sometimes Mos Def should just keep his mouth shut..

Yeah he's out just of his league. "I'm from Brooklyn, I ain't afraid of nothing." Umm....ok. It's like he wanted to remain ignorantor stubborn to the fact that certain things are self-evident (ie - Al Quaeda is a terrorist organization with a defined objective or the Taliban in Afghanistanhave been funded by certain terrorist organizations) by saying something as simple as "I don't understand Arabic therefore I don't know what AlQuaeda is all about."

I mean you can be a rebel all you want, but if you can't hold a mature discussion with intellectuals who have years experience with geo-political issuesand actually know what they're talking about (even though your politics may not coincide with theirs), then you just result in looking like a buffoon,which is how he ended up looking. He did it to his own self though. Embarrassing.
i agree but i still like him as a rapper.
what was dude doing on the show anyway?
- He was on (Real Time with Bill Maher) before with Cornell West a few years ago; I thought he was high on something
, dude had NOOOO self control.

- gotta check this out.
chris dude is an idiot. He made nice sense to me what so ever.
Most def wasn't clear about something and he just asked a simple question.
So if I haven't seen any of osama's video that makes me what?
Chris is straight ignorant.
Originally Posted by Ajwings23

chris dude is an idiot. He made nice sense to me what so ever.
Most def wasn't clear about something and he just asked a simple question.
So if I haven't seen any of osama's video that makes me what?
Chris is straight ignorant.
I'm assuming you don't know who he is or what he's done if you're referring to "Chris dude" as ignorant. Put a littlemore effort into it at least.
i don' see what Def did wrong. he asked a simple question that he needed for clarification purposes. and then that tool jumped down his throat because Defdidn't know any and everything about Al-Qaeda/Taliban/Bin Laden. Not everyone can dedicate their life to researching what's happening in the world.Hence, news programs and newspeople should be their for clarification purposes, not holding the Black Man down.
Originally Posted by Ajwings23

chris dude is an idiot. He made nice sense to me what so ever.
Most def wasn't clear about something and he just asked a simple question.
So if I haven't seen any of osama's video that makes me what?
Chris is straight ignorant.
say what?
We've been attacked by a group dedicated to our eradication...

you should make a little effort to know where they stand politically if it wasnt immediately apparent from the planes/bombs/beheadings.
Originally Posted by puffishurr

i don' see what Def did wrong. he asked a simple question that he needed for clarification purposes. and then that tool jumped down his throat because Def didn't know any and everything about Al-Qaeda/Taliban/Bin Laden. Not everyone can dedicate their life to researching what's happening in the world. Hence, news programs and newspeople should be their for clarification purposes, not holding the Black Man down.
So is this an example of "holding the Black Man down?" Was it not evident that Christopher Hitchens was trying to tell Mos Def what thedeal was regarding the topic? Were you watching the same thing most other rational people saw?

Mos Def simply acted like the typical defiant nobody who refuses to listen and then gets offended when they're told they have no clue. If you're goingto get into a discussion with people who know a certain thing about a certain thing or two, it's better off to pay attention and listen instead ofresorting to acting like a petulant child.
The best part was when he accused Bill Maher of "setting him up".

at him for thinking that Iran wouldn't be after a bomb if other countriesdisarmed their arsenals.
I don't how to quote but SIRIUS, Mos Def said he doesn't follow media's coverage because he doesn't trust them. He's seen the media lie,and he's seen the government take the "guilty til proven innocent mentality." All he asked for was for Hitchens to clarify a point that he wasunclear of. In turn, Hitchens began to exploit Mos Def's ignorance to the topic, which Mos Def had already admitted to because he did not followmedia's representation of the events.

So instead of politely assisting in Def's understanding, Hitchens decided to verbally assault someone on the show, who happened to be African-American. Soyes, I was watching the same thing other rational people saw. I just took a rational approach instead of being a Hitchen's D-Rider like so much ofAmerica...and you.

Now to clarify, I don't think that Hitchens did this to suppress Black people, but I do believe that he approached the situation as, "great, we haveanother ignorant Black man on our panel." So instead of cultivating an environment of learning and knowledge sharing, he decided to press his agenda ofalmighty knowledge and superiority.
Originally Posted by puffishurr

i don' see what Def did wrong. he asked a simple question that he needed for clarification purposes. and then that tool jumped down his throat because Def didn't know any and everything about Al-Qaeda/Taliban/Bin Laden. Not everyone can dedicate their life to researching what's happening in the world. Hence, news programs and newspeople should be their for clarification purposes, not holding the Black Man down.

Seriously...and Mos' question still didn't get answered clearly.
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