Sooooooo My Neighbors Put up a Huge +@% Gay pride Flag infront of their house..

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Quadruple posts are so gay.
I second on that.

^ That avy is the only thing that makes it acceptable ( Puts away shank)
The avy won't do it for me.. (Shank is still in hand)
I have nothing against gay ppl, i could care less how they live their lives privately as long as it doesnt effect me, but why do they have to be so proud aboutit? its like they are attention ***$!+. i remember there was a gay nt member a while back and he somehow tried to incorporate that he was gay into every singleone of his posts. wth is up with that
I'd put up a huge straight pride sign on my piece of property closest to their crib

Seriously though...idk wut the point is of being proud of ur sexual orientation. It seems like they just wanna draw attention to themselves.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I hope someone else somewhere else puts up a huge flag of the Ten Commandments, so some NTer can make a thread like this one.

Then let me see how many 'Let them live' responses are posted.


But yeah, let them live. Don't even worry about it, bro.
I'm sure it be the same ska. I mean now if it's a "Find Jesus or Go to Hell *British for cigarette* flag then yes no longer do i"let them live" persay, but I;m sure the same people saying its ok to have a gay flag wouldnt mind a 10 commandments flag
No big deal really. Let them do what they do. It isn't hurting you, so don't trip.

That said, I personally don't understand the point of a gay pride flag. I mean, you're gay. Cool. Everyone needs to know that? I guess I'll neverunderstand the need for people to broadcast their sexual preference, but hey--that's just me. Nobody else does it so why do they get a pass?

Either way, flying a flag is harmless. And at the end of the day, if you're that concerned with what your gay neighbors are doing, you have too much timeon your hands.
I hate how this country is set up. (I would say the world, then it would be humans in general, but I haven't lived outside the US so I'm not sure howit is in other cultures.)
I hate how our pop culture makes things such a big deal, and the main thing is being "in with the crowd". This brings up peer pressure, and peoplenot acting like themselves, because "the majority" of people act so that they can fit in with "the majority", and be cool. If there wasnever a big deal about 21st birthdays, and how everyone drinks, and if you don't drink you're basically an outcast, and you're"different", and you won't be "cool", etc. etc.

Screw that. Being different is great. You don't have to be like the majority to fit in - be yourself, and be happy for who you are. Don't fall intoto "majority" trap to the point you're oblivious and you think that's how you are. I dislike categorizing, but just because you're in agroup that doesn't flow with the "majority", doesn't mean you're not human and you don't get the same human rights because you're"different". It's all a bunch of BS to me. Let humans live and enjoy the equal rights we're supposedly supposed to have.

Pop culture in molding people to go with the majority, ftl. Being different
SMH at you being affected by something like this...Its like your whole world is being turned upside down hahah
I would have a major problem with that. Now that I think about it though it could be a conversational piece.

"So you're neighbors are gay?"

"Yeah dude, right up your alley"
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by Mr Subliminals


....Now... Before i even start i know its There property and they can do almost whatever they want to it...But Come on

It doesnt even bother me that there gay..because in 08 theres a big percentage of homosexuality..thats there flavor whatever..

But its just the fact that they have to go that Extra length to show it..

If your neighbor did this how would you feel?

the flag hangs off there balcony and is HUGE btw

Originally Posted by Mr Subliminals


....Now... Before i even start i know its Their property and they can do almost whatever they want to it...But Come on

It doesnt even bother me that there gay..because in 08 theres a big percentage of homosexuality..thats there flavor whatever..

But its just the fact that they have to go that Extra length to show it..

If your neighbor did this how would you feel?

the flag hangs off there balcony and is HUGE btw

Originally Posted by Mr Subliminals

....Now... Before i even start i know its Their property and they can do almost whatever they want to it...But Come on

It doesnt even bother me that there gay..because in 08 theres a big percentage of homosexuality..thats there flavor whatever..

But its just the fact that they have to go that Extra length to show it..

If your neighbor did this how would you feel?

the flag hangs off there balcony and is HUGE btw

I swear we got comedians on NT.
Originally Posted by Mr Subliminals


....Now... Before i even start i know its Their property and they can do almost whatever they want to it...But Come on

It doesnt even bother me that there gay..because in 08 theres a big percentage of homosexuality..thats there flavor whatever..

But its just the fact that they have to go that Extra length to show it..

If your neighbor
did this how would you feel?

the flag hangs off there balcony and is HUGE btw
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