wait..... above all gods commonly know?! F outta here. that's why I believe people lose credibility with Insider since something or someone they believed in for their whole lives were just debunked in a matter of sentences as if it was talked about near the water cooler at work.

Obama announces a Navy Seal team killed Bin Laden, cool we'll use that as fact (in this case), what else are they not telling us unless its of absolute importance such as the most wanted in the world? whos hiding things from Obama?, hiding things from that guy, and that guy? goes on and on. i know someone is always above me, insider reassures me on this.

Religion is funny, they almost all share the same story, a messiah is born from a virgin, star in the east, disciples, and even the location of the birth, teachings etc. yet they all share the same basic morals and principles that anyone without religion in their lives can have, Insider says this and is true to me at least. He also says letting someone rule you is bad, whether god or Obama, and I can believe that too for some degree.

history is written by the victors, the good guys are the ones we follow to a win or loss. I think overall he's saying there are no winners in life lol

huge rant lol I don't know about cliffs but sure I believe him, I've done a few debates in college and a quick fact is if both negative and affirmative say absolutely nothing who wins? the affirmative because no one proved he is wrong in anyway. fact until proven hoax or lie. innocent until proven guilty. until someone tells him off he's 100% plus I love any and all conspiracies

shoot sorry man idk if you expected thesis paper status in this response
only thing I changed was the deletion of the SN that pm'd me. This is late 2012 Mario
so I've learned a lot since then. Which is other advice for people who read things and find them interesting, go back and re-read things to get a whole new insight.
While I agree with your assertion that this book does focus on concentrating mental energies towards generally materialistic endeavors, this book really served as a starting point for some, including myself, to becoming consciously aware of the real power of the mind. I think that The Secret, like any other resource, contains jewels and it is up to the reader to separate the wheat from the chaff.

On a similarly related note, I sometimes find myself struggling internally with the acquisition of material goods. Like I know that a lot of it is here to distract us from finding the truth but yet and still I find myself drawn to certain material objects. I'd be interested in hearing other peoples' opinions, especially since we are on a forum dedicated to material goods.

You make a good point in your first paragraph. But why waste your energy sifting through trash searching for gold if you can search a gold mine?

lawless2387 lawless2387

I don't think there's a middle ground man. I haven't bought shoes in about two years. This past two months I've bought about 8 pairs. 6 pairs of those took some work (camping twitter research etc) all that time and consciousness spent and nothing of significant value to show for it.

I guess you can accumulate materialistic things and try not to have attachment to them, but I think we'd only be lying to ourselves doing that.

linus vp linus vp

I liked the alchemist because it showed what he had to go through to understand the law of attraction. A lot of themes in it I feel people can relate to today.

How to start you conspiracy search? TBH I'd say go eat some shrooms Man. They're natural and you'll find out who you are and aren't real fast. My first trip shattered my materialistic world.
U guys got anymore references for reading material as it pertains to the subjects? Here are a few of my personal suggestions if u guys don't already have them






















Theres a few I may be forgetting off the top of my head that ill post later. Anything u guys have is appreciated
Anyone ever heard of this?

It's complete ******** and a perversion of the REAL Law of attraction and how it works. This book embodies a self serving approach to say the least encouraging you to ask for worldly possessions cars, money, new home etc.

IMO the book is new age propaganda pushed by satanist, not saying the author is a satanist but the ones responsible for this type of ideology are for sure

Ego food...

Books? Everyone I recommended this book to found it great. I've told a few members here about it, I know johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm enjoyed it.


Obligatory -


Chariots of the Gods :smokin don't know if it was this thread or not but we had a very interesting conversation about the UFO theory involving chariots.
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C.Magneto C.Magneto I wasn't saying that I would recommend The Secret to anybody seeking to find resources to help understand the power of the mind or self mastery. More so I am saying that my perceived value in the book/movie is that it has reached mass appeal and it does contain aspects of the Divine Law which will resonate with most people. As a catalyst, it can serve a useful purpose. Just trying not to fully dismiss it as trash because it can be helpful for people who are not awakened enough to believe some of these seemingly "far out" theories.

I also agree with what you were saying about shoes. Hadn't bought a pair since the Concord XI in Dec '11. Just bought a pair of Gel Lyte III's and I found myself going back and forth about the purchase. Thanks to everybody in this post that has contributed. Peace.
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C.Magneto C.Magneto I wasn't saying that I would recommend The Secret to anybody seeking to find resources to help understand the power of the mind or self mastery. More so I am saying that my perceived value in the book/movie is that it has reached mass appeal and it does contain aspects of the Divine Law which will resonate with most people. As a catalyst, it can serve a useful purpose. Just trying not to fully dismiss it as trash because it can be helpful for people who are not awakened enough to believe some of these seemingly "far out" theories.

I also agree with what you were saying about shoes. Hadn't bought a pair since the Concord XI in Dec '11. Just bought a pair of Gel Lyte III's and I found myself going back and forth about the purchase. Thanks to everybody in this post that has contributed. Peace.

First and foremost good luck on breaking your attachment to the physical.

As far as the secret, it's akin to religion brother. You can find gems in religion to, but if you don't got a serious filter for it it's easy to fall in the trap.

For the most part though I think you and I are saying the same thing.
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