Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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If you see something on youtube that just blows your mind you should just download it asap. I use to create playlist but then I would go back and the author had deleted it...
women in contact with lights video taken down before i had a chance to view it

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Not like we can do a damn thing about it anyway, but it's always nice to see who was involved [/color]
Originally Posted by tonton32

been saying this for a while. any contact with such intelligent aliens would not benefit them so they would not make the effort. humans have a long way too go before we are worthy of contacting and interacting with our cosmic brethren. if we somehow did make contact, it will more than likely be with a species with malevolent intentions.
This is the best I've got as far as aliens go:
ET radio signals that have been publicly released by the NSA.
Cool video of radio communications. Take it for what it is.

The black knight satellite. Discovered before the first man-made satellite in orbit. What interest me is that they say it had a polar orbit (from north to south, cont.). A polar orbit is perfect for a satellite that is scanning a planet that is rotating from east to west. Gives it a perfect coverage over time.



You can scratch the TIME article because you have to pay for it, but I believe you can read the full article here and followed by more interesting information/discussions on the satellite.

If already posted sorry. Watched this doc from Alex Jones today. Bohemian Grove is a place out in the woods of Northern Cal where the world's elite (only males allowed) go for 2 weeks and participate in sacrifices, rituals and supposedly gay orgies. Interesting but part of me still wonders how Alex Jones got past Secret Service and the other security measures in place. But this documentary was back in 2000 before he was as well known and I'm sure security was tightened up after this.
alot of people starting to really look into this, take everything with a grain of salt. things are getting real bad in this world we live in and alot of people i see in the streets are all looking depressed and +%@*.
Originally Posted by d 2 the lo

My mind has been blown more times in the past two weeks of listening to the podcast "Mysterious Universe" than it ever has in my entire life


highly recommend this. 

i think it is better than Coast to Coast. the actually recognize that there are some nutjobs out there
Neil Degrasse Tyson takes on every major conspiracy theory including aliens and visitation
Gonna get
tomorrow and read through this. Post some pictorals
or other interesting things please fellas, I can't get with watch some random
professor go on for an hour on speculation
coasttocoast a.m tonight 6/24

People are vanishing without a trace from our national parks and forests, yet government agencies are saying nothing. David Paulides, a former lawman turned investigative journalist, will join George Knapp for an extended update from his last interview in March. He'll discuss even more weird and odd disappearances in the U.S. that no one to this day can explain.

ABC4 News Amazing Footage of a UFO sighting over Utah
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

coasttocoast a.m tonight 6/24

People are vanishing without a trace from our national parks and forests, yet government agencies are saying nothing. David Paulides, a former lawman turned investigative journalist, will join George Knapp for an extended update from his last interview in March. He'll discuss even more weird and odd disappearances in the U.S. that no one to this day can explain.

ABC4 News Amazing Footage of a UFO sighting over Utah

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