Sooooo WAIIIT, Being GAY is the new BLACK???

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

For the most part these people are forced into religion programs that "fix" them by their family/"loved ones", however it is more suppression than a fix. In fact if you do search the term "Ex-Homosexual" many religious sites will appear that claim that people have been "fixed." You can't, however, fix it as I previously stated, only suppress it.

Further proving my point....its all a choice.

Certain experiences in life or cultural norms, psychological makeups etc, can force people into certain lifestyle sub-consciously. The human psyche andexperience is a complex one some people make have been overly spoiled, some people exposed to extreme hardships...some people make have been born with sometype of predisposition to homosexuality..but to act like this new wave of gayness is all biologically determined and not somewhat a product of media, aconfused society and personal experience, is a case of political correctness gone wrong.

How many HS girls are class jumpoffs one year, die-hard lesbians from birth the next year and the future wife of their male soul mate the next year?....Humansare complex, homosexuality is largely a lifestyle choice and a psychological condtion. Just look at dude in that Tyra video, he obviously had some issues withhis family and he is an emotionally unstable indiviual to some extent.

But to the actual topic of this thread...religion or not...I can't eake up tomorrow and decide not to be black anymore.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by CWrite78

i'd love to see some examples, with proof.
I usually agree with you haze for the most part but I need to see some proof as well.


How quickly y'all forget.
that proves what? do you know her personally? how do u know she wasn't brainwashed by a church to believe homosexuality is a sin and she's just hiding it because she's scared? anybody can lie to people's faces.

then why ask proof when you can say the same thing to all of them?
i want actual proof that said person is not physically attracted to the same sex. will not get aroused by the same sex, and will not develop sexual/partner feelings of said sex. like i said, anybody can say "oh im straight now" but that doesn't mean they aren't lying. hard to understand? standing in front of a camera with a shirt saying 'ex-homosexual' doesn't prove anything. being put through a "fixing" doesn't prove anything.
I want proof that a person can be physically attracted to someone of the same sex. All the arguments in this thread are pointless because theyare all strawman arguments.
Originally Posted by DL2352

The ignorance in this thread is overwhelming. I think comparing the gay civil rights movement with the black civil rights movement isn't that farfetched. No one's trying to compare the magnitude of suffering but it's comparable in that two minority groups are/were both denied rights everyone else besides them had.

that's what people are trying to say. nobody is arguing that homosexuals had it worse thenafrican americans. in the end, it's a civil rights issue.nobody has the right to take away a person's civil rights simply because they are different from them.
these threads always bring out the worst in people. one thing i've noticed is that a lot of people overlook the social part of this topic, and otherfactors. i smashed this hot bi chick one time and she was super unstable in the head, in regards to what she wanted romantically. my theory 'was' thata lot of gay folks lack the necessary brain functions to be attracted to the opposite sex, but i never thought about how that doesn't explain bisexualindividuals. a complicated topic for sure...
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by CWrite78

i'd love to see some examples, with proof.
I usually agree with you haze for the most part but I need to see some proof as well.


How quickly y'all forget.
that proves what? do you know her personally? how do u know she wasn't brainwashed by a church to believe homosexuality is a sin and she's just hiding it because she's scared? anybody can lie to people's faces.

then why ask proof when you can say the same thing to all of them?
i want actual proof that said person is not physically attracted to the same sex. will not get aroused by the same sex, and will not develop sexual/partner feelings of said sex. like i said, anybody can say "oh im straight now" but that doesn't mean they aren't lying. hard to understand? standing in front of a camera with a shirt saying 'ex-homosexual' doesn't prove anything. being put through a "fixing" doesn't prove anything.
Why are you so quick to disregard their declarations but believe gay advocates so whole heartedly?
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by DL2352

The ignorance in this thread is overwhelming. I think comparing the gay civil rights movement with the black civil rights movement isn't that farfetched. No one's trying to compare the magnitude of suffering but it's comparable in that two minority groups are/were both denied rights everyone else besides them had.

that's what people are trying to say. nobody is arguing that homosexuals had it worse thenafrican americans. in the end, it's a civil rights issue. nobody has the right to take away a person's civil rights simply because they are different from them.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]i dont understand why people get so uptight about homosexuality....not a fan of it but idc aboutit...[/color]
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by CWrite78

i'd love to see some examples, with proof.
I usually agree with you haze for the most part but I need to see some proof as well.


How quickly y'all forget.
that proves what? do you know her personally? how do u know she wasn't brainwashed by a church to believe homosexuality is a sin and she's just hiding it because she's scared? anybody can lie to people's faces.

then why ask proof when you can say the same thing to all of them?
i want actual proof that said person is not physically attracted to the same sex. will not get aroused by the same sex, and will not develop sexual/partner feelings of said sex. like i said, anybody can say "oh im straight now" but that doesn't mean they aren't lying. hard to understand? standing in front of a camera with a shirt saying 'ex-homosexual' doesn't prove anything. being put through a "fixing" doesn't prove anything.
Why are you so quick to disregard their declarations but believe gay advocates so whole heartedly?
because "ex-homosexuals" are "fixed" through religious brainwashing. i want to meet the person that gets up, decides theyaren't going to be gay anymore, without the help of a child molesting priest, religious BS, and a fairy tale book. until that day, those people are justfull of **%% and are lying to themselves to please others. you find me that one person (with proof), and i will never discuss homosexuality for as long asi'm alive.
i think its a lot more similar to the holocaust

gay is just an oddity in society that is fighting to be normal. it's the exact same thing as incest. any argument used for homosexuality can be applied toincest. point of bringing it up is that incest is a lot more outrageous to people but its the same

i dont care for either, I'm not against it, i'm not supporting i think you should just let people live. but i also dont think people should act likeit's suppose to be expected.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

For the most part these people are forced into religion programs that "fix" them by their family/"loved ones", however it is more suppression than a fix. In fact if you do search the term "Ex-Homosexual" many religious sites will appear that claim that people have been "fixed." You can't, however, fix it as I previously stated, only suppress it.

Further proving my point....its all a choice.

Certain experiences in life or cultural norms, psychological makeups etc, can force people into certain lifestyle sub-consciously. The human psyche and experience is a complex one some people make have been overly spoiled, some people exposed to extreme hardships...some people make have been born with some type of predisposition to homosexuality..but to act like this new wave of gayness is all biologically determined and not somewhat a product of media, a confused society and personal experience, is a case of political correctness gone wrong.

How many HS girls are class jumpoffs one year, die-hard lesbians from birth the next year and the future wife of their male soul mate the next year?....Humans are complex, homosexuality is largely a lifestyle choice and a psychological condtion. Just look at dude in that Tyra video, he obviously had some issues with his family and he is an emotionally unstable indiviual to some extent.

But to the actual topic of this thread...religion or not...I can't eake up tomorrow and decide not to be black anymore.
He had issues with his family BECAUSE he was homosexual, he wasn't homosexual as a result of the issues with his family. While the humanpsyche is complex, we are all born with a certain neurological makeup and that no doubt has an affect on our sexual preference. The examples you give are ofyoung, misguided teenagers who are trying to find out who they are. For a person who is actually homosexual, there is no choosing, you are just that way. Itcannot be changed. To say suppression of who you are is a form of fixing it is horrible.
Basically...we aren't in the position to judge other people on their choices without walking intheir live and let live IMO.

But don't force your lifestyle onto me and mine either.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Basically...we aren't in the position to judge other people on their choices without walking in their live and let live IMO.

But don't force your lifestyle onto me and mine either.

No one is trying to force anything on to you, they are just trying to live their lives equally like they should be able to.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

i think its a lot more similar to the holocaust

gay is just an oddity in society that is fighting to be normal. it's the exact same thing as incest. any argument used for homosexuality can be applied to incest. point of bringing it up is that incest is a lot more outrageous to people but its the same

i dont care for either, I'm not against it, i'm not supporting i think you should just let people live. but i also dont think people should act like it's suppose to be expected.
I might get flamed for this, but I can honestly picture people who are incest advocates using some of thesame arguments that gay/lesbian people use. It all boils down to a certain group being denied rights for being different.

I will say this, and I know it's been said before...but you don't necessarily HAVE to be discriminated againstfor being gay or lesbian unless you make it known. There is absolutely no way that I can turn my "blackness" off. Even Michael Jackson couldn'tescape being a negro...he tried hard as hell though.

As for this whole debate though...I honestly don't give a %#%# about homosexuality. I watched the vid, butit's always the same damn arguments. Bible usage, crying gay dudes, and ignorant people all around. Who cares. I like vagina. Any dude that doesn'tis missing out, but I ain't finna be makin it hard for him to live because of that.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Basically...we aren't in the position to judge other people on their choices without walking in their live and let live IMO.

But don't force your lifestyle onto me and mine either.

No one is trying to force anything on to you, they are just trying to live their lives equally like they should be able to.
I'm referring to the whole "Gay is the new black" slogan.

Thats straight up disrespectful.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Basically...we aren't in the position to judge other people on their choices without walking in their live and let live IMO.

But don't force your lifestyle onto me and mine either.

No one is trying to force anything on to you, they are just trying to live their lives equally like they should be able to.
I'm referring to the whole "Gay is the new black" slogan.

Thats straight up disrespectful.

Yeah that really was an idiotic thing to put on the cover of a magazine. I don't know what they were thinking.
When I read the title, I really thought the OP meant being gay is now the in thing. Misleading title FTL
Originally Posted by CWrite78

because "ex-homosexuals" are "fixed" through religious brainwashing. i want to meet the person that gets up, decides they aren't going to be gay anymore, without the help of a child molesting priest, religious BS, and a fairy tale book. until that day, those people are just full of **%% and are lying to themselves to please others. you find me that one person (with proof), and i will never discuss homosexuality for as long as i'm alive. you want like magic gay-detecting goggles or something?
God. Both groups suffer extreme amounts of ignorance and intolerance towards them.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by CWrite78

because "ex-homosexuals" are "fixed" through religious brainwashing. i want to meet the person that gets up, decides they aren't going to be gay anymore, without the help of a child molesting priest, religious BS, and a fairy tale book. until that day, those people are just full of **%% and are lying to themselves to please others. you find me that one person (with proof), and i will never discuss homosexuality for as long as i'm alive. you want like magic gay-detecting goggles or something?
That's what I'm sayin. I get the point Cwrite is making, but what he's asking is literallyimpossible. It's not like people can read minds and tell if the person REALLY made a change.

To be fair, you can't prove that a person CHOSE or was BORN gay least I don't think. If there issuch a way, excuse my ignorance and show me the proof.
HAHA HILARIOUS! Technically speaking it is 100% the same. It's just akward how it offends the black community.
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