(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)


The spoiler is that is the way the Mountain kills the Red Viper :lol:

i thought he got stabbed? :nerd:

IIRC, I don't think the Mountain even touched him during the fight. Red Viper just kept cutting him and cutting him with the poisoned spear and ending up standing over him with his sword trying to make him say his sister's name. Then the Mountain caught him by his head and crushed it in.

I think The Mountain used his giant fist and crushed Oberyn's face. I'll look it up. Ok, he was able to grab him then punch his face in.
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I'm happy I experienced asoiaf the way I did.

In my opinion watching the first season was the best way to be introduced to the series. Not quite sure reading it would have had the same effect on me.

But I feel the complete opposite about the RW. although it was well done on the show.... Reading it was one of the bigger wtf moments I remember ever reading. The show didn't execute that feeling as strongly.

Depending how they handle the PW, I think watching joff will be more satisfying than reading it.

Basically to sum it up... I'm conflicted how I want to experience the next 2 books.

I'm sure I'll consume whatever content comes out, when it comes out. So I just hope D&D do a good job. Expand the seasons to 13-15 eps and handle the new material with respect.

I try not to be one of those "the books are always better" snobs, because that's simply not the case all the time.

This is how I got into the series as well. After Ned got beheaded I got on twitter to vent :lol: and someone was like "You gotta read the novels." I pretty much flew through them after that.

RW was definitely a WTF moment. I just sat and stared at my tab after I finished the third novel. So much happened. I liked how the show did RW, even though I knew it was coming. Catelyn's actress absolutely KILLED that scene.

I think I posted that Red Viper vs the Mountain comic maaaaany pages back. Here's one the same artist did for the Tower of Joy






I would love more comics like this for some of the history not covered in the novels, like most of Robert's Rebellion, Aegon's conquest of the 7 kingdoms, etc.
I would love more comics like this for some of the history not covered in the novels, like most of Robert's Rebellion, Aegon's conquest of the 7 kingdoms, etc.

I think the history & lore from the blu rays are pretty good and covered those topics you named pretty well. Robert was a beast :lol:

I wish they released them as like a companion to the series on hbo. Like as they became relevant to a particular storyline, air that H&L before the episode.
a feast of crows was a struggle because of all the new characters and having to re set up all that history again. for me.
i actually have to go re read because a lot of the current theories are based off that book and ADWDs

I loved ADWDs all but Dany's parts
This might be a complete reach but I still found it interesting. So I'm checking one of the cable provider's HBO pricing in my area and saw this as their HBO ad


Now it can totally be an illustration of Sansa but can it possibly also be LS? Thats the size of the original pic, they didn't have a higher resolution so it's pretty unclear.
I would say it's a good possibility. Revenge is in big letters at the top and all LS wants is revenge against those who wronged her fam.
no way im goign to read any of the wow chapters lol going to make me upset the book not done yet.

I have been reading Assassins Apprentice by Robin Hobb,
GREAT book. give it a try its a trilogy. just as detailed as GRRMs style
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