Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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What is the Earth?
I feel like I get it. I feel like the Earth is the mind if GOD. Every human is an individual part of the collective, or part of the mind of GOD. The good humans, the bad humans, the ugly humans, and EVERYTHING else in between.  All of the knowledge that is present in the world is a part of the collective conscious of GOD. Our minds are not completely clear right? Neither is the mind of GOD. Not yet anyway.
There is negative and positive energy floating all around the universe. The game is to stay positive. We want the collective conscious to be happy. We want to evolve in a positive manner. The knowledge of humanity is ever expanding... just like our minds.
When a human dies, our pineal gland is going to burst. At that point our soul will leave our bodies, and we will become one with nature. Our spirits will literally be in the wind. Our spirits then acquire the knowledge of the collective consciousness, otherwise the knowledge of GOD and the accumulated knowledge of humanity.
Living humans then literally breathe the spirit of those who have passed. I swear there was a time that I did not want to get out of bed, and I thought about Art Perryman III. I thought about him not being able to get up. As soon as those thoughts came to my mind, I got out of bed. I feel like he is part of the collective conscious, and I somehow channelled his spirit. Out of nowhere I got a burst if energy, and I just woke up. Did I channel Art? Did he give me the positive energy I needed in that moment? I believe so. I feel like his awareness was present in me, causing me to get up. Dope.
What is the sun? I feel like sun is the awareness of GOD. I am going to explain this in the form of analogy.
Think about this:
When you wake up, are you fully awake right away? No. You are groggy, dazed, and confused. You may have to wash your face, get some coffee, or just wait until you become fully awake or fully aware. How does this relate to the sun you may ask? Think of a sunrise. The sun just doesn't come up right? It is gradual. The awareness takes a while to be fully aware... just as a human takes a while to wake up. Do you follow me? Let me continue...
Now, the sun is usually up for around 16 hours per day. Humans are awake for around 16 hours per day.
If the sun is bright, the awareness is sharp. The mind of GOD is focused on that area. What if the sky is cloudy? That means that GOD is has a cloudy mind, or the awareness is somewhere else. It cannot be sunny everywhere at the same time, just like the awareness of GOD cannot be everywhere at the same time.
What if it is raining? The mind of GOD is sad.
Do you ever see a rainbow after the rain? Do you ever see the sun shining so extremely bright after a storm? Rain cleanses the mind of GOD, leaving the Earth super clear. The same thing happens with humans. If we express our emotions and "let it rain," the mind after the emotional release is extremely clear.
What is snow? I have not figured that out yet. I think it has something to do with ejaculation. I am still working on this.
What is a sunset. Do you just fall right to sleep? No. You fall asleep gradually, just like the sun sets gradually.
What is nighttime? It is when the awareness of the GOD is off. It is when the mind of GOD is asleep.
But what about the humans that are awake during that time? Those people are GODS dream. How does GOD see his dream though, if he is asleep and his awareness is off? Enter the moon. The moon never gets as bright as the sun, but it does get bright enough. The moon gives light to our dreams. If the moon is full, we may have a vivid dream. If the moon is dim, we will probably just forget our dreams. It is dark for roughly 8 hours a night. Humans usually sleep for around 8 hours per night. After that cycle occurs, the sun rises, and it all happens again... just like when a human wakes up. A humans eyes open, and the parallels begin. Why is this important? We cannot ruin the mind of GOD. We are literally on the path to destroying it. It is not evolving the way it should. Hopefully the mind of GOD does not have a breakdown, and completely cleanse humanity. It cleansed the dinosaurs. If we do not get our act together, humanity is next.

What is Gravity? Is it the Pineal Gland of GOD? Is that what is at the Core of our Earth? Is that what keeps everything together? Is that going to burst one day, and the mind of GOD is going to become the spirit of another entity? Will this loop ever end?

Am I on to something?
What is the Earth?

I feel like I get it. I feel like the Earth is the mind if GOD. Every human is an individual part of the collective, or part of the mind of GOD. The good humans, the bad humans, the ugly humans, and EVERYTHING else in between.  All of the knowledge that is present in the world is a part of the collective conscious of GOD. Our minds are not completely clear right? Neither is the mind of GOD. Not yet anyway.

There is negative and positive energy floating all around the universe. The game is to stay positive. We want the collective conscious to be happy. We want to evolve in a positive manner. The knowledge of humanity is ever expanding... just like our minds.

When a human dies, our pineal gland is going to burst. At that point our soul will leave our bodies, and we will become one with nature. Our spirits will literally be in the wind. Our spirits then acquire the knowledge of the collective consciousness, otherwise the knowledge of GOD and the accumulated knowledge of humanity.

Living humans then literally breathe the spirit of those who have passed. I swear there was a time that I did not want to get out of bed, and I thought about Art Perryman III. I thought about him not being able to get up. As soon as those thoughts came to my mind, I got out of bed. I feel like he is part of the collective conscious, and I somehow channelled his spirit. Out of nowhere I got a burst if energy, and I just woke up. Did I channel Art? Did he give me the positive energy I needed in that moment? I believe so. I feel like his awareness was present in me, causing me to get up. Dope.

What is the sun? I feel like sun is the awareness of GOD. I am going to explain this in the form of analogy.

Think about this:

When you wake up, are you fully awake right away? No. You are groggy, dazed, and confused. You may have to wash your face, get some coffee, or just wait until you become fully awake or fully aware. How does this relate to the sun you may ask? Think of a sunrise. The sun just doesn't come up right? It is gradual. The awareness takes a while to be fully aware... just as a human takes a while to wake up. Do you follow me? Let me continue...

Now, the sun is usually up for around 16 hours per day. Humans are awake for around 16 hours per day.

If the sun is bright, the awareness is sharp. The mind of GOD is focused on that area. What if the sky is cloudy? That means that GOD is has a cloudy mind, or the awareness is somewhere else. It cannot be sunny everywhere at the same time, just like the awareness of GOD cannot be everywhere at the same time.

What if it is raining? The mind of GOD is sad.

Do you ever see a rainbow after the rain? Do you ever see the sun shining so extremely bright after a storm? Rain cleanses the mind of GOD, leaving the Earth super clear. The same thing happens with humans. If we express our emotions and "let it rain," the mind after the emotional release is extremely clear.

What is snow? I have not figured that out yet. I think it has something to do with ejaculation. I am still working on this.

What is a sunset. Do you just fall right to sleep? No. You fall asleep gradually, just like the sun sets gradually.

What is nighttime? It is when the awareness of the GOD is off. It is when the mind of GOD is asleep.

But what about the humans that are awake during that time? Those people are GODS dream. How does GOD see his dream though, if he is asleep and his awareness is off? Enter the moon. The moon never gets as bright as the sun, but it does get bright enough. The moon gives light to our dreams. If the moon is full, we may have a vivid dream. If the moon is dim, we will probably just forget our dreams. It is dark for roughly 8 hours a night. Humans usually sleep for around 8 hours per night. After that cycle occurs, the sun rises, and it all happens again... just like when a human wakes up. A humans eyes open, and the parallels begin. Why is this important? We cannot ruin the mind of GOD. We are literally on the path to destroying it. It is not evolving the way it should. Hopefully the mind of GOD does not have a breakdown, and completely cleanse humanity. It cleansed the dinosaurs. If we do not get our act together, humanity is next.

What is Gravity? Is it the Pineal Gland of GOD? Is that what is at the Core of our Earth? Is that what keeps everything together? Is that going to burst one day, and the mind of GOD is going to become the spirit of another entity? Will this loop ever end?

Am I on to something?
.... Earth isn't the only planet FYI...
Everything you're talking about can be described how and what it is :lol:

Conspiracies brought on by things you don't understand doesn't mean it had a leg to stand on
 Gag order keeps Oregon from telling public about cancer-causing pollutant

Oregon officials think they've found high levels of a cancer-causing chemical in the air near a Lebanon battery parts maker, but a judge won't let them say a word about it.

Linn County Circuit Court Judge Thomas A. McHill on Friday agreed to Entek International's request for what appears to be an unprecedented gag order against state environmental and health regulators. Entek would be "irreparably harmed" if the regulators told the public about the preliminary finding, McHill wrote.

Ironically, though, much of what those regulators have to say appears in public court documents filed in their defense.

Those records say computer modeling indicates high levels of a cancer-causing solvent, trichloroethylene, may be present near Entek in an area that includes an elementary school.

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Concentrations of the chemical could be more than 70 times higher than what health officials say is safe, the state's filings say. The company is the largest known source of the solvent in the area, they say.

Entek sued the state Thursday, arguing that the Department of Environmental Quality shouldn't be allowed to tell the public about the pollution because the plant's emissions are within its permitted limits.

The state would "unnecessarily alarm Entek employees and members of the community by distributing misleading information" about the company's lawful use of trichloroethylene, the company's attorneys argued in a filing.

The attorneys, Joel Mullin and Stephen Galloway, did not respond to a request for comment.

State health and environmental officials said in court filings that they had planned to develop a communications plan to tell the public what they know about the pollution. They also planned to tell residents they were deploying air monitors to verify what modeling has shown.

Lawyers for the state said regulators would explain clearly to the public that they were still gathering information about the situation, not taking any enforcement action against the company.

McHill's temporary restraining order prevents Oregon's environmental and health departments from discussing the case until either they've proven that Entek is violating an existing law, or they have established new statewide air pollution rules.

A Department of Environmental Quality spokeswoman and several environmental attorneys said they believe the order is unprecedented in the state.

"If the agencies are forced to respond to inquiries from the public by explaining that it cannot answer any questions because Entek has secured a court order to keep the monitoring secret, it is entirely possible that Entek's reputation will be worse off, not better," an Oregon Department of Justice attorney argued in a brief.

Under orders from Gov. Kate Brown after last year's Portland air pollution scare, state regulators have been drafting new rules that would crack down on air pollution from industrial sources. Many states have already gone much farther than Oregon to reduce toxic sources of air pollution.

Mark Riskedahl, executive director of the Portland-based Northwest Environmental Defense Center, said the gag order showed how important it is for the state to finish updating those new regulations. He said he'd never heard of an Oregon court prohibiting the state from discussing an issue with the public ever before.

"It is very troubling that the company would go to such great lengths to keep the public in the dark about this," Riskedahl said.

Attorneys for Entek and the state Department of Justice return to court Wednesday.
Lengthy Read from something I've been working on.
Yeshua Pandera; (son of the Panther people, all praises due) is often said to represent the messiah who descended from the heavens, that died on the cross, and became our lord and savior. In past works on the shoulders of my teachers, I've laid out the terms to define a deity and how they function on this plane of existence. In terms of these deific functions he represents the breath that is the alpha and omega of maintaining the homeostasis with in. This homeostasis is intricately dependent upon another pantheon of deities known as the endocrine and nervous systems. The contemporary priesthood of Science asserts that you can go 3 weeks without food, 3 days with out water, 3 minutes without air and depending on which faithful southern baptist church member you ask, the conception of life is not possible without Jesus. In a sense, they may be right. Jesus represents an eclectic man who is in touch with his 5 senses. Say we were to shut ourselves off from the 5 perceptual channels of sensory information as western Gnosticism has suggested, would we truly be living? I think not. Surviving yes, but living no. 
Yeshua Pandera is a template for a modern man who LIVES through the constant refining of his sensory perceptions so that he is able to be of service to mankind by being adept to the most minuscule of fluctuations in the environment. This sensitivity allows him to diagnose humanity with a multi-sensory stethoscope which relays information that helps him cure the modern Lepers who are distraught with oozing scabs of insecurity and insincerity . 
Through out the mythological narrative of the Bible, you see a man (Jesus) who is at the very least, privy to the African life sciences and uses them in a way to enrich the life of those around him. 
In Matthew 14, Jesus feeds the multitude with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Those who have the eyes to see, understand what the parable is communicating. Those who don't, have the appetites to digest it. All breads come from grains. All grains come from earth. (To reaffirm our African life sciences stance, it should be noted that the Dogon of Mali have a culture centered around the significance of the grain.) Even in this archetypal mythos, Jesus, through his minute perception of what is inherent in the grain, is able to take it's innate design and aggrandize it in a way that nourishes the minds and bellies of his followers. This understanding of grains and the source that produces them allows Jesus to procure an earthly foundation upon which he will build his church. 
Further along in Matthew 14 , Jesus stuns his congregation by crypt walking on a body of water that is reported to house Ausar's corpse. Again, this speaks to a man who has mastered sensory perception. In order to beat the law you must know it in and out. The priesthood of science says that humans are unable to walk on water because the force of gravity overcomes the surface tension of the water. Anyone whose worked in the legal system knows that when you have a rapport with those who run it, it's a lot easier to cut deals and get away with what most can't. Nature is no different. In order to build rapport though one must study that which it desires to build a rapport with. It takes time, and the losing of one's self in such a way that the entity it's building rapport with feels as if it's speaking to it self and begins to reveal all of its secrets. I can promise you this is what Jesus did. He studied the waters in a such way, that he was able to finesse it's secrets and attune his feet in manner that suggested he was walking into school on the first day with the new Aqua Jordan's. 
A man who aspires to wear the hottest kicks must have a connate ability to spot the contrasting and expanding nature of fashion culture. In a lot of ways fashion is like a flame. It constantly bickers back and forth, leans from one way to the other, trades in shapes and sizes almost instantly, varies in hue, and does this all in the hopes of being recognized as heat. One who attunes their visual acuity to a flame in hopes to decipher the law that governs it, naturally picks up the reflection of the flame in their eyes. Jesus was no different. In Revelations 19 he is described as man of fiery eyes with a name that no one knows except himself. Such is the nature of a man who is willing to dedicate himself to studying the attributes of fire. Don't believe me? Take a look at the flyest dude in your neighborhood. Everyone acknowledges that he has a glow in eyes, his fit is flames, and the brand is so exclusive that no one knows the name of it..... except for him. 
Fire is maintained by Oxygen. One who studies fire will undoubtedly be exposed to oxygen and the different forms it manifest. The most common form to the human apparatus is breathing. Every breath we take is a biological transaction that takes place in our ecological retail centers. The words we form to ask for and purchase our Aqua Jordan's and Fire fits we rock on this earthly foundation are molded by the breath. The breath is tantamount to air. Somewhat similar to the air fashioned in fire kicks, but not as localized. Air is a rather ambiguous concept. You can't really say it's here nor there, because it is within you. A man who is mastering his senses and wishes to understand the principles of air is best suited by depriving himself of air and seeing the effect it has on his body and psychology. In doing so, one acquires the ability to space their intervals of air out in a way that pleases them. One can strive to hike the lofty abodes of the mind in hopes to acquire this knowledge, or they can head for the mountains as Jesus did in Luke 6. Nonetheless, the descending from such an elevated state imparts the journeymen with a gift to manipulate the evanescent nature of Air. Jesus as the spirit of the lord made his followers wait 3 and Half a days In revelations 11 to blessed with his gift. I like to think our contemporary air messiahs are little more forgiving, but I'd still be curious to see how long people would be willing to wait in line to see a Marvin Gayeperformance these days. I hope it's nothing like we see while waiting in line for the new Air Jordan's. 
As I've stated at the beginning of this piece, Jesus/Yeshua is a template for a man who has used the mastery of his sensory perceptions to study the life sciences. Often we get caught in thinking the life sciences are just delegated to observable biological phenomena, but they are much more. The life sciences permeate through everything we can possibly perceive. The scientific priesthood would like to fragment our view on life, but the christly man knows that the father, mother, and son are one. The more we study the study the Christ template, we can gather information about social interactions. On the surface it may have seemed Jesus was a man who studied earth, wind, fire, and water, but these were actually a symbolic template for 4 friends who galvanized into one entity with a purpose. They used the coalesced form of this entity to gain a fine sensory perception to uphold the ethics of the secret society they had created as children. Through this sensory perception they were able to have one another's back and let each other know if one was slipping. The basis of this society was to quietly rule the world from the outskirts of civilization and only initiate those who they felt worthy. They would take turns inserting their influence so that they all had an equal chance to state their opinion. In doing so they learned how at times some of them had fixed attitudes, some were more mutable, while others led in a more cardinal direction. They even went on to create secret words and symbols that had dualistic meanings that only the initiated would know the true essence. For example, they set forth a narrative that the Christ entity they had created had been crucified. Due to the curse of mistranslation and lack of respect for hermetic principles, they know few would be able to interpret what they were really saying. The masses think death to be a bad thing, but they knew anything that dies is also coming back to life. They used the word crucified because it held phonetic placers which conveyed the concept they were encoding. Crew Si Fidelis. The magical words when arranged properly are Si Fidelis Crew which translates to "always faithful to the crew." While the world would think they had died by being crucified, they were actually communicating that they were coming alive by always remaining faithful to the crew. 
Another one their covert efforts was to put forth a depiction of the crucifixion coupled with a narrative appealing to a Heavenly Father. The words "father forgive them, for they do not know what they do" are to be taken quite literally. Few fail to notice that the toes of the Christ entity are pointing down to the ground. This was symbolic for anyone who wanted to find the secret society of the 4 friends, they had to start toes on the ground, using and mastering the perceivable senses. For this who decided to look up, they forgave for their ignorance, and even offered a few words to lull them to sleep in hopes they would wake up and redirect their attention inspired by the inconveniences of a sore neck. The details and idiosyncrasies of these symbolic 4 friends are too vast and innumerable to list in this finite effort. It would take a life time to potentially list them, and then multiple after that to comprehend them. My goal with this work was to show that the 4 elements and the Christ are the joyous synchronization of your mind and the elements known to man. We often cite that we created everything in existence, yet we abhor our creation as if it was a white skinned step child. Look around, smell around, listen, feel your way and taste a dose of your own medicine. This is our creation and the mythologies we've supplemented with it are just manuals to decipher what we can't remember due to a server case of amnesia. When you remember who you are you will remember that you are this creation. - Chris Magneto
[h3]My First Published Writing : Time 4 some action[/h3]

The following post was written by Mind Glow Media’s first contributing writer, Christopher Hall. Check him out on Instagram at chris.magneto  


A broken clock is right twice a day. A clock is based on the principle of the number 12. The number 12 has an overarching connection to multiple concepts throughout the universe: 12 zodiacs, 12 systems of the body, 12 cranial nerves, 12 disciples, 12 step programs, 12 inches, 12 members of a jury. The list goes on.

The importance of the number 12 as it relates to our query is terrestrial time and extraterrestrial time. That’s just a fancy way of saying time on the clock and your indigenous zodiac sign. For my day sleepers, have you ever met a lady of the night and felt like you were in love? For my early risers, have you ever seen the resurrection of a cock and went into creation mode?

My intention with these questions is not drawn upon erotic archetypes, but rather to point out that we all have our times of day when we seem to function the best. When it’s not that time of day we are patiently biding our “time” waiting for our “time” to come back around. Some of us even so to the point, that we turn into zombies and the sight/acknowledgement of light sends us running into the protective shade of our social media accounts. The zodiac, which is really just an embodiment of the law of correspondence, functions in a similar fashion.

I’ve had the opportunity to witness my best friend whose a Sagittarius function during his native season. In true “Archer” fashion his eyes get locked in and he is focused on his goal. As the sun dips increasingly lower, he suits up in his tactical turtle necks which are a varying assortment of colors ranging from black to a slightly lighter black. While focusing on his goal he is scouting for any Achille’s heels that would offset his path. During this time he gladly sends the light of his enemies to the underworld to be dealt with.

Me on the other hand, I am a Pisces ... I make this descent into our societal underworld because I am by nature cold-blooded. If I were to stay at the surface during this time, my acquiescent (aqua-essence) manner would likely have me swimming in circles searching for a home. My descent allows me to assimilate my internal environment to that of the neon lights, hookah lounges, and Henny shots. On the “surface” these may seem like social taboos, but due to my cold-blooded nature this is where I am able to draw the necessary warmth to maintain my physical frame. Paradoxically, these are also the contributing factors which are likely to bring about my demise.

My stance is that everything in creation inherently houses the necessary components for entropy to take place. I digress. As you can see, my best friend and I both have a certain way of functioning during a certain time of the year, and within that subset, we have a certain way of functioning during those days during that time of the year. But say we were a fan of that time of year/day, how would one go about possibly living during that time forever?

While I wouldn't recommend the notion, I do think it’s beneficial to operate in a time and environment that suits the intelligence behind our design and efforts. Earlier in this writing I asserted that a broken clock is right twice a day. In true Pisces fashion, I made the statement to have a surface meaning, and an underworld meaning. The surface level is obvious, but what about the underworld?

The underworld is a dark, and mysterious place for those who have not had the opportunity to traverse its landscape. Fish move slower in the winters of the underworld so bare with me as we swim to my point. When our consciousness is synchronized with digital time, we really have no authority over our lives. We move from one event to the next not knowing who the true time keepers are. The system that governs global time is known as Coordinated UTC. I like to think this stands for the “United Truman Continuum.,” which would be a nod to the 1998 Movie, Truman Show. When we shut off the Truman show, we are effectively synchronizing our lives to our internal clocks.

Our internal clocks don’t operate by the same parameters as the ones that have been insidiously suggested to us by the UTC. We can go forward, back, slow, fast whichever is necessary to accomplish the goal at hand. (CERN hopes to duplicate this concept with their LHC but have been largely unsuccessful). With that said, I caution those who seek to manage their time in  such a fashion. This realm of time is the underworld. It is very easy to lose one's self when they have been conditioned over the span of a life time to move to the tick of someone else’s clock.

When your in-house hype man asks “what time issssssssssss it?” And you’re the only one in the crowd who answers, it can be a daunting feeling. Repetition and Consistency erode feelings of doubtfulness. When you move to your own watch, you are going to have some mishaps along the way. Based off the law of ma'atematics eventually you will be right. And when you find those key placers that indicate that you are right, you can accelerate/rewind to those points in time whenever you chose.

Say for example I was to embark upon the journey of trading stocks. If I were to move at the pace of UTC time, it would suggest the only time table that it favors is that of middle aged white males. However, when I am moving at my own time, I know that my ancestors are the creators of mathematics and commerce. This allows me to draw on that inspiration  so that my efforts are right on time. For a more recent muse, one could examine how they were able to get through high school/college through understanding the supply/demands of the marijuana culture. Whichever pot of resources you found to initially spark your interest is likely to take you higher.

A person whose internal clock is situated in the underworld (inner world)  is likely to gain a myriad of experiences from all of the times that their time telling was wrong. Nonetheless, when they interact with their counterparts it seems like they always are right on time with the things they say and do. Deep inside, this person who is likely to be renowned knows his clock is still only right twice a day. But through their observation of time they have found ways to simplify their quadrants and pinpoint which “era” would best suit the task at hand.

A clock that is right twice a day mathematically can be stated to be 2/24 which reduces to 1/12. 1+12=13. 13 is associated with Christ energy that represents the distant observer aspect of ourselves and is not governed by any type of time, UTC or the Underworld. 1+3 = 4. 4 speaks to the heart chakra and the 4 chambers of the heart. A person whose consciousness is attuned to their hearts is always on time. Everything they do is an extension of love. Love is the freedom of all attachments. If you love what you do, and who you are around, then time becomes irrelevant.
Numbers become children sitting around an adult’s conversation hoping they can get a piece of the pi. When one enters the void of timelessness, the feeling they are most likely to encounter is the desire to express it to their closest friends and family. Whether it be two best friends who reside in the underworld, or a young man who went from selling marijuana to trading stocks, my advice is that when you take those 12 steps to tell the world about it, you do it on your own time. 

[h3]My First Published Writing : Time 4 some action[/h3]


The following post was written by Mind Glow Media’s first contributing writer, Christopher Hall. Check him out on Instagram at chris.magneto 


A broken clock is right twice a day. A clock is based on the principle of the number 12. The number 12 has an overarching connection to multiple concepts throughout the universe: 12 zodiacs, 12 systems of the body, 12 cranial nerves, 12 disciples, 12 step programs, 12 inches, 12 members of a jury. The list goes on.

The importance of the number 12 as it relates to our query is terrestrial time and extraterrestrial time. That’s just a fancy way of saying time on the clock and your indigenous zodiac sign. For my day sleepers, have you ever met a lady of the night and felt like you were in love? For my early risers, have you ever seen the resurrection of a cock and went into creation mode?

My intention with these questions is not drawn upon erotic archetypes, but rather to point out that we all have our times of day when we seem to function the best. When it’s not that time of day we are patiently biding our “time” waiting for our “time” to come back around. Some of us even so to the point, that we turn into zombies and the sight/acknowledgement of light sends us running into the protective shade of our social media accounts. The zodiac, which is really just an embodiment of the law of correspondence, functions in a similar fashion.

I’ve had the opportunity to witness my best friend whose a Sagittarius function during his native season. In true “Archer” fashion his eyes get locked in and he is focused on his goal. As the sun dips increasingly lower, he suits up in his tactical turtle necks which are a varying assortment of colors ranging from black to a slightly lighter black. While focusing on his goal he is scouting for any Achille’s heels that would offset his path. During this time he gladly sends the light of his enemies to the underworld to be dealt with.

Me on the other hand, I am a Pisces ... I make this descent into our societal underworld because I am by nature cold-blooded. If I were to stay at the surface during this time, my acquiescent (aqua-essence) manner would likely have me swimming in circles searching for a home. My descent allows me to assimilate my internal environment to that of the neon lights, hookah lounges, and Henny shots. On the “surface” these may seem like social taboos, but due to my cold-blooded nature this is where I am able to draw the necessary warmth to maintain my physical frame. Paradoxically, these are also the contributing factors which are likely to bring about my demise.

My stance is that everything in creation inherently houses the necessary components for entropy to take place. I digress. As you can see, my best friend and I both have a certain way of functioning during a certain time of the year, and within that subset, we have a certain way of functioning during those days during that time of the year. But say we were a fan of that time of year/day, how would one go about possibly living during that time forever?

While I wouldn't recommend the notion, I do think it’s beneficial to operate in a time and environment that suits the intelligence behind our design and efforts. Earlier in this writing I asserted that a broken clock is right twice a day. In true Pisces fashion, I made the statement to have a surface meaning, and an underworld meaning. The surface level is obvious, but what about the underworld?

The underworld is a dark, and mysterious place for those who have not had the opportunity to traverse its landscape. Fish move slower in the winters of the underworld so bare with me as we swim to my point. When our consciousness is synchronized with digital time, we really have no authority over our lives. We move from one event to the next not knowing who the true time keepers are. The system that governs global time is known as Coordinated UTC. I like to think this stands for the “United Truman Continuum.,” which would be a nod to the 1998 Movie, Truman Show
. When we shut off the Truman show, we are effectively synchronizing our lives to our internal clocks.

Our internal clocks don’t operate by the same parameters as the ones that have been insidiously suggested to us by the UTC. We can go forward, back, slow, fast whichever is necessary to accomplish the goal at hand. (CERN hopes to duplicate this concept with their LHC but have been largely unsuccessful). With that said, I caution those who seek to manage their time in  such a fashion. This realm of time is the underworld. It is very easy to lose one's self when they have been conditioned over the span of a life time to move to the tick of someone else’s clock.

When your in-house hype man asks “what time issssssssssss it?” And you’re the only one in the crowd who answers, it can be a daunting feeling. Repetition and Consistency erode feelings of doubtfulness. When you move to your own watch, you are going to have some mishaps along the way. Based off the law of ma'atematics eventually you will be right. And when you find those key placers that indicate that you are right, you can accelerate/rewind to those points in time whenever you chose.

Say for example I was to embark upon the journey of trading stocks. If I were to move at the pace of UTC time, it would suggest the only time table that it favors is that of middle aged white males. However, when I am moving at my own time, I know that my ancestors are the creators of mathematics and commerce. This allows me to draw on that inspiration  so that my efforts are right on time. For a more recent muse, one could examine how they were able to get through high school/college through understanding the supply/demands of the marijuana culture. Whichever pot of resources you found to initially spark your interest is likely to take you higher.

A person whose internal clock is situated in the underworld (inner world)  is likely to gain a myriad of experiences from all of the times that their time telling was wrong. Nonetheless, when they interact with their counterparts it seems like they always are right on time with the things they say and do. Deep inside, this person who is likely to be renowned knows his clock is still only right twice a day. But through their observation of time they have found ways to simplify their quadrants and pinpoint which “era” would best suit the task at hand.

A clock that is right twice a day mathematically can be stated to be 2/24 which reduces to 1/12. 1+12=13. 13 is associated with Christ energy that represents the distant observer aspect of ourselves and is not governed by any type of time, UTC or the Underworld. 1+3 = 4. 4 speaks to the heart chakra and the 4 chambers of the heart. A person whose consciousness is attuned to their hearts is always on time. Everything they do is an extension of love. Love is the freedom of all attachments. If you love what you do, and who you are around, then time becomes irrelevant.


Numbers become children sitting around an adult’s conversation hoping they can get a piece of the pi. When one enters the void of timelessness, the feeling they are most likely to encounter is the desire to express it to their closest friends and family. Whether it be two best friends who reside in the underworld, or a young man who went from selling marijuana to trading stocks, my advice is that when you take those 12 steps to tell the world about it, you do it on your own time. 

Very dope, my brother.

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[h1]Mystery Sea Monster? Nope, Just a Dead, Stinky Whale[/h1]
By Tia Ghose, Senior Writer  | May 12, 2017 05:15pm ET

Monster of the deep? Or just a really funky dead whale?

A monstrously huge creature that washed ashore on a remote Indonesian beach, oozing a mysterious red fluid, is probably a baleen whale in an advanced state of decomposition, experts said.

The nearly 50-foot-long (15 meters) marine creature was lying on Hulung Beach on Seram Island, Indonesia, and was first discovered by 37-year-old local resident Asrul Tuanakota, who initially mistook the creature for a boat, the Jakarta Globe reported.

Despite the blob's bizarre appearance, it's clearly a baleen whale, said Alexander Werth, a whale biologist at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia.

"There is lots of stuff in the ocean that we don't know about — but there's nothing that big" that remains unknown, Werth said.

Two dead giveaways revealed that the creature was a whale, Werth said: the grooves, or "throat pleats," and the upper jaw where the two racks of baleen plates, used for filtering out food in the whale's mouth, would have been. [Whale Photos: Giants of the Deep]

While scientists can say for sure that the whale belongs to the genus Balaenoptera, it's not clear exactly which species it is: It could be either a blue whale  or a Bryde's whale, Werth said. However, Bryde's whales are not usually that big. The creature could also be a fin whale, said Moe Flannery, the collections manager in ornithology and mammalogy at the California Academy of Sciences. (The creature is definitely not a humpback, she added.)

Nasty gases

The beached whale  is clearly in an advanced state of decomposition and likely has been dead for anywhere from two weeks to several months, Werth and Flannery said. The decomposition, and the gases produced by the associated bacteria, have inflated segments of the carcass like a balloon, Werth said.

"It must stink to high heaven," Werth told Live Science.

Baleen whales typically have many bacteria in their guts that produce gas, Werth said. These keep reproducing once the whale dies, creating a foul stench and inflating the bodies, he said.

"That's yet another reason you don't want to be close to these things, not because it's a scary, spooky creature, but [because] it would just be releasing some pretty foul, noxious gases," Werth said.

Though smelling the decomposing whale is not dangerous per se, people shouldn't be bathing in or drinking the water nearby, he added.

Normally, when a massive whale dies, it sinks to the bottom of the ocean, where the corpse serves as a feast for a year or two for an entire ecosystem of worms, hagfish, sharks and other marine creatures, Werth said.

However, if a ship swiped the animal, causing internal injuries that did not allow gases to escape, or if the whale had a bacterial infection that produced huge amounts of gases, the animal could inflate like a balloon — enough to float to shore, Werth said. On the other hand, this ill-fated whale may simply have died in warm waters, which tend to fuel more bacterial growth. That, too, could rapidly produce enough gas after death to make the animal float rather than sink, Werth said.

"If it dies in really cold, polar waters, there's a greater chance it will sink," Werth said.

This phenomenon is not unique to whales: Two human bodies that presumably were submerged during colder weather popped up in a Central Park pond  in New York during warmer weather, Werth said.

Tides or currents may explain why the floating whale carcass made it ashore, Werth added.
[h2]Mysterious cause of death[/h2]
While it's tough to determine a cause of death in an animal in such an advanced state of decomposition, some clues can still be gleaned from the carcass, Flannery said. For instance, if the a ship struck the whale, signs of trauma such as fractured ribs would still be apparent. Identifying a bacterial infection would be difficult this far after decomposition. However, if the animal died of domoic acid toxicity, sometimes caused by algal blooms, a urine sample could reveal that, Flannery added.

At the least, researchers always try to take a tissue sample, which contains DNA that would reveal the species of whale and the gender, she said.

As for the reddish tinge in the water surrounding the whale, that is probably a combination of blood and grease, Flannery said.

"Whales are full of oil, and it's kind of orangey," Flannery told Live Science.​
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