SPACEJAM XI: to all my young heads, my lesson to you: WEAR YOUR KICKS

i wore my retro spacejams for the first time a couple weeks ago, and they're still holding up tight, but damn, sucks for you.
Originally Posted by calex

man i woulda cried. now imma cop two pair of every OGs i buy.

this was seven months done. $#%?
at you.
Danm, that's sucks, sorry to hear this bra
. That's thereason why I wear all my shoes every single day (depends on the weather).
P.S. Look on the bright side, December 23rd is not that far so I know for a fact that you're definitely looking forward to having them again.
No one feels good about something that they purchased out of want, "dying", no?

Regardless, hard NOT to be butt-hurt, IMO, when something you spent your hard earned money on, craps the bed, "before it's time" ..for lack of abetter term.

That said? ..not only was it fairly simple to repair those skips, BUT? ..I really can't fathom how those would've been "stored" to str8 dielike that w/such minimal wear.
I do not, would not, advocate DS'n sneakers. If you're gonna'keep DS shoes tho', this site ALONE has myriad tips to avoid such situations. Atthis point in the gm ..if THAT happens to your skips?'re at least partially to blame, IMO.
PROPER storage, should avoid these scenearios w/HIGH probability. No disrespect to OP, as has been stated, the thread was started to spread awareness, dap forthat.

The whole DS vs Rotation arguement's BEEN done to death.
Bottomline? ..we're all gonna'do what WE wanna'do at the end of the day, regardless of whether or not others like it, OR understand it.You can makelegit arguements for either side, IMO.
I look at it like this ..and before I go on, I DO own DS sneakers.Usually ONE, of 10-15 pairs I'm rockin'at any given time, is DS.

You EAT the food you buy, no?
You lay pipe w/the condoms you buy, NO?
You got any DS pairs of gloves?

You get the point, I'd assume. Shoes are made to be WORN ON FEET. I wear EVERY PAIR of shoes I buy, eventually. It's approaching lunacy to purchaseshoes, and NOT wear them. "In today's world", & I won't elaborate on that statement ..feel LUCKY to even have thetime/lifestyle/ability, be consumed at all by SNEAKERS.

Blah. Just my 2.

ahhh...dude i felt your pain as you listed every period lol but just gorilla glue them bad boys
Originally Posted by I Stay Lift

No one feels good about something that they purchased out of want, "dying", no?

Regardless, hard NOT to be butt-hurt, IMO, when something you spent your hard earned money on, craps the bed, "before it's time" ..for lack of a better term.

That said? ..not only was it fairly simple to repair those skips, BUT? ..I really can't fathom how those would've been "stored" to str8 die like that w/such minimal wear.
I do not, would not, advocate DS'n sneakers. If you're gonna'keep DS shoes tho', this site ALONE has myriad tips to avoid such situations. At this point in the gm ..if THAT happens to your skips?'re at least partially to blame, IMO.
PROPER storage, should avoid these scenearios w/HIGH probability. No disrespect to OP, as has been stated, the thread was started to spread awareness, dap for that.

The whole DS vs Rotation arguement's BEEN done to death.
Bottomline? ..we're all gonna'do what WE wanna'do at the end of the day, regardless of whether or not others like it, OR understand it.You can make legit arguements for either side, IMO.
I look at it like this ..and before I go on, I DO own DS sneakers.Usually ONE, of 10-15 pairs I'm rockin'at any given time, is DS.

You EAT the food you buy, no?
You lay pipe w/the condoms you buy, NO?
You got any DS pairs of gloves?

You get the point, I'd assume. Shoes are made to be WORN ON FEET. I wear EVERY PAIR of shoes I buy, eventually. It's approaching lunacy to purchase shoes, and NOT wear them. "In today's world", & I won't elaborate on that statement ..feel LUCKY to even have the time/lifestyle/ability, be consumed at all by SNEAKERS.

Blah. Just my 2.

i feel what your saying but man my eyes hurt when i read your comments there so long lol but you have good pionts
I always wear my kicks anyways but sorry to see this happened to your Jams, luckily they're coming back out so you can atleast get another, even icierpair, to rock!
I never saw shoes do dat before, but I have learned to rock my kicks custhey do yellow & savin' go only hurt urslf!!!
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