Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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this drops today.


thought I would share this mandala i did today. tried to show some progression with the photos. i use a compass, a pencil, a straight edge and a pen. for anyone seeking more knowledge, sacred geometry is a good method for developing your own understanding internally... the meditative aspect of it has provided me with a lot of insights :

circles represent the sacred feminine/right brain (receptive, intuitive, feeling)

adding the lines, which symbolize the masculine left brain (linear, direct, action)

Both come together in harmony. Everything is connected even if they dont appear it at first. After years of doing these, I am still surprised by the relationships I continue to discover between different lines, angles, hubs. Has made me realize how different parts of my life or elements of my memory are interconnected. If one element is slightly "off" it can throw off the rhythm and balance of the entire mandala. 

i have been contemplating the equilaterial triangle a lot lately. mainly this concept I picked up from Mark Passio:

consciousness experiences physical reality three ways 

Thought: masculine in nature; linear left-brain; symbolic of the universe (arises from nothing, contains all).... leads to....
Emotion: feminine in nature; feeling right-brain; thought coming into contact with matter, which we interpret physically

Thought and Emotion conceive

Action, experienced outwardly to impact physical reality

When Thought (Father) and Emotion (Mother) are aligned, Action will be orderly and raise the consciousness of others. When Fear disrupts the balance, then Action (the child) can create chaos in the experienced reality. Our society is based on Artificial scarcity, which creates Fear, a major obstacle to bringing harmony to the three components of the Self.

Fear is the absence of Love, in the same way that cold is the absence of heat or darkness is an absence of Light-- Fear is the illusion. 

Knowing the Self is a science

word up, mine too!

will reconvene at a later date.

I still haven't finished Sign and the Seal or Fingerprints of the Gods yet but I signed up for audibles free 30 day trial and got Magicians Of The Gods for the free.

Trying this new thing where I listen to the audiobook as I read the book at the same time. I find I'm able to stay focused longer, get through the book faster and retain more information. Highly recommended, especially if you have "ADD" or "ADHD" like myself lol.
I still haven't finished Sign and the Seal or Fingerprints of the Gods yet but I signed up for audibles free 30 day trial and got Magicians Of The Gods for the free.

Trying this new thing where I listen to the audiobook as I read the book at the same time. I find I'm able to stay focused longer, get through the book faster and retain more information. Highly recommended, especially if you have "ADD" or "ADHD" like myself lol.

lol I haven't finished FOTG yet either..

Already about 50 pages into Magicians. Gonna get back into it tonight. :nerd:

Audiobooks, I'll keep that in mind. Sounds interesting.
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lol I haven't finished FOTG yet either..

Already about 50 pages into Magicians. Gonna get back into it tonight.

Audiobooks, I'll keep that in mind. Sounds interesting.
I have read FOTG and Supernatural, loved them both.  Hopefully going to start Magicians this weekend when I finish reading The Electric Koolaid Acid Test.
I had reiki done on me and would recommend it. I was on the verge of astral projection during my session but didn't quite get there. Maybe next time
how so ben

Didn't really mean anything. I was just high and alluding to me testing the waters outside of this thread, which has turned out to be my Niketalk bubble, to gain a better perspective. Seeking out more questions to my answers. Broadening my perspective.
i received my Level 1 Reiki certification about a year and a half ago. The initiation was really eye-opening. I have only performed reiki formally on others a few times but I try to tap into that energy often. I am a professional gardener so it is a big part of my work, but even just placing my hand on someone's back or shoulder is enough contact to send them the energy. The experience of bringing another person peace and deep healing is transformative. The few times I have performed reiki on others, they quickly relax (breathing slows, muscle relax, REM beneath the eyelids, even snoring). It is something very primal. There are nerve bundles and energy centers that are stimulated often when we are children but are neglected as adults due to ignorance and social taboos. Reiki focuses a lot on these areas. It is a real feeling of empowerment to know you can affect another's physiology in such a positive way. As someone receiving the energy, I would compare it to the deepest restorative sleep most people have felt. It is like a full nights sleep (or even more) in 30-60 minutes. There is a reason it is being used on operating tables in hospitals now. With that said, it is a two way street. If somebody is not receptive, then I believe them when they say they "didn't notice anything."
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