(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

Hbo's version of the red viper isn't what I had in mind when I was reading the books for some reason, but either way still very excited.
Hbo's version of the red viper isn't what I had in mind when I was reading the books for some reason, but either way still very excited.

The internet was in an uproar when they saw who was cast to play him. GRRM said he was happy with the choice though.

The show will finally have some sexy Dornish women.
I can't wait to see Joff's death and Lady Stoneheart this season

Lady Stoneheart sounded so creepy in the books
I can't wait to see Joff's death and Lady Stoneheart this season

Lady Stoneheart sounded so creepy in the books

I wouldn't hold my breath for that. It would be great but I don't see the show incorporating her into the story.

Someone would of heard something by now if she showed up on set while filming this season.
I can't wait to see Joff's death and Lady Stoneheart this season

The show stays away from the extreme looks of characters most of the time.

Yea, I think they'll play more on his mental state than how awful he's supposed to look.

But then again, I think they'll delve more into that in Season 5 when they move Bolton to Winterfell.

I don't see how they can cut Stoneheart out though. Especially with Brienne's storyline and Jaime's eventual storyline.

Ned's sword :smh:
I'm saving Dangerous Women for by the pool reading on a vacation I've got set for the first week of June. I did stumble across a fan compiled AFFC/ADWD book that put the chapters into chronological order, it's pretty good and I'll probably use this version when I reread the books prior to the next book coming out.
I'm saving Dangerous Women for by the pool reading on a vacation I've got set for the first week of June. I did stumble across a fan compiled AFFC/ADWD book that put the chapters into chronological order, it's pretty good and I'll probably use this version when I reread the books prior to the next book coming out.

Mind sharing that with your fellow NT brethren?
Courtesy of reddit/ asoiaf:

GoT s4 trailer screencaps:

Trailer breakdown frame by frame:
Let's begin!
Frame 1: An overview of King's Landing. A shadow flies overhead, followed by a dragon shrieking.

Frame 2: King Joffrey, at his soon-to-be-doomed wedding feast. Olenna Tyrell is the woman walking past his table. Note his crown: It's stag
antlers entwined with rose thorns.

Frame 3: Jaime speaking with Joffrey. Notice that they kept his scars from season three.

Frame 4: An unknown bannerman walks over the corpses of the northern army. Presumably.

Frame 5: Daenerys, Jorah Mormont, and Barristan Selmy, who looks a little rounder this time around.

Frame 6, 7: A rider races towards Daenerys and her army. The man in question is probably a correspondent of some kind from Meereen.

Frame 8: Three men walk in darkness with torches. Based on their outfits, they're probably slaves.

Frame 9: Melisandre sacrifices three more men to R'hllor.

Frame 10: Tyrion Lannister, with a sour expression.

Frame 11: A man is walking out towards someone in a field; they're wearing a cloak, so I can't tell if it's a man or a woman. Both are backed by what appears to armies, but I can't make out the banners. Too dark and too low-res.

Frame 12: Stannis Baratheon and Davos Seaworth, aboard a ship.

Frame 13: Jorah Mormont, recycling one of his two outfits. Blue appears to be Dany's color because all those who serve her are wearing it.

Frame 14 - 16: Meereen. A poor man is rushed by a group of men wielding daggers. There is red writing on a wall near him (blood?), but it
appears to be in English ("Kill the Masters"). I assume this is a bunch of slaves killing their master, inspired by Dany's recent acts in Yunkai and Astapor.

Frame 17: Hazzea's father is bringing forth his child's bones to Daenerys. She sits upon a bench, with Jorah and Barristan on either side of her. Missandei is also present.

Frame 18: Daenerys Targaryen, explaining her "terms" to Jorah.

Frame 19: Cersei Lannister.

Frame 20: Tywin Lannister.

Frame 21: Jaime, wielding Oathkeeper, with Tywin.

Frame 22: Tyrion, in handcuffs, is being escorted in the throne room to stand before Cersei.

Frame 23, 24: Oberyn Martell and Varys, looking upon the Iron Throne.

Frame 25 - 27: The wildlings at their camp. Ygritte is also present, looking unhappy, but still carries her bow and arrows.

Frame 28: Two men travel beneath the Wall.

Frame 29: Jon Snow, addressing his Night's Watch brothers.

Frame 30, 31: A giant, smashing a tunnel's gate, beneath the Wall (presumably).

Frame 32, 33: Asha Greyjoy, travelling by boat, presumably up the Weeping Water, as she stated she was going to do in season three.

Frame 34: Qyburn is placing Jaime's new golden hand on his stump.

Frame 35: Cersei, in black mourning garb, crying.

Frame 36, 37: A man places a newborn baby in the snow. Probably for the White Walkers.

Frame 38: Arya Stark, wielding Needle again.

Frame 39: Littlefinger, speaking to someone. It looks like Lysa Arryn, to me; you can barely make out her long, auburn hair, but it's there. The
location also looks more exquisite than King's Landing, suggesting that they're already at the Eyrie. Is this the "Only Cat" scene?

Frame 40: Bran Stark and Hodor, at a weirwood tree.

Frame 41: Bolton men arriving in Harrenhal or at the Dreadfort. Difficult to say, but either is possible.

Frame 42: Oberyn Martell, in all his golden sun glory.

Frame 43: Tyrion Lannister, looking up to Oberyn.

Frame 44: Another shot of Oberyn.

Frame 45 - 47: Oberyn Martell vs. The Mountain.

Frame 48 - 50: Joffrey and Margaery's wedding.

Frame 51, 52: Cersei, arguing with Tywin, presumably about Tommen. "You'll fight over him like beasts until you tear him apart. I'll burn our
house to the ground before I let that happen!"

Frame 53: Jaime, with the White Book.

Frame 54: Jaime, grabbing Cersei by the hair (just as Brienne did with him). Is he taking his anger out at her, or is this the prelude to some seriously angry sex?

Frame 55: The Night's Watch. Difficult to say what they're doing since it's so dark, but this looks like the prelude to the battle with the wildlings.

Frame 56, 57: The wildlings charge towards the Night's Watch/Castle Black.

Frame 58, 59: The Night's Watch promptly begin the battle. Jon gets some sword action (for some reason).

Frame 60: An entertainer plays with fire at Joffrey's wedding.

Frame 61: Daenerys, dressed in a blue gown, paces.

Frame 62: Theon Greyjoy, in armor. Looking thinner and more haggard since we've last seen him, due to his excessive torture at the hands of Ramsay.

Frame 63: A man gets to his knees to plead with someone.

Frame 64: The Mountain, without armor, bringing a sword down.

Frame 65: Melisandre and Asha Greyjoy (I think).

Frame 66, 67: Ramsay Bolton being slapped by the brown-haired girl we saw last season. In bed.

Frame 68: Sansa Stark, walking out into the Eyrie's snowy courtyard.

Frame 69: Sansa again, now donning a hood.

Frame 70: Arya Stark, holding a bloody sword. This is probably from her fight at the inn.

Frame 71: The Hound kills a man, most likely also during that fight at the inn.

Frame 72: Jon Snow.

Frame 73, 74: Daenerys, beaming down at her people.

Frame 75: Jon Snow drives a sword through some unfortunate wildling.

Frame 76: Tyrion, imprisoned, speaking with Oberyn.

Frame 77 - 79: Stannis and his men, riding through the woods. They're probably slashing at wildlings and heading for Castle Black.

Are they just going to have Jon be part of the entire charge against the wildlings?
thats not what it looked like.. remember there were a few who got to the top of the wall and down at the tunnels.
I'm curious how they use Jamie this season since he wasn't there for the wedding and they better NOT mess up anything with my boy Littlefinger! I can't wait for the stuff that happens with him especially the fall.
you gotta remember a lot of little finger stuff isn't in the book.. with that said, He's been a great addition as far as non-canon scenes. all the talking, interaction with varys.
going to the Renly camp
thats not what it looked like.. remember there were a few who got to the top of the wall and down at the tunnels.

I'll watch it again...but it looked like he was in a forest :lol: I don't remember him being out there until he went to meet with Mance again. Maybe I need another read :lol:
I'll watch it again...but it looked like he was in a forest :lol: I don't remember him being out there until he went to meet with Mance again. Maybe I need another read :lol:

I know I do, I keep on saying wait I think I remember that... Starting at the third book today, I was convince I would just go straight to the royal wedding and start there, but I started just glancing at the begging and that's now where I'm starting haha.
I'd really be shocked if they left LS out. But then again right now she's not needed. Maybe she's introduced when Brienne drags Jaime to her in TWOW (whenever they do that in the show). You could kinda do a back to back resurrection reveal with LS showing her face to Jaime and then Jon getting rezzed by Mel around the same time.
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So do they keep Beric alive and have him disappear or something? Or have him killed off in a different way?

I think it'd be the perfect way to end the season.
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