Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Posting before I lose memory of it. I lurk but I'm curious if anyone else has experienced something similar...

Had one of my most vivid dreams last night; one where I woke up shook. Long story short, I died in it. Driving a car (not mine) in an area of I've never been before (mountain road, plenty of twists and turns) and ultimately take a fall off the mountain. Real stuntman ish. On the way down, I'm not scared and am very aware this is likely the end but my first instinct is to brace for impact. Just before impact my world goes black. Didn't feel the impact, no fire, no glass, and I'm now floating in this black void. No light to make out any features but believe me when I say that it was the most freeing feeling I've ever experienced. My stress, worries, anxiety, all gone. I asked myself if this was it, was this my new forever home, and wasn't upset if it was. I'm just floating; no ground to stand on but feeling completely rested and at east. Fast forward a bit and a small light starts flickering in the distance; gets bigger and brighter and i turn away. Light begins to envelop me and something that I think was a hand appears and i plead to let me stay. I can't say for sure if it was a hand but I felt that whatever it was, it was coming for me. i put my hands up to block whatever it was and I wake up in the fetal position and clenched for impact. I sat up, my wife asked if I was alright and who I was talking to, and I remember feeling upset that it was a dream; that the feelings I felt were not real.

That's it. Not sure what to make of it, if anything. Peace

but to answer your Mr. Socks, Zeitgeist is the classic one if you havent seen it already. and there are two sequels if your interested

or the code which describes as
"This documentary explores the mysterious code said to be able to predict and explain everything in the universe from shapes to the behavior of serial killers."

DC's posts about Rothschild got me on a binge of higher secret societies' and their doings. came across the bilderberg's club, much of which I know but here's a nice doc on it for the uninformed
"They began meeting in secret in 1954. Their membership was comprised of the upper echelon of society; the most powerful and wealthy figures from the fields of academia, politics and business. The groupќs founders included tycoon David Rockefeller and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, both elite leaders within the oil industry. What may have started as a simple meeting of the minds, where current issues could be discussed, analyzed and debated, would soon morph into something far more sinister in its influence."

Looking for some docu's similar to the zeitgeist. Couldn't get into it because I felt like it was a bunch of pictures with a narrator. Pretty boring.

Or anything interesting in that realm.
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