Someone Is Sitting On Top Of Me When I Sleep.

i remember the first time it happened to me.
a little troll/ leprachaun lookin thing was walking towards me
I screamed and nothin came out
Next time any of you go through this, wiggle your toes until you can jerk your leg to get out of it
it works
i remember the first time it happened to me.
a little troll/ leprachaun lookin thing was walking towards me
I screamed and nothin came out
Next time any of you go through this, wiggle your toes until you can jerk your leg to get out of it
it works
wow maybe there is more too this sleep paralysis than science would like to explain...

A-is very tired or sick
B-sleeping on there back or in a wierd position
C-Have a type of hallucination


advice...never sleep on your back lol
wow maybe there is more too this sleep paralysis than science would like to explain...

A-is very tired or sick
B-sleeping on there back or in a wierd position
C-Have a type of hallucination


advice...never sleep on your back lol
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Dammit you just reminded me that this happened last night to me

When it was happening i was thinking to myself "darn it, not again!" then fell back asleep

its like you didnt even bother waking up. you lazy SOB

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Dammit you just reminded me that this happened last night to me

When it was happening i was thinking to myself "darn it, not again!" then fell back asleep

its like you didnt even bother waking up. you lazy SOB

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

wow maybe there is more too this sleep paralysis than science would like to explain...

A-is very tired or sick
B-sleeping on there back or in a wierd position
C-Have a type of hallucination


advice...never sleep on your back lol

LOL no it's not something supernatural. If you hallucinate on drugs or have auditory hallucinations after a seizure, is there something more than science going on?
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

wow maybe there is more too this sleep paralysis than science would like to explain...

A-is very tired or sick
B-sleeping on there back or in a wierd position
C-Have a type of hallucination


advice...never sleep on your back lol

LOL no it's not something supernatural. If you hallucinate on drugs or have auditory hallucinations after a seizure, is there something more than science going on?
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Ahhh the weekly sleep paralysis thread.

Damn whens the last time you logged on? I haven't seen this since i signed up and i log on near every damn day

And you need to stay clam when it happens and breathe slow, its common knowledge but just don't panic and realize that its paralyse and no hallucination will occur

Been happening to me since i was 6 so im use to it now
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Ahhh the weekly sleep paralysis thread.

Damn whens the last time you logged on? I haven't seen this since i signed up and i log on near every damn day

And you need to stay clam when it happens and breathe slow, its common knowledge but just don't panic and realize that its paralyse and no hallucination will occur

Been happening to me since i was 6 so im use to it now
I hate when this happens. Its like Im trying my hardest to move, flexing trying to get up but I cant move. I hate that feeling
I hate when this happens. Its like Im trying my hardest to move, flexing trying to get up but I cant move. I hate that feeling
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