Spinoff: Why regular women > Celebrity women

Originally Posted by Shaze804

Originally Posted by Im Not You

/\ Not necessarily. "regular women" cake themselves with makeup too.

But if you take Kim Kardashian and stand her next to a woman in her same realm of attractiveness...A large majority of guys who opt for Kim by default just because.

There HAS to be something that influences that thought process.

What is it?

A regular chick with regular bread is gonna look as good as her money will allow. Same goes for a celeb chick w/ greater than avg celeb bread. 
Understood. But what about (insert random video bop) who you wouldn't really associate with money but moreso fame.
Take a bad %@+ random stripper from King of Diamonds who probably makes as much as Rosa Acosta does. Have a panel of guys choose from the two...Rosa's gonna be the popular choice because of her fame. We see her on TV, print, and associated with "famous" people so somehow in our minds that magnifies her appeal to us. 
Originally Posted by Shaze804

Originally Posted by Im Not You

/\ Not necessarily. "regular women" cake themselves with makeup too.

But if you take Kim Kardashian and stand her next to a woman in her same realm of attractiveness...A large majority of guys who opt for Kim by default just because.

There HAS to be something that influences that thought process.

What is it?

A regular chick with regular bread is gonna look as good as her money will allow. Same goes for a celeb chick w/ greater than avg celeb bread. 
Understood. But what about (insert random video bop) who you wouldn't really associate with money but moreso fame.
Take a bad %@+ random stripper from King of Diamonds who probably makes as much as Rosa Acosta does. Have a panel of guys choose from the two...Rosa's gonna be the popular choice because of her fame. We see her on TV, print, and associated with "famous" people so somehow in our minds that magnifies her appeal to us. 
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