sometimes Mos Def should just keep his mouth shut..

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5


people sticking up for mos def should try and catch the re-air this week. Mos looked completely clueless out there it was awkward to watch. And when he made a fool of himself and was called out on it he acted beligerent. He made hitchens, who is liberal seem like a ultra- conservative-neo-whathaveyou. I was suprised the crowd didn't start boing him off stage or start throwing @%!$.

yea im a fan of Mos, but he made himself look like a moron out there.
I watched this the other night and I cringed throughout that whole segment. Mos dug himself into a hole by asking such an impulsive, simple question.
christoper hitchens is definitely intelligent, but sometimes when i listen to him talk, i feel like he's in somebody's pocket. a hired gun. as formos def, i understand the point he was trying to make, but he couldn't articulate it, which is not unusual. nas and common can't speak intelligentlywithout music playing in their headphones either.

bill should have had krs one up there. then it would have been serious business.

All he was trying to say is that things aren't so clear cut.

We aren't the good guys, or the bad guys. Neither are they.

We like to think they are, with titles such as "terrorist" and "evil-doers" because it conforms with our Hollywood mindsets as Americanpeople.
Stoneface me all you want, but it's true. He claims to be "anti-religion", and maybe he is, but he's definitely more anti-Islamic than the other religions. He's a hypocrite. I can at least respect Richard Dawkins who goes out of his way to prove that he is against ALL religion and not emphasizing on Islam.
The stone face was regarding this "who is half-Jewish and therefore extra anti-Islamic". Being half Jewish by no means makes oneextra anti-Islamic or anti-Islamic at all.
Hitchens and all anti-religion peeps FTW

I have always liked listening to him on the news channels, but now I'm gonna buy his book for sure.

mos looked foolish
lol at somehow this turning into people defending islam and black people

some of you are butt hurt. Mos knows exactly what bill's show is about, he has been on it before. LOL at "blindsided". You go on real time withknowledge. They know what the subject will be. Even ashton kutcher did research before he came on. If kelso can take the time to do research so can mos.

and if you think Bin laden is a mystical creature you are an idiot, plain and simple. We can debate about what the gov't knew. But to speak of bin laden assome made up entity is just ridiculous.

Mo Matik wrote:


All he was trying to say is that things aren't so clear cut.

We aren't the good guys, or the bad guys. Neither are they.

We like to think they are, with titles such as "terrorist" and "evil-doers" because it conforms with our Hollywood mindsets as American people.

Originally Posted by DubA169

and if you think Bin laden is a mystical mythical creature you are an idiot, plain and simple. We can debate about what the gov't knew. But to speak of bin laden as some made up entity is just ridiculous.
if you actually watch the part of the show when Mos says that, you can understand what he was saying. He was basically saying that after yearsand years of looking for him and not finding him, he just seems mythical and doesn't seem like a real person; and that Americans are more worried about theeconomy and other issues rather than finding Bin Laden.

I don't agree with A LOT of what Mos Def was saying, but I just wanted to clear that up for you.

Hitchens FTW
Has nothing to do with this thread but it would be dope if Mos was a character on the next season of Entourage.
def is smart, and he does have good ideas, he just doesn't have the ability to put together his words into hat he actually means in contexts like this,which is too bad.
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

Originally Posted by DubA169

and if you think Bin laden is a mystical mythical creature you are an idiot, plain and simple. We can debate about what the gov't knew. But to speak of bin laden as some made up entity is just ridiculous.
if you actually watch the part of the show when Mos says that, you can understand what he was saying. He was basically saying that after years and years of looking for him and not finding him, he just seems mythical and doesn't seem like a real person; and that Americans are more worried about the economy and other issues rather than finding Bin Laden.

I don't agree with A LOT of what Mos Def was saying, but I just wanted to clear that up for you.

Hitchens FTW
I'm dying to watch the episode. My on demand doesn't have it yet for whatever reason. However There are alot of people I have heardstraight up say bin laden doesn't exist. he was created by the gov't etc.

in general there have been some crazy posts in this thread

al queda not being "bad guys"
bill maher apparently loving the jewish organized religion and picking on islam even though he made a movie ****** on all 3 religions and is an atheist
mos def "walking in on an ambush"
black people being "set up" by bill mahr

Mos Def is a moron though, he can't help how stupid he is. It is the same thing with Nas and Common, very gifted at writing but just stupid as hell. Guyslike Black Thought and Talib Kweli should be the ones opening their mouths outside of music. It's not like I agree with everything they say but they seemto be able to think logically.
Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

def is smart, and he does have good ideas, he just doesn't have the ability to put together his words into hat he actually means in contexts like this, which is too bad.
Originally Posted by stoneyjax

michael eric dyson he is not
I can't think of any guest on RT that comes even close to that man's flow. I doubt that he'd have the same viewpoint as Def, but if hedid, he'd articulate far better.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Mos point was what all Black people say to themselves, We LITERALLY have no EVIDENCE that Bin Laden was behind 9/11, I remember that day clear as yesterday, they named this guy as the culprit like 30 minutes after the 2nd Tower fell, but whatever another discussion for another time. I think we as Americans are paranoid out of our own arrogance, these guys would have bombed us a long time ago, they have the money, motivation and guns. You can tell me you can hide a guy from mankind for 8 years but you couldnt come and wreak Havoc in the USA.......Mos is basically trying to say that as much "videos, transcripts and warnings we get, nothing ever happens so at some point you have to step back and ask yourself what am I really afraid of? Secrets to nuclear weapons arent like the Coca Cola recipe that locked away in a safe somewhere...........
Please don't speak for me.

Who was behind the 1993 WTC attacks if we're going to question 2001?
Originally Posted by wsdesigner14

Stoneface me all you want, but it's true. He claims to be "anti-religion", and maybe he is, but he's definitely more anti-Islamic than the other religions. He's a hypocrite. I can at least respect Richard Dawkins who goes out of his way to prove that he is against ALL religion and not emphasizing on Islam.
The stone face was regarding this "who is half-Jewish and therefore extra anti-Islamic". Being half Jewish by no means makes one extra anti-Islamic or anti-Islamic at all.

I know that was ******ed
mos is like nas
they sound smart when they rhymin
but they cant construct their thoughts well
(check out their interviews, you'll see what i mean)
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Mo Matik wrote:


All he was trying to say is that things aren't so clear cut.

We aren't the good guys, or the bad guys. Neither are they.

We like to think they are, with titles such as "terrorist" and "evil-doers" because it conforms with our Hollywood mindsets as American people.


So you really think that the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden just hate our way of life and that is why 9/11 happened?

so I finally saw the episode.

you guys defending mos are dead wrong on this one. He came on the show a bit too booted. It was kind of embarrassing to watch. He was ******* up the flow ofthe panel. he went off on tangents. He was yelling to get his point across. Talking bout stupid ****. Last time he was on none of this happened. I guess he gota lil too comfortable. But he did not say that bin laden didn't exist which was implied by some posters.

I was dying when the guy told mos def to "cry me a river"
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