Soulja Boy & S.O.D Speak On Who Killed Hip-Hop! "Nas Killed Hip Hop With His "Hip Hop Is Dead"

Nas shouldn't waste his time on this fool.

He's never going to Ether anyone again either.
you know why this %!$@(Ether) is held in high regard?

Because he got Jay-Z when he(Jay) was at the top of the music world.
That's career suicide, but Nas jump-started his career with it.

The situation would never be right to do that %!$@ again.

Sure, he can probably diss someone again, but it would never be on the level of Ether.
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by mossman75

Its kinda funny how Nas made the album Hip Hop is Dead all these rappers was mad at him

Young Jeezy
Big Boi from Outkast
Jim Jones
Them D4L Cats

Now This clown

notice how with the exception of jim jones it was all south rappers who were mad at him for the hip hop is dead album. and where does most of the garbage trashy crappy music come from??

I'm not even gonna front, I'm from the south and I feel you 100%. The music the south has been putting out is awful. And dudes bringing up Chicken Noddle soup won't change anything. Only true CURRENT good artist from the south are Ludacris, T.I., and Killah Mike and thats it, everyone is either mediocore or trash. I live in Florida and I swear I've never heard a good rapper out of the whole damn state. You guys can front like yall making money, but the product in whole is trash. Don't rap if you don't give damn about hurting the genre real talk.
that killa mike album from 02 or 03 i forgot which year it came out was real nice. i feel sorry for you that you have to hear khaled on the radio every day my man

your last part i doubt is going to happen, as long as the game is the way it is, where you can release one club banger and 14 songs of trash and call it an album and get paid off it, dudes is going to be making music strictly off of trying to get paid, rather then get their message and visions out there.

That's exactly why I haven't listen to the radio in like 6 years.
Originally Posted by p butta

cant wait till this dude gets ethered by nas
I couldn't imagine Nas stooping to that level just to make a point. He went toe-to-toe w. one of the GOAT in Jay-Z, so why waste a bar onSoulja Boy because of something he said? Nas has already solidified his place in hip-hop history and will ALWAYS remain relevant in the grand scheme ofthings.....Soulja Boy on the other hand will most likely be forgotten when it's all said and done.
Since yall are proclaiming that Nas is the greatest thing since slice bread shouldn't it take him like 5sec to ether Soulja Boy? And for the record, Nastook an L against Jay-Z, he lost by a landslide.
When Nas spoke of hip hop being dead he meant the lack of creativity. I'm from the south and i'll tell you that hip hop is and was dead. It seems allyou need is a catchy beat and a dance. Do the stanky leg come on now how retarted is that. We need people to speak to the youth. Hip Hop use to be onesperspective of struggles, hard times and it taught you something. hopefully this is the millenium of aftermath and real lyricist. Peace 1 Love
I find the timing of Soulja Boy's enlightening statements about the state of hip-hop very ironic. Last year he was selling millions of ringtones and hadhis album scan a mill, 2nd time around he does 40K first week and now he's talking about Nas killed hip-hop. How did this clown possibly think he wouldhave longevity in the game, you gotta put out quality music not weak ringtone trash. Qtip came out with a solo album this year and it did better 1st week thanSoulja Boy... you know why.... because the audience already expects a quality product. Charles Hamilton might be a lame but son was on point when he said SBsuccess was because of good marketing
It's funny, and contradictory how the young guy is choosing to blame Nas for the state of hip-hop right now.

I also agree that his statements have to do with his record sales.

Wasn't SB the one who told Charles Hamilton that you can't point fingers? You gotta look at you? And now he wants to talk about Nas.

I'm not pissed at all. I think SB is a funny dude, but I hope he has a good accountant, because if dude wants to stay relevant he's going to have tobring something else to the table.
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by mossman75

Its kinda funny how Nas made the album Hip Hop is Dead all these rappers was mad at him

Young Jeezy


Big Boi from Outkast

Jim Jones


Them D4L Cats

Now This clown

notice how with the exception of jim jones it was all south rappers who were mad at him for the hip hop is dead album. and where does most of the garbage trashy crappy music come from??

True Story, but you might as well put Jenny Jones in that Southern catergory since everything he was doing at the time was based on the South'smovement....
There's so much wrong with everything SB said in that vid, I dont even know where to begin.

Another example of some who dont know $@@# trying to pass of they're opinion as fact.............he must be an NTer.

That fool compared Nas to Bush?!?
im from LA with the exception of game we haven't been relevant in years so maybe i should of been a little more clearer on that last part, but chicken noodle soup, mims etc are minor blemishes on new yorks track record as opposed to the majority of dumbed down crap that is mostly desgined to cater to stupid people that comes out the south. sure theres good music from the south but its too far and imbetween. of course thats because music labels realize dumbed down snap dance ringtown crap sells and im sure theres people in the south who could spit but just aren't being given the chance due to politics and so.

in closing though soulja boy is an idiot who comes across as a clown.

Yeah I'm sure artists go in the studio and say..."You know what, I'ma make an album for all the dumb *#*+%# out there."
eyes.gif bout we not put a generalization on a whole region based on a few artists and groups that YOU think are trash. What NT fails to realize is thatthe Soulja Boys, the D4L's, and all the other groups ya'll hate make DANCE music. Ain't none of those artists claimed to be lyrical orintrospective. They make music for the club. Go to any club ANYWHERE not just in the South and let the DJ put on "She Got A Donk." I GUARANTEE theplace is gonna be jumpin. And that's what that type of music's purpose is. Soulja Boy wasn't thinkin "This is about to be a worldwide hitand help me to make millions" when he put out "Crank That." It just so happened that people all over the world took to that $+*% and it blewup. How can you hate that man for that and say he killed hip hop for that??? That's just ignorance and too many of ya'll are too one dimensional.
I'm not even gonna front, I'm from the south and I feel you 100%. The music the south has been putting out is awful. And dudes bringing up Chicken Noddle soup won't change anything. Only true CURRENT good artist from the south are Ludacris, T.I., and Killah Mike and thats it, everyone is either mediocore or trash. I live in Florida and I swear I've never heard a good rapper out of the whole damn state. You guys can front like yall making money, but the product in whole is trash. Don't rap if you don't give damn about hurting the genre real talk.

That's just..........STUPID.

Now as far as Soulja's comments about Nas killing hip hop. Nas had a hand in creating the attitude that so many people have that if it ain't lyricalit ain't hip hop but I wouldn't say he killed the $+*%. But ya'll taking that video as a "Soulja Boy disses Nas" type video. I lookedat it as a young *!!!! havin a convo with his homies and expressing what he really feels. Ya'll take stuff too personal when in reality this videowasn't even that serious. Sound like a convo me and my *#*+%# might have. So what.

- Preciate it.
I swear if Soulja Boy never mentioned Nas's name dudes wouldnt even trip.

Why does everybody feel they need to defend Nas to the fullest. He has no part of your life and u dont have any part in his. It aint that serious.

This is just a video of a dude talking about random ++#% in his own house, we all do it, get over it.
He does have a couple of good points like what he said about Nas saying that Hip Hop is dead and Wayne saying that he was the best rapper alive, but I thinkthat he should have said it in a less ignorant way
Originally Posted by Dakingii

I swear if Soulja Boy never mentioned Nas's name dudes wouldnt even trip.

Why does everybody feel they need to defend Nas to the fullest. He has no part of your life and u dont have any part in his. It aint that serious.

This is just a video of a dude talking about random ++#% in his own house, we all do it, get over it.
I agree with all of this
I swear if Soulja Boy never mentioned Nas's name dudes wouldnt even trip.
That whole "conversation" sounded scripted from the door. I will putgood, hard earned money on the fact son duke mentioned Nas on purpose. They wrote a script before they started to film that "reality" moment. Heneeds I SH like this to survive. He has nothing to lose. If Nas speaks on it, he is lame. If he does not.................. It only blusters his fans &their perspective on things.
I never say I SH like this, but hip hop is GAY in '08 - 09.
Have fun fellas!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by iLLscan

I swear if Soulja Boy never mentioned Nas's name dudes wouldnt even trip.
That whole "conversation" sounded scripted from the door. I will put good, hard earned money on the fact son duke mentioned Nas on purpose. They wrote a script before they started to film that "reality" moment. He needs I SH like this to survive. He has nothing to lose. If Nas speaks on it, he is lame. If he does not.................. It only blusters his fans & their perspective on things.
I never say I SH like this, but hip hop is GAY in '08 - 09.
Have fun fellas!!!!!!!

soulja boy and nas should never even be mentioned in the same sentence unless its describing exact opposites. what the hell is a "souljaboy"? all i know is when nas was 19-20 he was writing and making illmatic, soulja boy is 18 making rediculously stupid garbage that shouldn't even becalled music because calling it music would be a disrespect to all fourms of music.

hip hop is going to continue to be gay from 08 and until beyond when you got disrespectful little kids like soulja boy running their mouths and making stupidyoutube videos because they need attention. the best thing to do is to not even watch or acknowledge any of the videos he makes becuase supposedly he gets paideverytime someone watches one of his ******ed videos. hopefully his music career gets hit financially and his music gets bootleged in mass numbers.
Originally Posted by NO ESCAPIN THIS

when nas was 19-20 he was writing and making illmatic
16 and 17 b
yea your right but the point i was trying to get at was that if im not mistaken illmatic came out in early 1994 and nas was 20 at the time. im notsure what years he started writing the songs but i know around that time 93-94 he was 19-20.
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