Spiderman vs Batman vs Superman - who would win?

Originally Posted by disdiku8

if superman had his kryptonite repellent suit batman and spiderman stand no chance.
if i had a superman, batman, and spiderman repellent suit, they'd stand no chance.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Marvel/D.C. crossover. I don't think it's the one where Superman picks up Thor's hammer tho.

It is
and if I remember correctly at one point he also gets Cap's shield
There's too many scenarios which would tip the scale to one hero.

If it was just a spur of the moment hold nothing back fight, Supes would destroy the other 2.

If they all had time to prepare and what not, then Bats would win.

Spidey has no chance, he's not really a true fighter in the sense that Batman is, & Superman having the super strength.
Spiderman my favorite superhero, so spiderman>>>>>all

but, Bruce Wayne>>>>>Peter Parker

Any Sayian from DBZ>>>>>>all the superheros put together haha
Batman carries kryptonite on him and he is way to smart for spidey he would just find his weakness
batman is 6'2 and 210 pounds, he battles supernatural creatures in hand to hand combat.
he's a greater detective than sherlock holmes, he's smart and resourceful....don't forget
he was trained by the league of assassins. batman is a beast.

batman animated series in the 90's > superhero cartoons
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by disdiku8

if superman had his kryptonite repellent suit batman and spiderman stand no chance.
if i had a superman, batman, and spiderman repellent suit, they'd stand no chance.
if i had a disdiku8, andrew630, superman, batman, and spiderman repellent suit, all wouldnt stand a chance
Being a big Batman fan, I can say this: Bats always....ALWAYS has a contingency plan for villains AND allies just in case they were being controlled.
We all know about the backup piece of kryptonite, but I don't know what he would do to Spidey seeing as they don't exist in the same universe.
If they did though, I'm sure Bats would have a vial to momentarily disrupt the mutation that gives Spideys his powers.
1. Batman stands no chance
2. Superman wins this with no effort
3. If Batman happens to have his kryptonite, he gets murked by spider-man easy seeing as they live in different universes and Batman wouldnt have a backup plan
spiderman EASILY

hes the only one with out a true weakness

superman has kryptonite
batman really isnt even a "superhero" hes a dude in a costume with cool gadgets

batman would get whooped by just about anybody
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Superman based on powers. If they had time to prepare for the fight it may go another way. Batman would make a costume with kryptonite. Spidey would probably mix his webbing with kryptonite. If it came down to Batman and Spidey, give me Spidey.
Did not think of that..
Spidey sense too is pretty important..However can superman travel faster than spidey's sense? Or can batman use something to mind numb spidey and his sense
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

1. Batman stands no chance
2. Superman wins this with no effort
3. If Batman happens to have his kryptonite, he gets murked by spider-man easy seeing as they live in different universes and Batman wouldnt have a backup plan

They had a universe cross over once and batman now has a file on all the (main) marvel characters as well
c'mon some of you guys are being ridiculous. Superman defeating Batman is arguable. but Spiderman? forreal? Spidey has no chance against Batman. he'sjust a kid that happens to be able to shoot webs out his hands. I dont see how that could effect Batman
Originally Posted by Swag4Days

Batman has a billion dollars fam! If I was that rich I'd pay others to do the fighting

so does lex luther, look what happened to him
Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

c'mon some of you guys are being ridiculous. Superman defeating Batman is arguable. but Spiderman? forreal? Spidey has no chance against Batman. he's just a kid that happens to be able to shoot webs out his hands. I dont see how that could effect Batman
Spider-Man is 10x stronger than Batman on his best day.

The current Spider-Man isn't a kid btw.
Spiderman is the weakest super hero ever.
Never a big fan of superman either.
Batman has no super powers he's just got $$$ and lots of free time.
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