Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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You don't need substances, but you'll have to work a lot harder breaking down those walls. Every answer is within us.

Man I can't clear my mind. Even in Yoga, I can't clear my mind. I am worried about looking at butts and thinking about other things. I did Yoga like 20 times last year and I never felt like my mind was at peace during the experience LOL
Lmao yeah, it could be tough at first. Just start with 5-10 minutes and build your way up from there. Eventually it'll click.

Onto your weed question...did he become super super Christian after smoking that particular day, or is that the result of longterm burning? I became more spiritual as I started smoking more often, but that was because I wanted to, not because of the herb. The herb just made it more fun to think about that stuff.
He probably smoked 7 times in his life before that point. Now dude is basically a Christian Extremeist. But we always noticed an extreme personality within him. Whenever he likes something he LIKES it. Overboard. This is just the newest thing.
Ah ok, yeah I understand the situation better now. It's probably just a phase. Weed clouds your mind sometimes when you can be overzealous about the fad of the week.
Yea but this happened twice. We were out Vegas around SEPT 2012, he got high and went Jesus crazy. Calmed down in a few weeks. New Years of 2012, smoked again, went Jesus crazy and has been "stuck" since then. Just sad to see because he was an intelligent dude before. Now every answer is Jesus related. The fool is hosting a SB party and just banned any alcohol from his house lol. I don't drink but this is stuff wild to me. Was giving away $ to strangers on FB etc. Legit crazy man.
That's wild, DC. Maybe he should stop burning all together then. I've got a buddy that's a little mentally ill and smoking would worsen his condition. Different cases here, but everybody reacts differently and the herb isn't for everyone.
That's wild, DC. Maybe he should stop burning all together then. I've got a buddy that's a little mentally ill and smoking would worsen his condition. Different cases here, but everybody reacts differently and the herb isn't for everyone.
...I had a new barber at the shop my brother and I run...During my break, I burned Sour with him and another friend, he took but 3 pulls....Long Story, Sorta Short....

Dude went zombie mode quick.....Complaining of a dry mouth, babbling non-stop, floating in and out of conscienceless, he said he felt like 'he had no life in him"

In about 10 minutes it went from funny to bad. Homeboys eyes rolled back, his knees buckled, his head rolled along his shoulders/collarbone like Will Smith in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and crumpled between a parked car and sidewalk....

Turns out he called 911 too....on Que, an ambulance and firetruck pulled up less than 30 seconds after his descent to the concrete

2 paramedics approached my pale friend and asked him his name which he could not recall. They asked him what he took and he said "really good weed"

Both paramedics both 
'ed me! I'm 6 2 with foot long dreads and burgundy eyes at this point, I look guilty as ****.... so I slid in the shop and watched homie leave feet up on a stretcher!

The whole block came outside to watch including local citizens , local hustlers, customers from a beauty salon, Spanish & Chinese restaurants, even the other barbershop 4 doors down 

I say 60/75 of the people watched the whole thing and heard why he was now in a stretcher and were 

Since then easily 200+ people asked me where I got the bud from and homie been on the Jesus trip too, even  though he still listens to Shoot em Up styled Reggaeton

My local friends now refer to Sour Diesel, simply as Stretcher or Benji in honor of Blazed Benjamin.

He was refused medical treatment when he made it to Schenectady's Ellis Hospital. He was also laughed at in the ER where they told him he was 100% stoned and offered him apple sauce and juice. I would have gave him a snickers and some milk IMHO 

He came back on the Jesus trip the next day but has yet to burn. 
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Inception is one of my fav movies :smokin

I'm an insomniac so when I take something and get that good sleep I wake up with the :nerd:

Just yesterday I had it while watching the pacers / warriors game alone in the crib.

We are our brains own worst enemy :nerd:

Here's my break down of inception. A lot of this is based on other sources with a few inputs of my own.

Cobb is none other than a Christ figure.

Saito is lucifer aka the bringer of light/enlightenment

The plot is centered around gnostic themes and Kabbalah's tree of life.

Gnostic in the sense that you have what is called the archons/demiurges that create dream world realities. In this sense, it's what the movie refers to as architects.

The Kabbalah tree of life is introduced with the layers of the dream. Earth known as malkouth on the tree of life represents the fourth layer of the dream.

One thing that's important to understand about this movie is that even though they're individual characters, they are all just projections of cobbs' consciousness.

Ariadne is the architect Cobb uses to penetrate Fischers subconscious. Two things to note when he meets her that are of big importance.

1. He asks her to draw a maize that he's not able to figure out. The first few maizes that she draws are rectangular and he figures them out quickly. She draws one that's circular and it stomps him. This is a reference to time/clocks. This is a parameter that makes this dream so easy to get lost in.

2. When Cobb introduced her to his dream, he asked her "how did we get here" and she quickly realized that they were in a dream because she couldn't remember how it started. Think about our lives, do we really remember how we got here?

Moving through the movie plot, saito asks Cobb to take a leap of faith and he can deliver him home aka get him out of this dream world. Aka lucifer take a bite out of this forbidden fruit from this tree of life and I can make you a god.

Notice how the kick is always associated with music? Everything in life is built around frequencies. If you ever wanna get home just follow the music.

In the movie they discuss how killing someone can wake them up from the dream. In saitos case they won't wake him up because he's fallen so far in the dream he won't remember who he is.

This part is really deep. It reflec how in our reality most people have no knowledge of self, so suicide or death would just put you back in the reincarnation cycle. This cycle effectively leaves you trapped in limbo/earth/malkouth for eternity.

This is why saito is so important to Cobb. Jesus and lucifer are the same person. Moving along.

Cobb struggles to get out of the dream because his wife. His wife represents Mother Nature aka Earth aka Malkouth. Hence her name being Mal. He doesn't want to let her go from the dream world, and often contemplates living there with here for ever. You see this crap around us now with people talking about save the earth, save the trees etc. This is nothing worth saving cause it isn't real.
Cobb finally has the epiphany that he needs to **** limbo and says to his wife/earth "you're not real, you're just a shade of my wife. I can not remember you in your beauty and entirety."

The story progresses which essentially represents Cobb moving through his chakras and the dream world. Everyone making it out of the dream essentially represents all of his consciousness detaching from the matrix and him waking up.

In the end when he returns to get saito out of limbo, that is the last component of his conscious. It's his pineal gland/3rd eye/6th chakra. Notice how they always show water for limbo? saito has become old wrinkled or calcified much like our pineal glands because of our stay in limbo.
Cobb returns to close his consciousness off from the dream. Asking saito to now take the leap off the faith.

Two things i also wanted to point out is that the devices they used keep track of what is real usually spins. For Cobb his keeps spinning in the dream if it's not real, much like
How our earth spins on a continual basis.

Also, they never show his kids face until he makes it home. This shows the androgynous characteristics of god that we arent able to understand because of how far we've fallen from the heavens.

So yea in closing I think it's important to point out that although Cobb was the Christ figure, no one came back to save him. It was him self.

For us it's important to know no man is coming back on a cloud to be our messiah. It is our consciousness that is Christ like and will save us from this hell.

Sorry for the lack of cohesion.
For anyone hitting a "wall" when trying to meditate: 

Quick Thought: What if the voice in your head is the voice of you from a past life?
He probably smoked 7 times in his life before that point. Now dude is basically a Christian Extremeist. But we always noticed an extreme personality within him. Whenever he likes something he LIKES it. Overboard. This is just the newest thing.

yea that's just a personality trait. Had he been brought up in a muslim society, he'd prob be booking a trip to mecca right now. Ppl like that need to get exposed more to the multitudes life has to offer.

PS Don't give him shrooms.

PPS the stretcher story lol
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Woah this coast to coast right now is good. I dont know much about the illuminati. This guy joshua abraham is giving too much info and making too much sense its scary
Hes talking about everything and it makes sense connecting jesus aliens illuminati every president entrrtainment industry everything my mind is blown. Too much its gonna replay in about a half hour on CHNL 610 on the tune in radio app which is free.

His theory is heavily religious though
Ah man, just dl'd the app and they have some dude named Robert talking about Vladimir Putin and stuff. Must be an old coast to coast show
lol i dont think hes on yet. he might be on next hour

your on radio NL CHNL 610 am?
Yeah, they were talking about the possibility of terrorism and the winter Olympics. yes, chnl 610 coast to coast. They were goimg to take callers for the next hour.
damn my bad hes on the second half meaning the 3rd hour of the four hour show. the theory is called the ancient astronaut theory. just looked it up on you can listen to it in recent shows section and skip to the last 2 hours
also wonder who would win in a fight. george nory or art bell lol
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