sometimes Mos Def should just keep his mouth shut..

I don't really understand the hate for Mos Def on this one. He asked a question, which in itself is very tough claiming ignorance on the subject, and hedoesn't get a clear answer. Then when he starts explaining his opinion on the subject, which I believe the show is about you know stating your opinion, hegets overran by Hitchens. I mean what did you guys want him to do sit there and just nod. His opinion is as valid as anybody else on that show and like he saidhe has the right to state it.

Edit: Yes I'm a Mos Def fan peep the Avy!
Mos definitely came off kinda corny and extra through out the whole show.....but Hitchens was worse.

For those that didn't see the episode....he was drunk, came on the set drinking Scotch and snide and all over the place for the whole show.
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