Soooo are CD's Irrelevant?

Jul 4, 2006
Sorry if posted before, but one thing I'm noticing over the past few years is that less and less people actually USE CD's anymore.  Nowadays people download music on their computer, play music off websites, and listen to music on mp3's or their phones.  Where do people actually use CD's nowadays?  The only place I can think of is in the car, and even then we have so many ways to connect the ipod to the car stereo, and cars now have aux inputs to play your phone or mp3.
So where is the CD?  I honestly believe that CD's will become obsolete soon, because no one really uses them anymore!
I still buy CDs. When I really like an album I see no reason not to buy it and if I'm going to buy it then I would rather have a physical copy.
Cd's are still relevant to me, even if I rip the music on to my windows media player I love having a physical copy. You never know what can happen to your computer and I still like the artwork that comes in the booklet 
. Mixtapes or Albums from artist that weren't in stores near me (Section.80) get the downloaded and bought from amazon tho. Can't wait to see the look on my kids faces(if I have any) in the future when they see all my CD's
There was a story floating around in October/November that all major labels would stop pressing cd's this year.
All excpet special edition stuff.
As far as myself, when I can buy an mp3 album on Amazon for $3.99, I'm good with not having an actual cd...

yeah cds are irrelevant.
they're done. obsolete.

2 years ago i looked up ipod statistics and found out that there was 1 ipod for every 12 ppl in the world. i can't imagine that statistic has gone down at all...i wouldn't be surprised if it was more like 1 in 8 at this point.

why buy a cd when an ipod (one even 1/10th the size of a cd) can hold literally thousands of songs or videos?
Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

why buy a cd when an ipod (one even 1/10th the size of a cd) can hold literally thousands of songs or videos?

Really? Because I can build a collection of music that will still be here even if my hard drive fails. And -news flash!- I can copy CD's into my computer and load it into my iPod (if I dont already have a copy in my computer
Buy them all the time, they'll be obsolete in a few years like Big Boi said (The Train Pt. 2). I've been buying them since I was a kid, I love music and I have no problem spending money on my passion. But once it's all digital I don't think I'll be buying anymore, it won't feel right. I like having the physical copy.
I still buy CDs too. The only time I download songs is when I just want a couple of tracks off a release, someone's mixtape, or free tracks... CD quality is 100 times better than any MP3 with my set up...
I still buy CD's.

iTunes is good for holding libraries of music an all, but I will only import from a disc onto the computer.

Neva will I purchase an album, digitally.
Originally Posted by Antidope

I still buy CDs. When I really like an album I see no reason not to buy it and if I'm going to buy it then I would rather have a physical copy.


And agree with Dipset I will never buy a digital album so if they do go obsolete I'm done buying CDs
I'm all for having "physical copies"

but in 6 months I just find them in my backseat scratched up feeling like an idiot for wasting $.
I dont buy many CD's, but I still buy them for the artists I want to support and the albums that I really enjoy.
what are yall doing to your computers that your hard drive would really fail tho? I mean I enjoy the porns as much as the next guy but my hard drive is about as reliable as a hard copy
i need cds for car music. whips i like are from the 80s and 90s early 2000s. doesnt have bluetooth technology or usb set up word to nsx
I just took about 50 blanks and burned my favorite albums, so no, they aren't irrelevant.
Even in 2012.
Theres a spot in the A that pays big money for outta-print CD's.
Im talmbout $300-400 for some No Limit, 3-6, etc albums. So no.

And I too cop to support. Helps when that mp3 player is acting like a ho.
They aren't irrelevant, but they will be eventually. In a few years they will literally be useless. No one really makes that much cake off of them anymore, technology just keeps pushing CD's further and further down the totem-pole, so really what will be there purpose in a few years? And this is coming from a person who actually collects hard copies and CD's, they are dope to me.

But, with that being said, as it is now, they still are a nice accessory that artist can still use to get their product to the consumer. The irony in this is that CD sales actually have saw a bit of an increase in sales this year too, go figure.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

I still buy CD's.

iTunes is good for holding libraries of music an all, but I will only import from a disc onto the computer.

Neva will I purchase an album, digitally.

Agreed. Buying an album digitally feels stupid when you can have the same album in the same quality for free with a Google search. I buy CDs occasionally to support my favorite artists and read the physical booklet.
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